Brackets Mac Web开发的编辑器 v1.13 build 1.13.0-17696

摘 要

Brackets for Mac是一款运行在macOS平台上的代码编辑器。Brackets for Mac版可以用于编写HTML,CSS以及JavaScript,使用Brackets Mac版可以有效提高网页编辑速度。

Brackets Mac Web开发的编辑器 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v1.13 build 1.13.0-17696</span>
所属分类:编程开发 平台:Mac Os | 系统:OS X 10.9及以上 大小:78.73MB | 语言:多国语言[中文] | 授权:免费版 最后更新:2019年02月27日


Brackets mac破解版是知您网搜集到的Mac os系统上由Adobe主导开发一款主打web开发的编辑器。是继TextMate、Sublime Text这两个神器后,有望成为Web开发前后端开发神器。Brackets自带强大的插件系统,先已有近百个插件,对nodejs、python、ruby、PHP、Rust等前后端语言都支持非常好。虽然是打着Web开发,从各种插件来看,Brackets的野心是不小的。
Brackets for Mac功能介绍
Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + H 可以呼出与关闭文件树
Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + O 快速打开文件
Ctrl/Cmd + E 快速预览/编辑 css样式/javascript函数
Ctrl/Cmd + +/– 放大缩小编辑区字体大小
Ctrl/Cmd + 0 重置编辑区字体大小
Ctrl/Cmd + Alt + P 打开即时预览功能
Ctrl/Cmd + / 注释
Ctrl/Cmd + Alt + / 块注释


Brackets is an Open-Source editor for Web design and development built on top of Web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The project was created and is maintained by Adobe, and is released under an MIT License.
Guiding Ideas
For the web, by the web
Brackets is built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. If you can code in Brackets, you can code on Brackets.
Open development works
Brackets, is a fully open-source, community-driven project. Want to influence its direction? Join the developer list and start contributing.
Tools shouldn't get in your way
Rather than clutter your workspace with floating panels, toolbars and icons, Brackets focuses on providing "Quick Edit" in-line views that provide context-sensitive access to your content, without taking you away from your code.
Works with your browser
The browser is your design view. Brackets hooks up directly to the browser, allowing you to design and develop in the same environment that you deploy.


Brackets Mac Web开发的编辑器 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v1.13 build 1.13.0-17696</span>的预览图


运行软件,在软件正上方点击“debug”功能选项,弹出的下拉框中选择“Switch Language”选项栏;就可以选择多国语言,其中包括“简体中文”:
Brackets Mac Web开发的编辑器 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v1.13 build 1.13.0-17696</span>的预览图


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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: