DaVinci Resolve Studio 14 Mac 强大的达芬奇调色软件 v14.2

摘 要

DaVinci Resolve Studio 14是一款Mac上知名且强大的调色软件,达芬奇调色是世界顶级调色系统,在大量好莱坞影片、广告、电视节目的制作中被广泛采用,售价昂贵,功能强大,达芬奇调色系统自1984年以来就一直誉为后期制作的标准。使用达芬奇的调色师遍布世界,他们喜爱它并把它当作自己创作中一个值得信任的伙伴, 软件支持中文,绝对强大的调色工具!

DaVinci Resolve Studio 14 Mac 强大的达芬奇调色软件 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v14.2</span>
所属分类:视频编辑 平台:Mac Os | 系统:OS X 10.11.6及以上 大小:648.95MB | 语言:多国语言[中文] | 授权:破解 最后更新:2018年12月03日


达芬奇调色DaVinci Resolve Studio 14破解版是知您网搜集到的mac os系统上一款迄今业界最为先进的专业剪辑软件。它采用您熟悉的设计,并有着独一无二的创新理念,以精准的工具和强劲的性能助您创作出引人入胜的精彩故事,欢迎需要的朋友下载使用。
- 专业编辑
- 颜色校正
DaVinci Resolve已经被用于比任何其他分级系统更多的电影和电视节目!您获得业界最强大的主要和次要校正工具,高级曲线编辑器,跟踪和稳定,降噪和谷物工具,Resolve FX等。
- Fairlight音频
新的专业工具用于音频后期制作!DaVinci Resolve现在包含完整功能的Fairlight音频,用于编辑和颜色校正的相同软件!您可以实时获得多达1,000个频道的高端混音,并支持大型Fairlight音频控制台。这是结束工作流程的真正终结,支持录制和ADR,声音编辑,音效,甜味和混合。您甚至可以混合和掌握多种格式,包括3D音频空间格式,如5.1,7.1甚至22.2!
- 媒体和交付
达芬奇Resolve 14进口,同步和组织镜头快!无论您是出门到网路,磁带还是戏剧发行,达芬奇Resolve都提供您所需的一切,以几乎任何格式提供项目!您将能够快速上手并快速输出文件,因此您永远不会错过最后期限!
- 多用户协作
达芬奇Resolve 14完全重新定义后期制作工作流程!助手编辑可以编辑素材,编辑剪裁图片,色彩师将照片分级,声音编辑器混合并完成音频,所有这些都在同一个项目中同时进行!您不再需要浪费时间符合,并且您不再需要等待锁定编辑才能开始色彩和音频工作!这意味着图片编辑,色彩师和声音编辑人员现在可以并行工作,留下更多的时间让每个人都有创意!
- 新的高性能播放引擎
DaVinci Resolve 14具有令人难以置信的新的视频播放引擎,具有CPU和GPU优化,快速16位浮动播放,更低的延迟,更快的UI刷新,支持Apple Metal等等!这些升级相结合,使得达芬奇解决方案比以往任何时候都更快,响应更快。在数千个剪辑的长时间内工作是非常流畅的,编辑更精确。擦洗和播放是即时的,经常在将手指从键盘上拔下之前开始!强大的加速处理器密集型格式,如H.264,可以实时编辑笔记本电脑上的4K素材!无论您是使用ProRes,H.264甚至RAW图像,都可以使用HD或4K,达芬奇Resolve 14完全响应迅速,可以跟上您的一举一动!


DaVinci Resolve Studio is the color corrector standard in post production since 1984. There are thousands of colorists worldwide who understand the performance, quality and workflow of DaVinci and love it as their trusted partner in creativity. DaVinci is the name behind more feature films, television commercials, documentaries, episodic television production and music videos than any other grading system. Now available for both Mac and Linux, the true quality and power of DaVinci is now affordable for everyone!

Version 14.2:

  • Added support for the DeckLink 8K Pro monitoring modes
  • Added support for importing audio-only AAF timelines
  • Added support for rendering audio handles in ProTools round trip mode
  • Added support for audio playback when performing dynamic trimming
  • Added support for import and export of Final Cut Pro 10.4 XML
  • Added support for automatically naming Gallery Stills using user-defined tags
  • Added support for 16 and 18 fps timeline frame rates
  • Added support for 95.905 fps timeline frame rate
  • Added support for more fine-grained preferences for Performance Mode
  • Improved support for keyframes in the Fairlight page
  • Added support for listing multiple DeckLink SDI devices with unique names
  • Added visual indicators for distinguishing between timeline clips without media in the Media Pool and without media on disk
  • Added the ability to change the playhead position without stopping playback on the Fairlight page
  • Added support for Enable 2D Timeline Scroll on the Fairlight page
  • Added support for context menus for markers in the Fairlight page
  • Added support for automatic creation of a timeline when dragging in an audio clip in the Fairlight page
  • Addressed issues with acquiring and releasing the lock for a bin in a collaboration project
  • Addressed an issue where network connectivity issues could cause unexpected results in a collaboration project
  • Addressed an issue where a blank node graph would sometimes be displayed when switching between clips in collaboration mode
  • Addressed an issue where two users could sometimes load a non-collaboration project in write mode without a warning
  • Addressed an issue where “Update Timecode from Audio using LTC” would not work on clips starting with blank audio
  • Addressed an issue where retiming an audio clip would sometimes result in audio glitches
  • Addressed an issue where unlinking linked audio groups with the Pan dialog open would cause a crash
  • Addressed an issue where starting or stopping playback would sometimes cause a momentary glitch in the audio on the Fairlight page
  • Addressed multiple issues with fader behavior for direct track outputs in the Fairlight track mixer
  • Addressed an issue where the Fairlight timeline would sometimes show an incorrect number of audio tracks
  • Addressed an issue where the Fairlight control room widget would sometimes become invisible when resetting a dual-screen UI layout
  • Addressed an issue where JKL playback would not honor the looped playback state on the Fairlight page
  • Addressed an issue where moving an audio clip would not refresh the keyframe navigation buttons on the Fairlight inspector
  • Addressed an issue where some Fairlight dial widgets would not reset their values correctly on double-click
  • Addressed an issue where audio EQ band adjustments might be incorrectly saved
  • Addressed an issue where stopping playback would continue audio output for a few


DaVinci Resolve Studio 14 Mac 强大的达芬奇调色软件 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v14.2</span>的预览图 DaVinci Resolve Studio 14 Mac 强大的达芬奇调色软件 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v14.2</span>的预览图 DaVinci Resolve Studio 14 Mac 强大的达芬奇调色软件 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v14.2</span>的预览图 DaVinci Resolve Studio 14 Mac 强大的达芬奇调色软件 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v14.2</span>的预览图 DaVinci Resolve Studio 14 Mac 强大的达芬奇调色软件 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v14.2</span>的预览图


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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: