塞芬妮(Sephonie) Mac 冒险游戏 v1.0.6.554

摘 要

知您网分享的塞芬妮(Sephonie) Mac游戏既是一款平台游戏,又是一款益智游戏,但让 Sephonie 成为年度最佳游戏竞争者的原因……是它对熟悉的游戏玩法的掌握如何与有史以来最好的视频游戏故事之一联系起来。

塞芬妮(Sephonie) Mac 冒险游戏
所属分类:大小100M-500M  动作冒险 系统:macOS 10.14.6或更高版本 大小:364.44MB | 语言:英文 | 授权:破解 最后更新:2022年05月16日


塞芬妮(Sephonie) mac破解版是知您网搜集到的Mac os系统上由Melos Han-Tani, Marina Kittaka联合制作的一款动作冒险类游戏。记忆流连忘返,在塞芙妮岛的深处。 探索一个巨大的洞穴网络,与不明物种联系,解开科学和精神之谜,然而这些都在一个古老存在的监视下进行。寻找背后的真相吧。
塞芬妮(Sephonie) for Mac游戏下载剧情

在这个故事驱动的 3D 平台游戏中,探索 Sephonie Island 的巨大洞穴网络,并使用新颖的 Puzzle Grid 系统与身份不明的物种联系起来。扮演遇难的生物学家艾米、英文和日游探索岛屿的深处,他们的个人历史与岛屿深处不断变化的精神景观有关。


使用杂技移动装置来导航郁郁葱葱的玉质檐篷和生锈的砂岩尖顶。使用令人满意的 Teledash Vault 将自己扔到高高的壁架上,并巧妙地穿墙穿越危险的露头。

借助长舌的 Ribbats 在空中格斗,或通过粘性脊状 Gripshrooms 攀登高耸的悬崖。与某些生物链接将赋予您到达岛屿最深处的新能力。





在不久的将来,三位生物学家将执行一项联合任务,使用他们最先进的 ONYX 植入物来研究无人居住的塞芙妮岛的生物。但当他们接近岛屿时,一场突如其来的风暴使他们遭遇海难。

Amy Lim,台湾裔美国人和大胆的领导人,来自美国中西部城镇布卢明顿。Riyou Hayashi 是一位善于分析的日裔台湾籍研究员,他将繁华的东京称为自己的家。和蔼可亲的台湾科学家林英文住在台北。

三人组在 Sephonie 的洞穴中航行时会发现他们的动机和忠诚度受到了考验,他们不仅面临身体上的挑战,还面临着他们最深刻的记忆和梦想。随着他们彼此和岛屿之间的关系越来越亲密,一股古老的力量在岛屿的深渊中酝酿,可能会威胁到他们新建立的关系,而世界……
塞芬妮(Sephonie) for Mac游戏下载特色
完全由 IGF 大奖提名二人组 Marina Kittaka 和 Melos Han-Tani 精心打造的人性化体验,背后有《Anodyne 1 & 2》、
《Even the Ocean》和《All Our Asias》等作品。
一个美丽而多样的洞穴系统,充满了各种大型和令人惊讶的生物,由 Marina Kittaka 视觉化地赋予了生命。
由 Melos Han-Tani 创作的郁郁葱葱、旋律优美的环境配乐。


Memories linger across time, deep beneath the island’s surface...
In this story-driven 3D platformer, explore Sephonie Island's massive cave network, and link with unidentified species using the novel Puzzle Grid system. Explore the island's depths as shipwrecked biologists Amy, Ing-wen, and Riyou, whose personal histories come to bear on the shifting spiritual landscape of the island depths.
Parkour-esque platforming
Use an acrobatic moveset to navigate lush, jade canopies and rusty sandstone spires. Fling yourself over high ledges using the satisfying Teledash Vault and deftly Wallrun across dangerous outcroppings.
Grapple through the air with the help of long-tongued Ribbats or climb tall cliffs via sticky-ridged Gripshrooms. Linking with certain creatures will grant you new abilities to reach the farthest depths of the island.
The Relaxing and Casual Puzzle Grid System
The trio must research the island's unknown creatures by Linking with them. Using the one-of-a-kind "Puzzle Grid" system, you'll rotate and place a series of multi-colored pieces onto the board to create large, same-colored islands. Each creature has different challenges to overcome!
There's no 'right' solution to Linking: use your intuition to react to the creature's moves and what appears on the board, and you will soon be on your way to success!
A Research Trip Gone Awry
In the near future, three biologists are on a joint mission to use their state-of-the-art ONYX implants to research the creatures of the uninhabited Sephonie Island. But as they approach the island, a sudden storm leaves them shipwrecked.
Amy Lim, Taiwanese-American and bold leader, hails from the midwestern USA town of Bloomington. Riyou Hayashi, an analytically-minded Japanese-Taiwanese researcher, calls the bustling Tokyo his home. And Ing-wen Lin, a kind and considerate Taiwanese scientist, lives in Taipei.
The trio will find their motivations and loyalties put to the test as they navigate Sephonie’s caverns, facing not only physical challenges but also their deepest memories and dreams. As they grow more intimate with each other and the island, an ancient force, brewing deep in the island's abyss, may threaten their newfound relationship, and the world...
A deep, emotional story about the close bonds of a trio, the priorities of nations, and the delicate connection of humans and nature.
A human experience crafted entirely by the IGF Grand Prize-nominated duo of Marina Kittaka and Melos Han-Tani, behind works such as Anodyne 1 & 2, Even the Ocean, and All Our Asias.
Master a parkour-esque moveset to sprint, wallrun, jump, and fling yourself through Sephonie Island’s rocky and physical caverns!
A novel and accessible Puzzle Grid system that will stretch your brain in fun ways.
A screenshot mode that lets you pose the characters and creatures you meet in the game, and then take fun photos!
A beautiful and varied cave system filled with all manner of large and surprising creatures, visually brought to life by Marina Kittaka.
A lush, melodic and ambient soundtrack by Melos Han-Tani.
The postgame “Bubble Adventure” and fiendish hidden items provide a fun challenge for advanced spelunkers.

Sephonie does not support square resolutions (Less wide than 16:10). Sephonie will run fine with these resolutions but some UI may be cut off, which you can fix by using the in-game UI Scaling option or by running the game in a 16:9/16:10 windowed resolution.
The same goes for UWHD resolutions in fullscreen.


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文件下载 系统:macOS 10.14.6或更高版本 大小:364.44MB | 语言:英文 | 授权:破解 经确认:支持Big Sur、M1芯片、Monterey运行
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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: