AKVIS SmartMask Mac 智能抠图软件 v10.5.2404

摘 要

知您网小编为大家带来的是Mac平台上一款非常高效的智能抠图软件AKVIS SmartMask Mac破解版,内附抠图插件,有需要抠图软件的知友快来看看吧,AKVIS smartmask for Mac破解版让您快速将所需要的部分进行抠图,同时为您进行边缘的柔和,让抠图看起来更加的自然。您可以将AKVIS SmartMask for Mac破解版用作单独的软件运行,也可作为编辑软件的插件使用,非常的强大!

AKVIS SmartMask Mac 智能抠图软件 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v10.5.2404</span>
所属分类:图像处理 平台:Mac Os | 系统:OS X 10.8及以上 大小:186.12MB | 语言:多国语言[中文] | 授权:破解 最后更新:2018年09月25日


AKVIS SmartMask mac破解版是知您网搜集到的Mac os系统上一款非常简单好用的智能抠图工具,可以帮助你非常轻松的将图片或者照片中不需要的背景或者其他人物移除出去,只保留您所需要的内容。
AKVIS SmartMask for Mac功能介绍
AKVIS SmartMask是一款高效的选择工具,可节省时间并且使用起来非常有趣。选择从未如此简单!有很多场合需要针对图像的特定区域;当选择这个区域时,通常需要突出显示大量应用效果或校正的简单区域。因此,创建照片拼贴和照片蒙太奇通常需要广泛的对象选择。 AKVIS SmartMask甚至使难以置信的选择变得简单。
AKVIS SmartMask for Mac功能特色

  • 自动模式,它提供了一种强大的自动识别区域的算法;
  • 手动模式,其中包括一组智能和有用的画笔,可以根据需要修改结果。

在自动模式下有两支铅笔- 您在要选择的对象内绘制一条蓝色铅笔线(例如,您自己在合影中),然后使用红色铅笔在对象外部创建线条,这些线条定义了应该剪切的区域(照片中的其他人)。然后程序会解释您的意图并智能地进行您想要的选择,了解边界的位置。通过简单的图像,这些铅笔通常足以产生具有专业外观的效果。
另一个有用的工具是手动模式下的快速选择,这是一项功能强大的功能,只需点击几下即可自动选择区域。如果所选对象站在相似颜色范围的背景上,或者对象的边缘不均匀,则可以使用修饰画笔,如Magic Brush和Background Eraser。
此外,还可以使用尖端的Chroma Key技术从图像中自动删除指定的颜色。可以使用“ 优化边缘”模式另外调整切口的边缘。
之后,将结果选择放在新背景上 - 您的创造力没有限制!
在设计师的工作日中进行选择可能需要花费大量时间。因此,使用AKVIS SmartMask可以大大提高您的工作效率!您将从无聊的工作中解脱出来,并有更多的创造空间和实现您的想法。
使用该软件时,您可以将项目的工作草稿保存到.akvis文件,包含原始图像,图像保存时的状态及其所有参数和设置,以及在Deluxe / Business版本中,任何手动创建的检查点,在工作期间添加。这个非常有用的功能受到专业人士的高度赞赏
AKVIS SmartMask可作为独立程序提供,也可作为照片编辑器的插件使用。该插件版本与AliveColors,Adobe Photoshop,Corel PaintShop Pro和其他图像编辑器兼容。


AKVIS SmartMask is an efficient selection tool that saves time and is fun to use. Selection has never been so simple! There are many occasions when you need to target a specific area of an image; image when selecting this area, it is often necessary to highlight a great number of simple regions to which an effect or correction should be applied. Because of this, the creation of photo collages and photo montages can often require an extensive selection of objects. AKVIS SmartMask makes even a difficult selection incredibly simple. Now, you can spend less of your time on selection of objects and more of it on creativity. The software provides powerful tools for masking objects on images and removing backgrounds. It can create various selection types, with both soft and sharp edges. It even lets you select fluff, hair, fur, tree branches, glass, or a transparent veil with just a few mouse clicks! The program also allows you to get rid of the unwanted color shades left on the cutout object by the environment. There are two modes of image processing: Auto mode, which offers a powerful algorithm for automatic recognition of areas, and Manual mode, which includes a set of smart and helpful brushes to touch up the results, where needed. Our interface is so intuitive that you will feel like a child drawing in class: there are two pencils in Auto mode – you draw a line with the blue pencil inside the object you want to select (for example, yourself on a group photo), and then use the red pencil to create lines outside the object which define the areas that should be cut out (the other people in the photo). The program then interprets your intentions and intelligently makes the selection you want, understanding where the borders are. With simple images the pencil tools or the Quick Selection tool in manual mode are often enough to produce a professional-looking result. Our Quick Selection tool is a powerful feature which allows our program to select regions automatically with just a few clicks. In cases where the selected object stands against a background of a similar color range, or the object’s edges are uneven, you can use the touch-up brushes, like the Magic Brush and Background Eraser. Like all our products, SmartMask is a tool that is not only straightforward, but also fun to use. It makes the dull process of image manipulation a fun and entertaining. Making selections can take a great deal of time out of a designer’s work day. For this reason, with AKVIS SmartMask you can considerably increase your productivity! You will be freed from boring work and will have more room for creativity and realization of your ideas. Saving your Work When working with the software, you can save a working draft of your project into an AKVIS file which contains the original image, the state of the image at the moment it was saved with all its parameters and settings, and any manually created checkpoints which where added during your work. This very helpful feature is highly appreciated by professionals. AKVIS SmartMask is available as a standalone program and as a plugin to a photo editor. The plug-in version is compatible with Adobe Photoshop, Photoshop Elements, Corel Paint Shop Pro, and other image editors.

Version 10.5:

  • Release notes were unavailable when this listing was updated.


AKVIS SmartMask Mac 智能抠图软件 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v10.5.2404</span>的预览图


1、软件包“AKVIS SmartMask”下载完了后,首先将软件“AKVIS SmartMask”拖至电脑应用程序中进行安装;
2、回到软件包“AKVIS SmartMask”,双击打开“AKVIS SmartMask-Cracks”,随后将“SmartMask_std”拖至文件夹“MacOS”【文件夹替换路径:应用程序/AKVIS SmartMask/右击显示包内容/Contents/MacOS】;
AKVIS SmartMask Mac 智能抠图软件 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v10.5.2404</span>的预览图
4、回到软件包“AKVIS SmartMask”,双击打开“AKVIS SmartMask-Plugin”,将插件“AKVIS SmartMask Plugin”拖至文件夹“Plug-ins”【文件夹内替换路径:应用程序/Adobe Photoshop/Plug-ins】;
5、回到软件包“AKVIS SmartMask-Plugin”,双击打开“AKVIS SmartMask Plugin-Cracks”,将“SmartMask”拖至文件夹“MacOS”【文件夹替换路径:应用程序/Adobe Photoshop/Plug-ins/AKVIS SmartMask Plugin/右击显示包内容/Contents/MacOS】;
AKVIS SmartMask Mac 智能抠图软件 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v10.5.2404</span>的预览图
7、AKVIS SmartMask Mac版和插件安装完成,在Photoshop滤镜下即可找到AKVIS smartmask抠图插件!
AKVIS SmartMask Mac 智能抠图软件 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v10.5.2404</span>的预览图
打开软件“AKVIS SmartMask”后,点击“Preferences”-选择“简体中文”,点击“OK”即为中文;
AKVIS SmartMask Mac 智能抠图软件 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v10.5.2404</span>的预览图


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