狼奔豕突2: 消失的信号 OXENFREE II: Lost Signals Mac 创新冒险游戏 v1.4.8_2023.10.13.111833

摘 要

狼奔豕突2: 消失的信号 for Mac破解版是知您网打造的全新益智冒险游戏,在这里电气和无线电设施都遭到了异常的信号干扰,而你需要回到自己的家乡小镇调查这个谜团,搜集线索,寻找信号消失的真相,感兴趣的玩家快来本站下载吧。

狼奔豕突2: 消失的信号 OXENFREE II: Lost Signals Mac 创新冒险游戏
所属分类:大小3G-6G  动作冒险 适配:macOS 10.13或更高 大小:3.97GB | 语言: 多国语言[中文] | 授权:破解 最后更新:2024年02月05日
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sudo xattr -r -d com.apple.quarantine /Applications/Oxenfree2.app


从Mac应用程序打开 狼奔豕突2: 消失的信号 for Mac游戏下载,若常时间黑屏,我是鼠标双击屏幕就能正常进入游戏;

OXENFREE II: Lost Signals Mac破解版知您网详细描述的截图


狼奔豕突2: 消失的信号 OXENFREE II: Lost Signals Mac破解版知您网搜集到的Mac os系统上一款创新的冒险游戏,为玩家带来难以忘怀的独特游戏体验。

OXENFREE II: Lost Signals Mac游戏下载设定

知您网游戏提供的狼奔豕突2: 消失的信号破解版又名《奥森弗里2:信号丢失》是 Night School Studio 广受好评的叙事冒险游戏《OXENFREE》的烧脑续作。将其作为独立的游戏来探索,或结合原作深入了解 — 你可自行决定。进行游戏时,你将通过自己的选择来影响每一步。无论你选择如何处理眼前的超自然事件,你的决定都将永远改变未来。

OXENFREE II: Lost Signals Mac游戏下载特色

五年前,在附近的爱德华兹岛,一些青少年无意中打开了一个传送门,在不同的现实和时间线之间造成了裂痕。 现在,一个名为“月理教”的神秘邪教组织的成员正试图打开一个新的传送门,想要引来一些东西。他们是谁?他们想要什么?他们是想要联系鬼魂吗?
幽灵般的信号在卡梅拉的频段中穿梭。使用《OXENFREE》的标志性无线电机制聆听令人毛骨悚然的声响和杂音。你将与超自然事物交流,操纵世界,并通过聆听时间裂缝 — 时空连续体中的不自然撕裂 —来穿越到过去。
在《OXENFREE》中,你的未来岌岌可危;而在知您网分享的OXENFREE 2破解版游戏中,一切的影响更为重大。探索、攀登、穿越卡梅拉美丽而危险的地貌。勇敢冒险,看看你的决定会把你带到哪里。前路险阻重重,但未来悬于一线:拯救莱莉,拯救所有人。


TVs turn on and off. Planes go off course. Radio stations cannot broadcast due to interference. In the coastal town of Kamen, unusual electromagnetic waves suddenly interfere with electrical and radio equipment. Riley Powerly reluctantly returns to her hometown to investigate the mystery, but finds much more than she bargained for.
OXENFREE II: Lost Signals Crack is the thrilling sequel to Night School Studio's critically acclaimed adventure game, OXENFREE. You can play it as a standalone game or experience the original version - the choice is yours. During the game you will make decisions and influence the course of events. The future depends on how you deal with supernatural phenomena.
Your choices matter.
Change the story with dialogue. You can make friends with an old classmate or ignore a lost fisherman who needs help. Your decisions affect who Riley becomes, her relationships, and the course of events.
Start a conversation anywhere.
Use the new walkie-talkie to talk to people and make discoveries related to the mysteries of Kamena. Start conversations with locals, ask questions or ignore them. It's up to you. But every decision has consequences.
Stop Legacy.
Five years ago, a group of teenagers accidentally opened a portal on Edwards Island and created a rift between realities and time periods. Now members of a mysterious cult-like organization called Legacy are trying to open a new portal to do something. Who are they? What do they want? Trying to contact ghosts?
Tune in to the radio wave.
Ghostly signals penetrate Kamena's frequencies. Immerse yourself in ominous sounds and interference with the help of special OXENFREE radio mechanics. You will be able to establish a connection with the supernatural, control the world and travel back in time by tuning into time gaps - unnatural cracks in the space-time continuum.
Save everyone and everything.
In OXENFREE your future was at stake, and in OXENFREE II the stakes are even higher. Explore the beautiful and dangerous terrain of Kamena. Take risks and see where they take you. Danger awaits you... and an opportunity to save the future. Not only Riley, but everyone in the city.

OXENFREE II: Lost Signals Mac游戏下载历史版本

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文件下载 芯片:✅ 支持M1/M2/M3 适配:macOS 10.13或更高 大小:3.97GB | 语言: 多国语言[中文] | 授权:破解 兼容:✅ Big Sur/Monterey/Ventura/Sonoma运行
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