Fluid Mask mac v3.3.15

2016年7月7日18:16:18 发表评论 4,397

Fluid Mask是一款mac平台的Photoshop抠图软件,软件采用了模拟人眼和人脑的方法,来实现高级的、准确而且快速的抠图功能。在处理图像的同时它还能区分软边界和硬边界并做相应的处理使最终的边缘和色彩过渡更加平滑。实乃喜欢制图的好帮手!强烈推荐。在处理图像的同时它还能区分软边界和硬边界并做相应的处理使最终的边缘和色彩过渡更加平滑。实乃设计师的好帮手!
Fluid Mask mac <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v3.3.15</span>的预览图
Fluid Mask is a highly advanced software tool designed to make life easier for everyone who creates cut outs. Built as a plug-in to Adobe Photoshop, Fluid Mask is the new next-generation cut-out tool.

Behind the product is breakthrough technology that mimics the way the eye, optic-nerve and brain perform visual processing. It offers an intuitive, accurate and fast approach to cut outs.

A key feature is the new Edge Overlay showing object edges within an image. Suddenly masking become a whole lot easier – it’s now possible to select, group and mask objects in images to make great cut outs.

Masking is the process of selecting and then erasing parts of an image. Typically, you select the parts of the image you want to keep and then erase the areas you want to delete.

You can then blend this cut-out seamlessly onto a second image – for example, placing a new sky or background image behind a tree, or placing a picture of a golfer about to take a shot onto a desert so it looks like they are in the world’s largest bunker!

To mask an image in most image editors, you use a selection tool to isolate the part of the image you want to keep, and erase the rest. This might seem like an easy task, but in fact, it is time consuming and difficult to get a good result.

Images with complex backgrounds are very difficult to cut out well and you are often left with bits of background color that can create an unrealistic or exaggerated halo effect around the edge.

Fluid Mask uses breakthrough technology that mimics the way your eyes, optic nerves and brain process visual information to analyze your image for changes in texture and color, detecting even subtle edges, to divide the image into areas or ‘objects’ containing similar visual properties.

You can then use the tools provided to quickly paint and fill these segments in a process as simple as painting by numbers.

Fantastic results
You can now obtain professional results easier than ever before. Make super fine mask selections using new sampling and selecting tools. Check out the new edge blending algorithms. And the new complex hair blending that automatically gets great results from multi-colored whispy hair. No longer should hair be the cutting-out nightmare it is today.

Faster than ever
Not only is image processing time dramatically reduced but we have concentrated on speeding up workflow. Check out features like saving your workspace settings from one image to the next for runs of studio shots; and our new Patch technology with its intuitive tool-set for working on those difficult problem areas with compression artefact, poor edges and complicated backgrounds.

Easy to pick up and use
Fluid Mask 3 benefits from a simplified interface and masses of on-application help to make picking it up easy and fun. For the professional user there are new features such as selecting areas for local detailed edge finding and blending that make masking challenges simple to overcome.
Fluid Mask mac <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v3.3.15</span>的预览图
Version 3.3.15:
- Release notes were unavailable when this listing was updated.


系统:mac 10.4.11及以上
测试电脑:MacBook Pro(Osx 10.11.5)
开发商:I.T.Lab Limited


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