知您网(zhiniw.com)特供Mac用户顶级图像处理工具——Topaz Gigapixel AI Mac破解版下载,运用前沿AI技术实现图片无损放大,保留并增添自然细节,让图片放大不再是清晰度的妥协,彻底革新Mac用户的图片处理体验。
Topaz Gigapixel AI for Mac软件功能亮点
• AI智能放大:Topaz Gigapixel AI破解版作为首屈一指的AI驱动软件,颠覆传统放大方式,无损扩大图片尺寸同时,智能填充细节,避免失真,保持图像原始质感。
• 深度学习清晰度增强:依托深度学习技术,精准识别图像特征,Topaz Gigapixel AI能补充放大过程中丢失的细节,生成媲美高分辨率拍摄的图像质量。
• 超越传统放缩限制:与常规图像放大软件相比,本软件能显著减少模糊与像素化,即便是极端放大比例,也能保持图片清晰细腻,满足专业摄影与设计需求。
• 用户友好界面:简洁直观的操作界面,即便是图像处理新手也能快速上手,轻松实现高品质图像放大,提升工作效率。
无论是设计师、摄影师还是普通用户,Topaz Gigapixel AI Mac破解版都是您不可或缺的图片处理神器。快来知您网(zhiniw.com)下载体验吧!
顶尖技术,重塑图像放大 —— AI Gigapixel 助力照片新生
在Gigapixel AI之前,无损放大图像一直是一个难以逾越的难题。但现在,借助先进的机器学习技术,Gigapixel AI能够在不丢失任何细节的情况下,将您的照片放大高达600%!
将iPhone照片放大至80 x 60英寸的高清打印,或将DSLR照片转化为清晰细腻的100MP图像,一切尽在您的掌控之中。
Gigapixel AI经过数百万张样本图像的训练,现已具备以令人惊叹的质量水平放大图像的能力。每一像素的精细处理,都为您带来前所未有的清晰度和细节。
告别那些因放大而失去清晰度的照片。Gigapixel AI为您带来的是清晰、明确的打印效果,让您的iPhone照片也能拥有DSLR般的质感。
不同于其他软件通过增加边缘对比度来模拟“清晰”效果,Gigapixel AI真正恢复了图像中的真实细节,增加了放大照片的实际锐度。这一切都归功于其深厚的机器学习背景和数百万张测试图像的训练。
难以置信的是,经过Gigapixel AI放大的照片,即使放大了4倍,依然看起来像是从未被放大过一样清晰。它成功地识别并恢复了图像中的细节,同时抑制了放大过程中可能产生的噪点。
无论是顶级摄影师、视频游戏模组制作者,还是主流运动工作室,Gigapixel AI都是他们升级图像的首选工具。其卓越的性能和出色的效果,赢得了业界的一致好评。
传统的基于插值的照片放大软件已经无法满足现代用户的需求。Gigapixel AI采用最先进的深度学习技术,不仅实现了图像的放大,还能在实际放大过程中添加新的细节,让您的照片焕发新生。
数百万张各种主题和风格的照片被收集起来,用于训练Gigapixel AI的神经网络。这个神经网络逐渐学会了如何放大、增强和创造自然细节的最佳方法。同时,我们优化的AI引擎利用您的计算机图形卡快速处理图像,让整个过程更加高效。
与Photoshop等传统软件相比,Gigapixel AI的神经网络分析技术能够更准确地“填写”新图像中的信息,为您的照片添加真实的细节。无论是连续的线条还是图像特征,都能保持自然、清晰和逼真。
十一、选择Gigapixel AI,选择卓越
如果您需要在保留美丽细节的同时升级您的照片,那么Gigapixel AI无疑是您的最佳选择。它将为您带来前所未有的放大体验,让您的照片焕发新的光彩。
Topaz Gigapixel AI Crack is the first and only desktop application to use the power of artificial intelligence to enlarge your images while adding natural details for an amazing result.
Enlarge Images by up to 600%
Create a beautiful 80 x 60 inch print from a simple iPhone photo. Or transform your DSLR photos into sharp and ultra-detailed 100MP images.
Use truly intelligent upscaling
After being trained with millions of sample images, Gigapixel can now enlarge your images with a surprising level of quality.
Get crisp and clear results.
Gigapixel performs around 2 million operations per pixel to get you results with as much detail and sharpness as possible.
No more fuzzy enlargements.
Breathtakingly sharp prints. High-resolution cropping in post-production. iPhone photos that look like they came out of a DSLR. No matter why you’re enlarging your photos, you always want the best possible quality for your results. AI Gigapixel is currently the only photo enlargement product available that can actually add detail back to your upscaled photo.
Recover real details for actual sharpness
Increasing edge contrast is the simplest way to make an image look “sharp”, and how most other upscaling software works. Gigapixel is different: it increases the actual sharpness of your upscaled photo by recovering real detail in your image. This is only possible through training and exposure to millions of test images.
Crisp photos that look like they were never upscaled
It’s hard to believe that the crisp output image above was enlarged 4x, but it was. Gigapixel AI successfully determines which image features are stars (detail) and what’s noise. Then, it naturally accentuates and recovers detail while suppressing noise in your upscaled photo.
The highest-quality image upscaling that you can get anywhere
Because of these exceptional results, Gigapixel AI is used by everyone from leading photographers, to video game modders, to major motion studios. If you ever need to upscale your photo while preserving beautiful detail, take advantage of the most modern technology in the space and give Gigapixel AI a try.
Image enlargement: interpolation vs machine learning
Interpolation-based photo enlargement software has been around for decades. Gigapixel’s new approach based on machine learning is a giant leap ahead: state-of-the-art “deep learning” methods allow it to enlarge images while actually adding new details.
Interpolation algorithms work by approximating new pixels from the colors of surrounding ones. This does not add any detail to the image, it just smoothes out the transition between pixels.
Neural Network (Gigapixel AI)
A neural network analyzes thousands of photo pairs to learn how details usually get lost. The algorithm learns to “fill in” information in new images based on what it has learned… effectively adding new detail to your photo.
Topaz Gigapixel AI Mac软件下载历史版本
版本 | 下载 | 备用 | 密码 |
7.4.1 | 立即下载 | 其它下载地址 | ssay |
7.4.0 - 完整版 大小:8.58GB | 立即下载 | 其它下载地址 | ssay |
7.3.2 | 立即下载 | 其它下载地址 | ssay |
7.3.1 | 立即下载 | 其它下载地址 | ssay |
7.3.0 | 立即下载 | 其它下载地址 | ssay |
7.2.2 | 立即下载 | 其它下载地址 | ssay |
7.2.1 | 立即下载 | 其它下载地址 | ssay |
7.2.0 | 立即下载 | 其它下载地址 | ssay |
7.1.3 | 立即下载 | 其它下载地址 | ssay |
7.1.2 | 立即下载 | 其它下载地址 | ssay |
7.0.4 | 立即下载 | 其它下载地址 | ssay |
7.0.2 | 立即下载 | 其它下载地址 | ssay |
7.0.1 | 立即下载 | 其它下载地址 | ssay |
7.0.0 | 立即下载 | 其它下载地址 | ssay |
6.3.3 | 立即下载 | 其它下载地址 | ssay |
6.3.2 | 立即下载 | 其它下载地址 | ssay |
6.3.0 | 立即下载 | 其它下载地址 | ssay |
6.2.1 | 立即下载 | 其它下载地址 | ssay |
Topaz Gigapixel AI for Mac版 6.2.0 破解软件下载
Topaz Gigapixel AI破解软件镜像包下载完了后,首先双击“TopazGigapixelAI…….pkg”进行安装,需要注意的是(models下载过程时间有些长,请耐心等待),待完成安装后,再双击破解补丁“Patcher.pkg”进行激活;
“Topaz Gigapixel AI” Mac破解软件下载完了后,首先将软件“Topaz Gigapixel AI”拖至电脑应用程序中完成安装;
此时,先不要从应用程序中打开“Topaz Gigapixel AI” Mac破解软件,双击“Topaz Gigapixel AI破解补丁”
将左侧的文件“com.topazlabs.Topaz Gigapixel AI.plist” 拖至右侧 “Preferences”文件夹中
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2023年4月12日 下午11:05 0楼