火星求生(Surviving Mars) Mac 模拟建造游戏 v1010558(51924)

摘 要

您想过在火星上建立一个自己的王国吗?《火星求生Surviving Mars》是Mac平台上非常好玩的一款策略管理游戏,玩家需要建立火星殖民地并管理资源,需要挖掘资源(比如油、稀有金属和水),建造一些建筑物,并管理居民的需求。

火星求生(Surviving Mars) Mac 模拟建造游戏
所属分类:大小6G-10G  策略游戏 系统:(需64位CPU) macOS 10.11或更高版本 大小:7.20GB | 语言:多国语言[中文] | 授权:破解 最后更新:2021年12月20日


火星求生(Surviving Mars) mac破解版是知您网搜集到的Mac os系统上一款生存建造类游戏,由《海岛大亨》系列开发商Haemimont Games制作。玩家将在火星上建造第一个人类殖民地,所需的不仅是补给和氧气,还有大量的实践训练和对付风沙的经验,保持乐观态度,玩家将揭开莫名出现怪异黑色方块背后的秘密,多加努力,火星将在玩家手中变得更加美好。 角色可能会死于营养不良,如果“理智”等级太低的话也有可能自杀,这个场景将会用文字来描述,然后画面上的居民会直接躺下变成尸体。玩家可以建造炮塔来保卫基地,敌对公司将会前来攻击,短暂的攻击场景中将会出现导弹和爆炸物。殖民者的不同角色属性将会影响生产力,其中包括酒瘾等。
火星求生(Surviving Mars) for Mac游戏下载背景


火星求生(Surviving Mars) for Mac游戏下载特色



受到阿西莫夫和克拉克经典科幻的启发,幸存的火星拥有许多秘密。在每场比赛中,玩家可能会遇到火星独特制作的奥秘之一。揭开这些秘密可能会给你的殖民地带来巨大的财富,或者毁灭性的毁灭。HUB B在殖民地外面展现出来的这个领域是什么,它是友好的?



通过Surviving Mars的广泛和方便的改装工具来制作您自己梦幻般的建筑,公园或者甚至是一个谜。与社区分享你最好的创作,建立完美的社会。


Colonize Mars and discover her secrets, with minimal casualties.
Welcome Home! The time has come to stake your claim on the Red Planet and build the first functioning human colonies on Mars! All you need are supplies, oxygen, decades of training, experience with sandstorms, and a can-do attitude to discover the purpose of those weird black cubes that appeared out of nowhere. With a bit of sprucing up, this place is going to be awesome!
Surviving Mars is a sci-fi city builder all about colonizing Mars and surviving the process. Choose a space agency for resources and financial support before determining a location for your colony. Build domes and infrastructure, research new possibilities and utilize drones to unlock more elaborate ways to shape and expand your settlement. Cultivate your own food, mine minerals or just relax by the bar after a hard day’s work. Most important of all, though, is keeping your colonists alive. Not an easy task on a strange new planet.

There will be challenges to overcome. Execute your strategy and improve your colony’s chances of survival while unlocking the mysteries of this alien world. Are you ready? Mars is waiting for you.
Main Features:
Building on a planet not fit for human life challenges you to build a smart, functional colony. Bad planning isn’t about traffic jams, it’s about survival of your colonists. You really don’t want rolling blackouts in a city constructed in a place without oxygen.

Each colonist is a unique individual with problems and strengths that influence the needs and behavior of the other colonists. Things can get really interesting if your chief scientists develops alcoholism after one too many long nights in the lab.

Retro-futuristic super structures housing colonists, factories and commercial buildings with their own “neighborhood personality.” Create colonies that value science over everything else, while tired workers drink their pay away at a local bar, or attempt a utopia among the stars.

Inspired by the classic sci-fi of Asimov and Clarke, Surviving Mars holds many secrets. During each playthrough players may encounter one of Mars’ individually crafted mysteries. Uncovering these secrets might bring your colony great fortune, or terrible ruin. What is that sphere that manifested itself outside colony HUB B, and is it friendly?

Combine static and random research through experimentation, which allows for a different experience for each journey through the game. Attain new scientific breakthroughs by exploring the uncharted terrain of Mars's surface.

A sleek, modern take on the bright futurism of the 1960s. A time of exploration and adventure.

Craft your own fantastic buildings, parks or even a mystery to share through Surviving Mars’s extensive and convenient modding tools. Share your finest creations with the community to build the perfect society.

Version 50555:

  • Release notes were unavailable when this listing was updated.


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"火星求生(Surviving Mars)" Mac历史版本


文件下载 系统:(需64位CPU) macOS 10.11或更高版本 大小:7.20GB | 语言:多国语言[中文] | 授权:破解 经确认:支持Big Sur、M1芯片运行
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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: