Sourcetrail Mac – C/C++和Java的跨平台源代码浏览器 v0.12.25

摘 要

Sourcetrail for Mac破解版是一款功能强大的且运行在macOS平台上的代码编辑工具。Sourcetrail Mac版可以帮助用户了解现有的源代码,Sourcetrail Mac软件页面简洁清晰,功能特点一目了然,使用非常方便。使用Sourcetrail for Mac破解可以大大提高用户的工作效率!

Sourcetrail Mac – C/C++和Java的跨平台源代码浏览器 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v0.12.25</span>
所属分类:编程开发 平台:Mac Os | 系统:OS X 10.7及以上 大小:19.76MB | 语言:英文 | 授权:破解 最后更新:2017年08月01日


Sourcetrail For mac知您网搜集到的Mac os x系统上一款C/C++和Java的跨平台源代码浏览软件,软件开发人员花费高达70%的时间来了解现有的源代码是如何工作的,但常见的代码编辑工具对此任务几乎没有帮助。 Sourcetrail帮助软件工程师通过组合交互式图形可视化,简洁的代码视图和强大的搜索算法,快速,彻底地探索和浏览未知的源代码,所有这些都内置在易于使用的跨平台开发人员工具中。
作为软件工程师,我们知道我们有能力实现我们所有的想法。但有时候,这比我们预期的要困难得多。专业软件开发往往不是一个团队的努力。在团队合作中,我们可以解决更难的问题,但这是一个代价。当代码库增长时,跟踪每个加法变得越来越复杂。 因此,越来越多的时间用于调查当前的实现,而较少的时间用于编写新功能。新项目开发人员在实际生效之前,经常需要花几天甚至几周的时间熟悉代码库。
编程语言不断发展。它们通过抽象出越来越多的机器限制来减少软件开发人员需要记住的开销。 但是无论语言如何,如果一个项目达到一定的大小,很难保持一致的源代码结构的心理模型。 这里的问题不在于语言的抽象不好,而是代码的高信息密度。 源代码中的每一行都有一个目的,作为软件开发人员,我们大部分时间都在寻找当前相关的小部分。 为什么我们不能退后一步,看看组件之间如何相互连接,而不是不断地查看代码的每个细节?
在编写代码时,我们有很多选项来满足我们所期望的任何工作流程。 更难解决的是我们如何有效地了解现有的实现。虽然在那里有许多伟大的代码编辑器,但它们是为编写代码而设计的,不是为了导航手头的所有实现。当然,每个开发人员都有自己的策略,在源代码中查找信息,从搜索文档到查看测试,或者在可用时询问原作者。但是,当您耗尽所有这些选项时,您不可避免地会通过代码挖掘。 让我们面对它 - 挖掘是大多数程序员宁愿避免的事情。


Software developers spend up to 70 percent of their time figuring out how existing source code works, but common code editing tools offer little help for this task. Sourcetrail helps software engineers explore and navigate unknown source code quickly and thoroughly by combining an interactive graph visualization, a concise code view and a powerful search algorithm, all built into an easy-to-use cross-platform developer tool.
The reality of software development.
As software engineers, we know that we have the skills and capacity to actualize all of our ideas. But sometimes, it’s more difficult than we expect. Professional software development is more often than not a team effort. Working in teams allows us to solve harder problems, but it comes at a cost. When a codebase grows, it becomes increasingly more complex to track every addition. Consequently, more and more time is spent investigating the current implementation while less is spent on writing new features. Developers new to a project will often have to spend days or even weeks familiarizing themselves with the codebase before actually becoming productive.
Programming languages are not the problem.
Programming languages are constantly evolving. They reduce the overhead a software developer needs to keep in mind by abstracting away more and more limitations of the machine. But regardless of the language, if a project reaches a certain size, it’s hard to keep a consistent mental model of the source code’s structure. The problem here is not the poor abstraction of the language, but the high information density of code. Every line in the source code has a purpose and as software developers, we spend most of your time searching for those small pieces that are currently relevant. Why can’t we take a step back and see how the components connect with each other, without constantly looking at every detail of code?
We already have enough code editors.
When it comes to writing code, we have a multitude of options to suit whatever workflow we desire. What is harder to address is how efficiently we can understand an existing implementation. While there are many great code editors out there, they’re designed for writing code and are not made for navigating all implementation at hand. Sure, every developer has their own strategy of finding information within source code, from searching documentation to looking at tests, or asking the original authors when available. But when you’ve exhausted all these options, you are inevitably left with digging through code. And let’s face it—digging through is something that most programmers would rather avoid.
The computer knows it all!
Understanding the fundamentals of your codebase shouldn’t be that hard. Seeing which objects are involved in a feature and the paths that it takes through the source files should be a no-brainer. The funny thing about all this? Your computer knows it all. By using a compiler or interpreter, your computer already knows how the language works. It knows what paradigms exist and because it’s turning your source code into executable instructions; it knows every single piece of information within the entire codebase, including: where functions are called, how types get instantiated, where variables get changed. Accessing this information was cumbersome for us developers so far, but is easily possible with Sourcetrail.
Meet Sourcetrail!
We want you to meet Sourcetrail, the interactive source explorer that changes the way you think about code. Sourcetrail is a lightweight tool specifically crafted for fast and comprehensive navigation within your source code. It features a whole new concept of searching and understanding source code, by utilizing static analysis, visualization, and smart code search. Sourcetrail indexes your code and saves all information on how different symbols are composed and how they play together. By giving you easy access to all this information, Sourcetrail shortens the time used up by reading source code and leaves you with more time to spend on things that you actually enjoy doing as a software developer. Start using Sourcetrail today!


Sourcetrail Mac – C/C++和Java的跨平台源代码浏览器 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v0.12.25</span>的预览图


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