MindupX Mac 思维导图工具 v2020.1

摘 要

知您网分享的MindupX Mac破解版是一款很实用的思维导图工具,MindupX Mac软件简洁的界面和方便快捷的操作帮助你在可以无限扩展的画布上专注于思考问题以及建立各种想法间的联系,有兴趣的朋友可以来试试哦!

MindupX Mac 思维导图工具
所属分类:大小100M-500M  办公软件 系统:macOS 10.12或更高版本 大小:120.66MB | 语言:英文 | 授权:破解 最后更新:2022年02月22日


MindupX mac破解版是知您网搜集到的Mac os系统上一款思维导图工具,MindupX Mac破解版可以帮助用户随时抓住稍纵即逝的灵感并整合进你的思维导图,你还可以创建流程图,并将其作为思维导图内的一个主题进行管理,功能很全面!
MindupX for Mac软件下载功能介绍

MindupX for Mac软件下载功能特色





Version 2020.1:
* iOS/iPadOS版本的Mindup已上线App Store,App命名为“mindo”,快捷键设计与Mindup相同。
* 错误修复:
– 将悬浮分支带入流程图画布后,移动流程图画布或悬浮分支,造成悬浮分支主题位置混乱的问题修复
* 在线帮助中加入复杂数学公式依赖ghostscript版本9.16的说明


MindupX is an efficient mind mapping App. It can help you focus on your target in fullscreen mode or cooperate with other software in split view mode.
MindupX can present your contents just like keynote or powerpoint but in mind map style ( try to press shift+? on the keyboard after running the App ).
• Text/Image/Attachment/Math/Radial/Bracket/Sticker/PDF/Flowchart thought creation
• Multi_line thought breaks to single_line thoughts
• Merging thoughts to be a multi_line thought
• Import a map to be a branch of current focused thought
• Export the branch of current focused thought to a new map
• Bookmark/viewmark for fast moving of the cursor instead of only clicking on thought to set the cursor.
• Mark each node on screen in view mark mode by a char or a string , Then type the char or string and press ‘return’ key finally to move cursor to the thought with the typed mark char or string.
• Thought Attribute or SubText Attribute in a thought setting
• Export to PDF/PNG/JPG/SVG
• Export to tex file, which can be compiled by pdflatex or xelatex to generate a pdf file. It’s very helpful in writing paper or book: preparing your manuscript by Mindup.Pro, exporting to latex file (including images and math equations), then generating the paper or book using latex or xelatex.
• Searching even if it’s folded
• Load/Save map from/to MongoDB; Sync to MongoDB when opening a file if it’s new; each operation synced to MongoDB.
• Presentation mode present contents as Keynote or PowerPoint but in MindMap way ( try ? after running the App )
• Multi_thought copy/paste among Tabs
• Ctrl_Shift_N connect/disconnect to MongoDB
• Ctrl_Command_v paste image from clipboard
• Ctrl_Shift_H/J/K/L select substring in editing mode
• Drill Up: show current selected thought with its children only by Command_d
• Undo/Redo ( Command_u/Command_r) : works on all necessary operations ( such as deletion, cut/paste, copy/paste, modification, property setting, thought creation, merge/split, etc)
• Click_Drag on a non-highlighted thought in view mode to move highlighted nodes or copy highlighted nodes by control key down or merge highlighted nodes to non-highlighted thought by shift key down
• Zoom in/out by shortcut z/Z on image dialog poped up by right click on image thought
• Ctrl_Command_f to fullscreen window; Shift_Command_f to maximized window


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文件下载 系统:macOS 10.12或更高版本 大小:120.66MB | 语言:英文 | 授权:破解 经确认:支持Big Sur、根据该软件提示不支持Monterey运行
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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: