Navicat for MongoDB Mac MongoDB数据库管理工具 v17.0.9

摘 要

知您网分享的Navicat for MongoDB破解版的高效图形用户界面,用于管理和开发MongoDB数据库。它能连接本地或远程的MongoDB服务器,以及与MongoDB Atlas、阿里云、腾讯云和华为云兼容。为管理、监控、查询和可视化数据提供了卓越的功能,轻松提高日常MongoDB操作的效率。

Navicat for MongoDB Mac MongoDB数据库管理工具
所属分类:编程开发  大小100M-500M 适配:macOS 11.0或更高 大小:201.25MB | 语言:中文 | 授权:破解 最后更新:2024年06月18日
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mac应用程序中若不能打开“Navicat for MongoDB Mac破解版” ,并提示【“XXX”已损坏,无法打开。您应该将它移到废纸篓。】 ,那就请按下面的操作设置:

sudo xattr -r -d /Applications/Navicat\ for\


按以上操作打开软件Navicat for MongoDB”,若还是弹出“Navicat for MongoDB”无法打开。”
解决办法:在Mac应用程序中找到软件“Navicat for MongoDB”,然后鼠标右键选择“打开”,就能正常打开软件;



知您网(zhiniw),我为您倾情奉上Navicat for MongoDB Mac破解版,这是一款专为Mac OS量身定制的强大MongoDB数据库管理工具。它革新了数据库管理方式,极大简化日常运维,其崭新界面设计直观易懂,提升工作效率至全新高度。无需复杂的脚本编写,通过高级对象设计器,即可轻松创建、调整及设计数据库对象,涵盖集合、视图、函数、索引等关键元素。
• 全面管理工具:Navicat for MongoDB Mac破解版,由知您网精选,提供从数据库创建至数据导入导出、索引优化、聚合框架操作、直至备份与恢复的一站式解决方案,全面兼容各MongoDB版本。
• 数据可视化强化:配备高效数据浏览工具,支持树状、JSON、表格等多种视图,及MongoDB 4事务处理,确保数据管理既直观又高效。
• 智能化开发辅助:借助智能查询编辑器与代码自动完成功能,即使是数据库新手也能迅速编写准确的查询指令,加速开发进程。
• 数据迁移与同步:利用数据传输与同步技术,实现跨数据库系统的低成本、高速数据迁移,精准对比与同步,操作简便快捷。
• 多格式数据交换:集成强大导入导出功能,无缝对接Excel、Access、CSV等多种格式,以及ODBC数据源,促进数据流通无障碍。
• 高级数据生成:创新的数据生成器,依据实际业务逻辑快速模拟高质量测试数据,助力项目开发与分析。
• 深度数据分析:内置模式分析工具,可视化展现数据库结构,助力模式探索、异常检测及离群点识别,深化数据洞察。
• 团队协作优化:云端同步功能支持连接、查询、代码段等关键资料的实时共享,加强团队间的协同作业能力。
• 多格式文件处理:内置文本、十六进制、图像及网页编辑器。
• 高级筛选与自定义:对象筛选、自定义数据类型色彩标记。
• 代码美化与个性化:SQL美化工具、连接色彩标识、深色模式支持。
• 安全与权限管理:用户权限细致管理、服务器状态实时监控、MongoDump/MongoRestore支持。
立即访问知您网(,下载Navicat for MongoDB Mac破解版,解锁MongoDB数据库管理新境界,全平台免付费资源,让您的数据库管理与开发工作再无界限!


Navicat for MongoDB Crack gives you a highly effective GUI interface for MongoDB database management, administration and development. Connect to local/remote MongoDB servers with MongoDB Atlas compatibility. Navicat for MongoDB offers remarkable features for managing, monitoring, querying, and visualizing your data. You can easily increase productivity of routine MongoDB operations.
Data Viewer
View, update, and delete documents with our built-in editors, you can facilitate your edits in Tree View, JSON View, and the classic spreadsheet-like Grid View. With MongoDB 4 Transaction support, Navicat gives you the tools you need to manage your data efficiently and ensure a smooth process.
Object Designer
Create, modify, and manage all database objects using our professional object designers. Preview results on each step and debug the sampled data before running your MapReduce jobs. Store and retrieve files from your MongoDB databases using our well-designed GridFS form that allows parallel upload/download process.
Query Edit
Visual Query Builder will help you create, edit and run queries without having to worry about syntax and proper usage of commands. Code fast with Code Completion and customizable Code Snippet by getting suggestions for keywords and stripping the repetition from coding.
Data Transfer and Data Synchronization help you migrate your data easier and faster for less overhead. Deliver detailed, step-by-step guidelines for transferring data across databases. Compare and synchronize databases with Data Synchronization. Set up and deploy the comparisons in seconds, and get the detailed script to specify the changes you want to execute.
Use Import Wizard to transfer data into a database from diverse formats, or from ODBC after setting up a data source connection. Export data from tables/collections, views, or query results to formats such as Excel, Access, CSV and more.
Data Generator
Provide a comprehensive range of functions to generate a large volume of quality testing data. You can rapidly create realistic data sets with referential integrity based on business rules and constraints.
Schema Analyzer
Discover and explore your schema with our built-in schema visualization tool. Analyze your documents and displays rich structures within your collections, so you can understand your data’s schema, find schema anomalies, and inspect outliers easily.
Synchronize your connection settings, queries, snippets and virtual group information to the cloud service so you can get real-time access to them, and share them with your coworkers anytime and anywhere.
Other useful features:
- Text/Hex/Image/Web viewer and editor
- Object filter
- Data type coloring
- SQL Beautifier
- Connection coloring
- Virtual grouping
- MongoDump and MongoRestore
- Dump/Execute Script file
- Automation
- User Privilege Manager
- Server Monitor
- Dark mode

Navicat for MongoDB Mac软件下载历史版本

版本 下载 备用 密码
16.3.7 立即下载 其它下载地址 ssay
16.3.5 立即下载 其它下载地址 ssay
文件下载 芯片:✅ 支持Intel/M1/M2/M3 适配:macOS 11.0或更高 大小:201.25MB | 语言:中文 | 授权:破解 兼容:✅ Big Sur/Monterey/Ventura/Sonoma运行
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