Alfred 5 Mac 提高办公效率软件 v5.5[2257]

摘 要

毋庸置疑Alfred 5破解版是Mac上最智能的应用快速启动器,若您还在寻找一款Mac效率神器,Alfred将是您不容错过的选择!您可以脱离鼠标的依赖,完全利用键盘进行启动搜索等操作,十分简单易用且省时省力,是提高办公效率的得力助手。

Alfred 5 Mac 提高办公效率软件
所属分类:小于50M  办公软件  精选 适配:macOS 10.14或更高 大小:11.34MB | 语言:英文 | 授权:破解 最后更新:2024年03月13日
Alfred 5 Mac软件下载免费尽在知您网Alfred 5 Mac软件下载免费尽在知您网Alfred 5 Mac软件下载免费尽在知您网


注意:运行 Alfred 5破解版,若出现以下提示,点击 跳过设置,千万不要点开始设置,否则会激活失败。
Alfred 5 Mac破解版知您网详细描述的截图


Alfred 5 Mac破解版知您网搜集到的mac os系统上一款由TNT破解非常强大的效率神器,可以让您通过加速搜索,在Web或Mac上节省时间,大大提高办公效率软件。而且您可以通过创建或导入各种工作流程来扩展其功能。除此之外,知您网软件提供的Alfred 5破解版还包括剪贴板管理器,iTunes迷你播放器和1Password书签管理器。此外,它还可以与内置的系统应用程序集成,例如联系人,词典,计算器或终端。还有更多强大功能,等您来体验!

Alfred 5 for Mac软件下载功能介绍

知您网分享的Alfred 5破解版是一款屡获殊荣的Mac OS X应用程序,可通过热键,关键字,文本扩展等方式提高效率。搜索您的Mac和网络,并通过自定义操作更高效地控制您的Mac。知您网分享的Alfred 5破解版是一款Mac平台强大的快速启动工具,它能够让你的鼠标操作尽可能地转换成键盘操作,比如快速启动系统中所安装的应用程序或者在快速查找在Google、Baidu、maps、Amazon、eBay和Wikipedia上的内容。这一些原本需要多次操作鼠标的工作,通过知您网分享Alfred 5破解版,你只需要在它的输入框中按下你的键盘按键就好,而且快速启动工具的强大之处还在于超级丰富的扩展,通过扩展来实现更多的功能:文件解压、内存整理等。

Alfred 5 for Mac软件下载功能特色

Alfred 5 Mac 提高办公效率软件 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v5.5[2257]</span>的预览图
Alfred 5 Mac 提高办公效率软件 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v5.5[2257]</span>的预览图 二、输入更少,说更多
2、将热键,关键字和操作链接在一起以创建自己的工作流程; 没有必要编写一行代码来创建工作流程。从成千上万的创作者社区共享的导入工作流程。
Alfred 5 Mac 提高办公效率软件 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v5.5[2257]</span>的预览图
Alfred 5 Mac 提高办公效率软件 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v5.5[2257]</span>的预览图 四、控制你的音乐
使用alfred mac 破解版与OS X的深度集成控制Mac,提高您的工作效率。快速对文件和联系人采取行动,控制音乐播放器并发送系统命令。
为您的一天增添一些乐趣; 使用Alfred Remote for iOS将您的iPhone或iPad变成Mac的指挥中心。
Alfred 5 Mac 提高办公效率软件 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v5.5[2257]</span>的预览图



Alfred 5 Crack is an award-winning app for macOS which boosts your efficiency with hotkeys, keywords, text expansion and more. Search your Mac and the web, and be more productive with custom actions to control your Mac. Alfred 5 brings a wealth of exciting features for both new and advanced users.
New Workflow Editor

  • The Workflow Editor has been rewritten from the ground up to be higher performance, more efficient, user-friendly and accessible. We’ve added keyboard shortcuts, new mouse interactions, a customisable and searchable palette, and VoiceOver accessibility of Workflow contents and editing.
  • Workflows can now be created using keyboard shortcuts, including searching for and inserting workflow objects into the canvas. We’ve also added a new ⌥click paradigm which allows you to quickly connect, multi-connect or chain-connect workflow objects.

Workflow Palette and Search

  • The new Workflow Palette gives you an easy way to navigate, discover and use the broad range of workflow objects available. Simply drag an object from the Palette into the canvas, or hold ⌥ and drag to automatically connect to the currently selected objects.
  • Add your most-used objects to the Palette Favourites list for quick access, or search and filter the Palette instantly with the / shortcut. Use ↩︎ to add the searched item to the canvas, or ⌥↩︎ to insert and automatically connect.
  • Configure the Palette to be full, compact, or hidden to suit your workspace. Even when hidden, the Palette Search will be dynamically available when needed.

Workflow Prefabs
Prefabs enable you to save pre-configured objects, or groups of connected objects, into the Palette. You can then reuse these throughout your workflows just like any other workflow object, saving you time and effort.
Workflow User Configuration

  • Workflow creators can now add simple user-facing preferences to workflows, making them easier for users to install and set up. The Workflow readme supports a subset of Markdown, so you can style your workflow introduction and help.
  • Use easy text fields, checkboxes, selection lists, file pickers and more to allow users to configure a workflow without having to navigate into individual objects or scripts!
  • Configuration items can have default values, or can be marked as required, ensuring the user has configured the workflow before it can be used. User values are automatically migrated on updating a workflow.

Automation Tasks
This is the start of something amazing…

  • Alfred’s Automation Task object adds an ever-growing collection of configurable actions you can add to your workflows as building blocks, without having to think about the code behind it; From resizing images and moving files to getting the current Safari tab or switching to Dark Mode.
  • The Automation Task collection is aimed at both non-developers, and advanced workflow creators alike. We develop, maintain and enhance the repository of underlying actions, you simply add them to your workflow.

Run macOS Shortcuts
It’s now possible run macOS Shortcuts as part of your Workflows.
Accessibility & Keyboard-based Workflow Editing

  • This is part of our ongoing commitment to make Alfred more accessible and better suited for use with the VoiceOver and Accessibility macOS features.
  • In addition to the Palette Search and Workflow User Configuration, both of which were conceived with Accessibility in mind, Workflows can now be edited and navigated using the keyboard.
  • Use ⌘arrows to move between objects on the canvas, or ⌘⌥left or ⌘⌥right to navigate forward and back through connected objects. Navigate to sibling objects using ⌘⌥up or ⌘⌥down.
  • With VoiceOver enabled, Alfred will be reading the object and connection details as you navigate.

Improved Ubiquitous Search
Alfred’s Ubiquitous search has received more improvements, making it easy to get to a specific preference keyword or snippet directly, and even create a new workflow directly from Alfred’s main bar.
And so much more…
Boost your everyday productivity in every way with many more new features and improvements

  • We’ve added Interactive Getting Started guides to introduce new users to the Workflow Editor and walk them through creating their first workflows
  • Redesigned icons to make workflow objects even easier to recognise
  • Many new objects to allow you to write even more code-free workflows, including Conditional objects, a Speech output and a Running Apps filter
  • The Workflow list can now be resized to more easily see long workflow names
  • Workflow connections can now be disabled in a workflow, preventing Alfred from following that stream when running the workflow
  • Improved Workflow object snapping and sizing
  • Contextual help in more places throughout the workflow editor
  • The Workflow Debugger can be opened and run regardless of a workflow being opened
  • Added Workflow Object alignment options to horizontally or vertically align the selected objects, centred, or references around clicked object
  • Improved workflow connection click detection, including improved hit zones for alt-connection hints
  • Improved colours for hotkey highlighting when sharing combo with other workflows, including disabled ones
  • Workflow object notes can now be edited by double clicking them
  • Swift and Python 3 have been added to the available script selections (may trigger Apple Developer CLI Tools automatic install)
  • External Trigger objects can now optionally be run from the alfred: URL scheme
  • Snippet Triggers can now optionally be shown in the Clipboard / Snippets viewerThe Script Filter object has a new `skipknowledge` boolean field in the JSON, preventing Alfred from sorting your outputted results when using UIDs for reselection
  • New word matching framework for higher performance, and more intelligent boundary matching when using e.g. Script and List filters
  • The {query} placeholder can now have modifiers performed on it e.g. {query.trim.lowercase}
  • Added {const:} access to Alfred workflow constants, previously only available to the Scripting environment
  • Alfred now defaults to using the Dark / Light Modern themes to better match macOS
  • Improved URL handling throughout Alfred
  • Improved text view undo algorithm to break coalescing on non-alphanumeric breaks instead of timing
  • Add custom Alfred accent colour to Preferences UI, for improved experience on Big Sur+
  • Improved icon rendering across the board
  • Larger hit zones for buttons at the bottom of the Workflows, Themes and Remote Pages lists
  • Improved macOS Colour palette behaviour in theme editor when changing colour options
  • New option to allow resetting of colour, size and font in rich text snippets
  • Separate icons for Snippets and Snippet Collections for UI clarity
  • Enable drag and drop of snippets between collections in the preferences
  • Reveal in Finder Universal Action now works with multiple file selections

For a certain application run in Terminal:

sudo xattr -rd /Applications/Alfred\

Version 5.1.5:
New Workflow UI Components for rich interaction with Alfred New Workflow UI Components for rich interaction with Alfred

  • Grid View: With the new Grid View object, show results image and file results in a satisfyingly visual layout!

    • Dynamically feed in a list of files from the previous workflow object or use JSON to script your input
    • Customise the column count and image aspect
    • Include an optional search field to filter the grid results
  • Text View: A super flexible, editable Markdown and plain text view, expanding your Workflow abilities immensely. Take simple notes or create a fully interactive text editor!

    • Populate results from a workflow object, a script for dynamic results or a file source
    • Make the text selectable, or editable within Alfred
    • Parse the results as Markdown: Include images, links, code blocks, lists, headers and more within your Markdown content
    • Dynamically specify footer text and loading text, including hotkey modifier hints
  • Image View: Browse images in a clean, automatically sized view within Alfred.

    • Preview a single image from Alfred's results
    • Preview multiple results with a pagination guide at the bottom and use the arrows to navigate
    • Stack the view, so it's easy to go back to Alfred results with Esc
    • ⌘O opens the current file in its default app
    • Use numbers ⌘0 to maximise the window and ⌘9 to Zoom to Fit
  • pdf View: Browse your PDFs in Alfred

    • Select and copy text from the PDF
    • Change the page display via the right-click context menu to show a single page or double page side by side
    • Navigate through your PDF, and zoom in and out using hotkeys
    • Stack views on top of Alfred results to quickly go back to them with Esc

Universal Actions

  • New "View in Alfred" Universal Action

    • Takes advantage of rich new views to quickly view images, Markdown, text, pdfs
    • use ⌘0 to dynamically enlarge the content viewer
    • Multi select images, view them in Alfred, then use ← or → to quickly switch between them
  • Improve Workflow Universal Action integration

    • Fix resolution of variables in keywords when matching Keyword and Script Filter actions in Universal Actions view
    • New global option on canvas popup menu to toggle treating newly added Inputs and Script Filters as Universal Actions
  • Update Recent Documents Universal Action to correctly load recents on macOS Sonoma

    • Additionally add to the recent documents list from Alfred's internal knowledge

More Workflow Improvements

  • Workflow Editor now resolves keyword variables on input objects

    • Renders in italic to differentiate from fixed keywords
    • Globally disabled and enabled in canvas popup menu options
  • On running a Workflow, show clickable macOS Notification when Automation Tasks are missing

    • Clicking the notification will open the "Update Automation Tasks" preferences sheet
  • New Workflow JSON output key to cache script output for high performance

    • Includes loose reload mode to show expired results while loading new results
    • Cache is cleared for specific workflows on using 'reload workflow' AppleScript
  • Added new "Unstack View" option to Hide Alfred workflow object

    • Allows for graceful unstacking of stackable views such as the new Image View
  • Added new Number Slider to Workflow user configuration options

    • Configure for number range, visual markers and limiting markers (e.g. 10 steps)
    • Automatically switches min / max if configured incorrectly
  • Correctly return an error when calling a Workflow External Trigger externally, and the workflow needs user configuration
  • Fix word truncation in title bar of Workflow debugger
  • Fix Workflow window veto close logic when using result mod overrides, to prevent default connection veto from being used
  • Holding ⌥ on the Workflow Gallery menu in the Workflow Editor will now give a "Fix Tools" option to fix broken Homebrew / Xcode instances
  • Tweak Text Field behaviour in Workflow User Configuration for consistent behaviour
  • Fix sizing of generated Workflow user config to match the preview size
  • Fix initial field focus in Show Alfred Workflow object configuration
  • Allow Automation Task framework more control over workflow stream on task error

General Improvements

  • Overhaul the top level window / view framework to allow for the dynamic heights and widths of the new Workflow UI Components

    • Rewrite Alfred window location and sizing logic to better constrain to display height
  • New custom Markdown renderer for Workflow "About" and Change Log
  • Prevent text from slightly overflowing selection on right side of Alfred Window input fields in macOS 15+
  • Accessibility

    • Updated Large Type window to work correctly with VoiceOver
    • Improved Dialog Conditional Workflow Object configuration VoiceOver
    • Fixed System Command preferences to better read components
  • Fix internal search to correctly return Workflow results when there is a manually edited invalid info.plist
  • When deleting a workflow or snippet, the name is now shown in the confirmation dialog
  • Update theme editor background to only show system backgrounds which are viewable
  • Fix theme options position view from clipping tiny Alfred outside of the bounds


Alfred 5 Mac软件下载历史版本

版本 中文版 English 密码
5.5[2255] 立即下载 ssay
5.5[2253] 立即下载 ssay
5.5[2247] 立即下载 ssay
5.1.4[2195] 立即下载 ssay
5.1.4[2192] 立即下载 ssay
5.1.2[2144] 立即下载 立即下载 ssay
5.1.2[2141] 立即下载 立即下载 ssay
5.1.1[2138] 立即下载 立即下载 ssay
5.1.1[2137] 立即下载 立即下载 ssay
5.1.1[2136] 立即下载 立即下载 ssay
5.1[2130] 立即下载 立即下载 ssay
5.1[2133] 立即下载 立即下载 ssay
5.1[2130] 立即下载 立即下载 ssay
5.0.6[2107] 立即下载 立即下载 ssay
5.0.4[2093] 立即下载 立即下载 ssay
5.0.4[2092] 立即下载 立即下载 ssay
5.0.3[2086] 立即下载 立即下载 ssay
5.0.3[2085] 立即下载 立即下载 ssay


注意:网盘访问密码是 ssay

Alfred for Mac 5.0.3[2084] 汉化破解软件下载
Alfred for Mac 5.0.3[2084] Cracks
Alfred for Mac 5.0.2[2080] 汉化破解软件下载
Alfred for Mac 5.0.2[2080] Cracks
Alfred for Mac 5.0.2[2073] 汉化破解软件下载
Alfred for Mac 5.0.2[2073] Cracks
Alfred for Mac 5.0.1[2067] 汉化破解软件下载
Alfred for Mac 5.0.1[2067] Cracks
Alfred for Mac 5.0.0 EA10[2047] 汉化破解软件下载
Alfred for Mac 5.0.0 EA10[2047] Cracks
Alfred for Mac 5.0 EA6[2042] 汉化破解软件下载
Alfred for Mac 5.0 EA6[2042] Cracks


需要注意的是“Alfred 5” Mac破解软件汉化版,其“Workflows功能是不可用若您刚好需要用Workflows”功能,请下载“Alfred 5” Mac破解软件英文版!!!

“M1|2芯片”若不能打开“Alfred 5 Mac破解版”,并提示【“XXX”已损坏,无法打开。您应该将它移到废纸篓。】 ,那就来点猛料,按下面的操作设置:

sudo xattr -r -d /Applications/Alfred\


文件下载 芯片:✅ 支持Intel/M1/M2/M3 适配:macOS 10.14或更高 大小:11.34MB | 语言:英文 | 授权:破解 兼容:✅ Big Sur/Monterey/Ventura/Sonoma运行
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