JixiPix Pastello Pro Mac版 图像编辑软件 v1.1.19

摘 要

想要让您的照片变得更加富有个性吗?那就快来下载JixiPix Pastello for Mac破解软件吧!这是一款MacOS平台上的照片转换铅笔画软件,只需要通过简单的操作就可以将您的照片制作成粉笔画,蜡笔画,素描,彩色铅笔等效果。即便是一个新手也可以很好的驾驭这款软件,让您的照片充满艺术气息。

JixiPix Pastello Pro Mac版 图像编辑软件
所属分类:图像处理  大小100M-500M 系统:(需64位CPU) macOS 10.9或更高版本 大小:218.52MB | 语言:英文 | 授权:破解 最后更新:2023年06月07日


JixiPix Pastello Pro mac破解版是知您网搜集到的Mac os系统上一款图像编辑软件,具有专业级的艺术效果软件,它可以将照片转化为手绘风格的艺术作品。Pastello Pro for Mac破解软件基于真实的颜料和纸张纹理模拟,可以模拟出各种艺术效果,例如油画、水彩画、铅笔画等。知您网官网分享的Pastello Pro破解版提供了多种工具和滤镜,可以帮助你快速地将照片转化为手绘风格的艺术作品。你可以使用画笔、蜡笔、彩笔等工具来涂抹和绘制画面,还可以调整颜色、亮度、对比度等参数来打造自己的风格。
Pastello Pro for Mac软件下载功能介绍
知您网官网分享的Pastello Pro破解版自动将照片转换为粉彩,铅笔,粉笔,木炭和蜡笔。编辑选项允许您对独特和个性化的绘图进行分层,混合和刷子。包括独立应用程序和Photoshop,Elements,Lightroom和PaintShop pro 的插件。

知您网官网分享的JixiPix Pastello Pro破解版其它介绍:
丰富的画笔样式:JixiPix Pastello Pro破解版内置了多种画笔样式,包括油画笔、粉笔、铅笔、炭笔等,让你可以轻松地制作出各种不同风格的艺术作品。
简单易用:JixiPix Pastello Pro破解版拥有简单易用的界面,即使是没有艺术基础的用户也可以轻松上手,快速制作出高质量的艺术作品。
高质量输出:JixiPix Pastello Pro破解版支持输出高质量的图像文件,包括JPEG、TIFF、PNG等多种格式,让你可以将制作出的艺术作品用于印刷、展览等多种用途。

总得来说,知您网软件提供的JixiPix Pastello Pro Mac破解软件是一款功能强大、易于使用的艺术绘画软件,能够帮助用户将数字照片转化成各种不同风格的艺术作品。
Pastello Pro for Mac软件下载功能特色
柔和 - (软)是一种柔软,黄油一致性和强烈的色彩。这种效果是密集的,充满了纸张的纹理。艺术家发现这种媒体特别适合于空气景观,因为色彩鲜艳,媒体本身是无尘和便携的。
粉笔 - (硬蜡笔)是一种轻微的尘土飞扬的效果,保存纸张的小点。这款垩白粉彩柔和的笔触和天鹅绒般的质感闻名于世。这种风格非常适合通过堆叠或复制图层来创建精美的网页,让下面的图层显示出来,创造一幅闪耀的图画。
木炭 -创造天鹅绒般的黑色木炭效果与灰色的阴影。使用它来预热组合物的底层涂料,或完成成品木炭片。
彩色铅笔 -在绘图中创建柔和的彩色笔画,可以分层建立颜色,然后使用轻型铅笔层或涂抹工具进行打磨。
铅笔 -创造铅笔画与流体轮廓和柔软,清澈的色调阴影为绘画充满温暖和魅力。
Conté - 是一个美丽的蜡笔媒体,使用五种经典颜色(Bistre,Sanguine,White,Grey,Gold和颜色选择器)来增强图画中的高光,中色调和阴影,以选择您自己的选项 - 用于交叉阴影和摇晃。
蜡笔 -创建一个丰富多彩的糯基地的绘画,然后用Conte White来打亮它,或用Bistre来打底。
填写刷 -选择在层上用粉笔,木炭,彩色铅笔或铅笔绘图的地区刷或填充整个层为铅笔,粉笔和木炭基地。
新的签名图层 -以两种样式的形式为任何图形添加个性化触摸:一种是使用计算机上安装的字体的字体,另一种是手工绘制。可以使用笔划大小和笔划体积滑块来对两个签名进行微调。


Transform photos into a fine art drawing with Pastel, Pencil, Chalk, Charcoal and Crayon
Introducing Pastello Crack, a brand-new companion app to JixiPix’s Impresso Pro.
Pastello takes you back in time to the 15th century. Away from brushes and large strokes and into the realm of dry media with color that is both brilliant and subtle. The “Dry color method” made famous by Leonardo da Vinci is so powerful in its simplicity and beauty with its black and red chalk and yellow pastel highlights. Later, artists would paint charming portraits in a smooth heavily blended fashion. Move forward a few centuries later and pastel quickly became filled with brilliant color and crisp detail. Fast forward to today and a digital age has made it so you, the artist, can mix and match media that is difficult or impossible in a traditional setting.
Pastello makes it simple and convenient to take an image and change it into Pastel, Chalk, Charcoal, Crayon, Colored Pencil and Graphite drawings. Use alone or combine these medias using powerful layers to produce interesting expressive sketch effects filled with colorful personality and passion. And the best part is Pastello does all the work.
With Pastello, photographers and artists can now go beyond the camera to turn image files into creative works that resemble traditional handmade media using a professional workflow that is easy and comfortable to operate.
Pastello has a pro workflow that automatically transforms a photo into a pastel drawing and places it on an art paper with options to customize. The Pastel can then be changed to Chalk, Charcoal, Colored Pencil, Graphite, Conte or Crayon using Layer styles. The medias start out delicate like traditional drawings do, then allows you to build them up using fills, shading and detail layers. The medias are beautiful as they are, or mix them for an expressive artwork.
Pastello includes plenty of traditional sketch styles as well as a DaVinci effect using a mixed media of pencil, charcoal, crayon and old paper. It’s easy to use! We have mixed the media into one-click presets with all the freedom to customize, blend and fine-tune for your own unique artwork filled with age, depth and timeless beauty as if created by the renaissance artist himself.
Pastel Styles:

  • Colored Pencil, Graphite, Charcoal, and Chalk come with a fill and detail option that can be layered for infinite variation. Conte has a dynamic sketch feature that lets you fill in shadows, mid-tones and highlights with crosshatching or scumbling. All with the ability to change stroke direction, size, volume and variation.
  • Pastel—(Soft) is a soft, buttery consistency and intense color. This effect is dense and filled with the grain of the paper.
  • Chalk—(Hard Pastel) is a light dusty effect with little specks of preserved paper. This chalky pastel is known for it’s soft strokes and velvety texture.
  • Charcoal—creates a velvety black charcoal effect with shades of grey. Use it for warming up the under painting of a composition, or to complete a finished charcoal piece.
  • Colored Pencil—creates soft colorful strokes in the drawing that can be layered to build up color then burnished with a light Pencil Layer, or the Smudge tool.
  • Pencil—creates pencil drawings with fluid outlines and soft, limpid tonal shadings for a drawing filled with warmth and charm.
  • Conté—is a beautiful crayon media for enhancing highlights, midtones and shadows in drawings using classic colors.
  • Crayon—creates a colorful waxy base to a drawing, then burnished it with a Conte White for highlights or Bistre for shading.


Version 1.1.19:

  • Release notes were unavailable when this listing was updated.


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若安装“JixiPix Pastello Pro”,弹出“已损坏,无法打开”
JixiPix Pastello Pro Mac破解版知您网详细描述的截图1
首先将软件包“Pastello Installer”拖至电脑桌面,然后打开终端输入:
sudo xattr -r -d com.apple.quarantine加空格,把安装器拖到终端,按回车,然后点击桌面的文件安装就可以了!!如图:
JixiPix Pastello Pro Mac破解版知您网详细描述的截图2

"JixiPix Pastello Pro" Mac软件下载历史版本

版本 下载 密码
1.1.18 立即下载 agtm
1.1.17 立即下载 agtm
1.1.16 立即下载 agtm
1.1.15 立即下载 agtm
1.1.7 立即下载 agtm
文件下载 系统:(需64位CPU) macOS 10.9或更高版本 大小:218.52MB | 语言:英文 | 授权:破解 经确认:支持Intel/M1/M2芯片、Big Sur/Monterey/Ventura运行
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