Flume Mac Instagram客户端 v1.2.2

2016年5月9日11:11:31 发表评论 3,956

如果您需要一款能够将照片与视频上传到Instagram客户端的软件工具,Flume Mac破解版是最好的选择,通过华丽的边缘到边缘摄影,直接消息传递,上传支持等将Instagram的世界带入您的桌面。


Flume破解版是知您网搜集到的mac os系统上一款强大的Instagram 客户端,Instagram无疑是当今最火的图片社交应用。虽然它在国内偶尔会访问有些困难,但这也丝毫不会降低大家对它的喜爱。
Instagram在OS X上并没有官方应用,曾经也有过Instastack、Grids之类的产品,可惜它们要么功能不够强大,要么设计不够吸引人。不过就在两天前一款名为Flume的应用悄悄上线了,看来Instagram自己要不要开发OS X版应用已经不重要了。
Flume的窗口不但可以自由伸缩,满足每个用户浏览照片的习惯,也提供了Single和3×3 Grid两种浏览视觉,单击照片进入详情页,双指向右滑动回到主列表,双击图片是Like。Flume的频道导航栏是隐藏在窗口底部的,默认状态Flume看上去就像是一个放图片的悬浮框,和LilyView非常相似,鼠标靠近窗口底部,频道导航栏才会浮现出来,除此之外这款客户端和以往的同行相比也没啥太大的亮点。


Flume brings the world of Instagram to your desktop with gorgeous edge-to-edge photography and much more.
** Please note that all third-party Instagram applications are not able to upload photos and videos. Flume requires an existing Instagram account. Accounts can only be created via the Instagram app for mobile and not Flume. **

  • A beautiful design that focuses your attention on the photos and videos.
  • View, like, comment follow and share all day long.
  • Effortlessly switch between multiple Instagram accounts.
  • View photos and videos in their original aspect ratio and at full resolution.
  • Immerse yourself deeper, and enlarge photos and videos via QuickLook support.
  • View popular content based on users you are following as well as your current location.
  • See the latest activity (new likes, comments and friends that join Instagram) and respond to the latest notifications (new follower requests).
  • Swipe with your trackpad or Magic Mouse and skim through your feed.
  • Search for users, hashtags, locations and save them for quick access.
  • View photos and videos tagged at a location, with a hashtag, or with other users.
  • Read comments and captions written in a language you don’t understand, with translation support.
  • Integrates with Flume New Tab.
  • 100% keyboard navigable, and 100% VoiceOver/accessibility supported.


Flume Mac Instagram客户端 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v1.2.2</span>的预览图


"Flume" Mac历史版本


  • 知您微信公众号
  • 扫一扫,即刻“关注”
  • weinxin
  • 天天领红包
  • 小编得恩惠,麻烦友友了
  • weinxin


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: