Money(with sync) Mac 强大的财务管理工具 v6.6.15

摘 要

Money(with sync) for Mac中文破解版目前全世界共有一百多万用户使用它来管理个人财务。Money (with sync) Mac是一款真正的多合一应用程序,可以为您规划账单、安排预算、跟踪交易,并且所有操作均可同步执行,喜欢的朋友快来下载体验吧!

Money(with sync) Mac 强大的财务管理工具 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v6.6.15</span>
所属分类:投资理财 平台:Mac Os | 系统:OS X 10.10及以上 大小:113.02MB | 语言:多国语言[中文] | 授权:破解 最后更新:2018年08月28日


Money(with sync)破解版是知您网搜集到的mac os系统上一款非常强大的财务管理工具,可用于个人财务管理和记账,能够规划账单、安排预算、跟踪交易、报表分析等等,并且支持iPhone、iPad和Mac间同步,完全支持中文,非常的不错!
Money(with sync) for Mac功能介绍
Money(with sync) for Mac功能特色
- 收入、支出、账户间转账
- 规划账单
- 日历(显示所有已计划/支付/逾期的费用)
- 循环账单和自动账单
- 针对接近到期日或逾期的账单发出警告
- 用于组织记录(包括收款人、描述、支票号、种类)的附加字段(针对个人/差旅费)
- 收款人照片和语音注释的附件
- 搜索
- 在一个地点管理无限数量的账户(活期、储蓄、信用卡等等)
- 从您的银行直接下载数据(直接连接功能可用于美国大多数金融机构。)
- 导入银行对账单(OFX 文件)
- 根据之前的交易自动分类
- 支持多种货币并可自动更新汇率
- 账户对账(余额和已结算余额)
- 余额更改历史记录
- 自定义预算周期(每周、每两周、每月等等)
- 循环预算和非循环预算(如果需要,可针对每段规定时间设置不同的预算账户)
- 类别和子类别
- 多个预算
- 预算超支的视觉指示器
- 预算进度报告
- 每个类别和整体的预算进度
- 以时间为依据的预算趋势图表
- 预算/实际
- 现金流
- 交易
- 资产/负债
- 预计余额
- 按账户、种类、收款人、交易类型等划分的报告
- 自动 iCloud 同步(iPad、iPhone、Mac)
- 通过蓝牙(iPhone、iPad)实现家庭同步
- 绝对安全
- 支持 Retina 显示
- 打印和导出为 pdf、QIF、CSV 格式
- 密码保护
- 数据备份
- 在一个应用程序中管理多个财务档案(例如,个人档案、企业档案)
- 内置计算器
- 提供 25 种语言版本


Financial planning applications come in all forms and shapes and, although there are a lot of such utilities on the Mac platform, there are some that come with special features like its the case of Money (with sync).
Built-in iCloud synchronization service designed to keep your finance data synchronized across all your devices
The Money (with sync) app features integrated support for iCloud, Apple’s synchronization service, which means that, once you log in into your account using your Apple ID, all your Money (with sync) data will be available across any of your Apple devices, effectively eliminating the need of backing it up using an off-site backup service.
Money (with sync) also enables you to plan both your expenses and income via an interface featuring detailed categories designed to enable you to effortlessly track and keep a close eye on all your payments and bills.
This way you will be able to pinpoint the areas where you can actually save money, instead of giving them away without a second thought.
Powerful and simple to use tool for closely tracking all your money transactions with a couple of mouse clicks
In addition, Money (with sync) was created to help you monitor and closely track your checking, savings and credit card accounts, to easily import your OFX banking statements and to rapidly download your bank data from most bank in the USA.
One other important tool that Money (with sync) comes with is the bill planner which will allow you to create your own system of alerts and reminders to let you know when a bill is due. This planning feature has integrated support for both recurring and automatic bills and, thus, you won’t have to worry again if you’ve paid your bills on time.
Inbuilt income and expense visualizer designed to make it as easy as possible to keep a close eye on your budget
On top of all of the above, Money (with sync) has a complex and very easy to use financial visualizing engine that will make it very quick and painless to get a simple to understand graphic overview of all your incomes and expenses. Using this tool, you will be able to create your own up-to-the-minute graphs and diagrams describing your budget and account balances in an uncomplicated visual manner.
All in all, Money (with sync) can prove top be a worthy ally when you’re having to fight debt or you’re trying to save money for various projects.

Version 6.6.15:

  • Bug fixes


Money(with sync) Mac 强大的财务管理工具 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v6.6.15</span>的预览图Money(with sync) Mac 强大的财务管理工具 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v6.6.15</span>的预览图Money(with sync) Mac 强大的财务管理工具 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v6.6.15</span>的预览图Money(with sync) Mac 强大的财务管理工具 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v6.6.15</span>的预览图Money(with sync) Mac 强大的财务管理工具 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v6.6.15</span>的预览图


"Money(with sync)" Mac历史版本


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