雄心壮志Big Ambitions Mac版 模拟经营游戏 v0.6.2699 中文直装版

摘 要

Big Ambitions 是一款革命性的角色扮演模拟经营游戏。 你从一无所有起步,开办小企业,创建大公司,最终成为全纽约最大的企业家。

雄心壮志Big Ambitions Mac版 模拟经营游戏
所属分类:大小1G-3G  策略游戏 适配:macOS 10.13或更高 大小:2.35GB | 语言:多国语言[中文] | 授权:破解 最后更新:2024年10月23日
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雄心壮志Big Ambitions mac破解版下载是知您网搜集到的Mac os系统上一款模拟经营游戏,让你扮演一个企业家,建立并经营自己的企业,追逐你的梦想与心。
Big Ambitions破解版游戏的画面精美,面设计易于使用。你可以在游戏中享受到真实而深入的企业经营体验,从而提高你的经营能力和商业洞察力。
准备好成为一名成功的企业家了吗?在知您网游戏提供的Big Ambitions for Mac破解游戏中,你将面临各种挑战和机遇,追逐你的商业野心和成就你的大梦想!

Big Ambitions Mac破解游戏设定

在叔叔的帮助下,你找到一间公寓和第一份工作。 但接下来,能否取得成功并最终接管纽约,将完全取决于你自己。
慢慢建立多个小企业,把它们发展成大公司,或者另辟蹊径 – 在庞大的商业沙盒中探索无限可能, 享受绝无仅有的游戏体验!
从小公寓和公共交通到豪华套房、跑车和设计师家具。 把钱投入投资基金和房地产。 成功、失败,重头再来。 无论如何都要记得照顾好自己,好好睡觉,在上升之路上保持好心态。

Big Ambitions Mac破解游戏玩法

从一无所有起步,成为纽约最显赫的大亨。 走上创业之路,聪明地工作,让企业蓬勃发展,同时享受生活。 你想如何成功? 你能付出多少? 你能坚持多久?
创办你自己的礼品店、超市、咖啡店、律师事务所、服装店、酒品店、花店等。 定义你自己的成功 – 开一家小商店、一系列连锁快餐店、一家大公司。或者在地下室开发价值数百万美元的网站。
申请贷款、租用建筑、设计徽标、翻新店铺、进货、管理资金、雇用员工,以及建造基础设施。 过不久,你可能还要开始从港口进口商品,通过仓库网络进行配送。
企业越大,就越需要管理人员。 雇用人力资源经理、物流经理和采购代表。 这些人员都需要办公桌和电脑,所以你需要一个高级的总部。
需要送货卡车? 到经销商那里买一辆。 需要吃的? 去超市逛逛,但要先在家里配个冰箱。 Big Ambitions 是一款生活模拟游戏,你的角色必须与世界直接互动才能生存下来并取得成功。
在每处房屋里都装上适合自己风格和地位的家具。 把辛苦赚来的资金投资到房地产,发展你的商业帝国。 一点一点,接管这座城市。
你自己的财产,想怎么花就怎么花。 买台大型 SUV、高速跑车,或者全新豪华型 Mersaidi S500。 也可以去赌场碰碰运气,或者把钱投入投资基金收取回报。
游戏期间,你始终需要保证充足的睡眠,保持健康快乐。 旅程的重点在于享受当下时光,因为年龄越大,你越会想到金钱买不来时间… 不过真的买不来吗?
Big Ambitions 将人气大作 Startup Company 的精华提炼到更高层次。


You have little money in your account, but your ambitions are huge.

With a little help from your uncle, you find an apartment and your first job. And now you decide for yourself whether you will succeed and try to become a significant figure in New York.
You can gradually build small companies into huge corporations - or work your way to the top in your own way. In this huge sandbox, your possibilities are endless. You've never seen a game like this before!
Go from a small apartment and travel on public transport to luxurious luxury apartments, fast cars and designer furniture. Invest money in investment funds and real estate. Success - failure - another try. You will also have to take care of yourself: sleep and maintain morale on the way to the top.
Will you be able to build your own empire?

Make your way to the most famous tycoon in New York. Start your own business, work smart, achieve prosperity and enjoy life. Which path will you take to success? How far can you go? How long will you stay at the top?
You can open your own gift shop, supermarket, coffee shop, law firm, clothing store, wine shop, flower shop and so on. You determine the criteria for success yourself: it could be just one store, a chain of fast food restaurants, a huge corporation, or millions of dollars in website development from the basement.
You have to take out loans, rent buildings, create logos, carry out renovations, make purchases, manage finances, hire staff and build infrastructure. After some time, you may have to import goods (which the port will help you with) and distribute them through a network of warehouses.
Big companies need managers. You will need HR, logistics and purchasing agents, and desks and computers for them. That is, you will have to organize a modern office.
Need a delivery truck? Go to the dealer and buy it. Are you hungry? Go ahead to the supermarket (do you have a refrigerator at home?). Big Ambitions Crack is a life simulation game in which the character must interact with the world on a physical level in order to survive and succeed.
You can walk into any building in New York and buy it. Go from a small apartment to a dream penthouse in Midtown, a luxurious townhouse in Hell's Kitchen - or a skyscraper complex. In your home, you can arrange the furniture - what you want and how you want. Invest your own hard-earned money in real estate and develop your empire. Take control of the city, district by district.
Spend your wealth as you wish: buy a large SUV, a sports car or a luxurious Mersaidi S500, go to a casino or invest in investment funds and reap the benefits.
As you play, you need to constantly ensure that your character gets enough sleep and is healthy physically and mentally. Enjoy life while you can: when you get old, you will understand that money can’t buy time...or is it?..
What was in Startup Company, which was quickly loved by players, Big Ambitions takes it to a whole new level.

Big Ambitions Mac游戏下载历史版本

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文件下载 芯片:✅ 支持Intel/M1/M2/M3 适配:macOS 10.13或更高 大小:2.35GB | 语言:多国语言[中文] | 授权:破解 兼容:✅ Big Sur/Monterey/Ventura/Sonoma/Sequoia运行
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