Apple Numbers Mac Apple出品的类Excel图表工具 v12.2(7035.0.159)

摘 要

Apple Numbers Mac免费版是一款Apple出品的电子表格制作软件。借助其简便易用的诸多功能编写公式、整理数据并创建图表。还可以打开、保存并电邮Excel文件。作为iWork三剑客之一的Numbers是一款由苹果公司开发的电子表格应用程序,其实它不仅仅局限于“电子表格”这个范畴,因为它所附带的排版功能是非常强大的。

Apple Numbers Mac Apple出品的类Excel图表工具
所属分类:大小100M-500M  办公软件 系统:macOS 12.0或更高版本 大小:227.15MB | 语言:多国语言[中文] 最后更新:2022年10月30日


Apple Numbers mac免费软件是知您网搜集到的Mac os系统上一款Apple出品的类Excel图表工具,由苹果公司开发的电子表单应用程序,Numbers for Mac免费版里整个表格都是任由你掌控的画布,只需添加引人注目的交互式图表、表格和图像,即可让您的数据生动显现,您可以在Mac和iOS设备之间无缝切换,也可以与使用 Microsoft Excel的其它轻松协作。
Numbers for Mac免费软件功能介绍
使用 Mac 版 Numbers 表格创建精美电子表格。从 30 多种 Apple 设计的模板中任选一种,开始制作您的家庭预算、清单、发票、抵押贷款计算器,以及更多表格。在格式自由的画布上任意添加表格、图表、文本和图像。获取针对 250 多种功能强大函数的即时建议和内建帮助。您可以使用交互式柱形图、条形图、散点图和气泡图生动绘制数据。轻松过滤大型表格。使用数据透视表发现模型和趋势。
Numbers for Mac免费软件功能特色
• 借助实时协作功能,整个团队可以在 Mac、iPad、iPhone 和 iPod touch 上、甚至在 PC 上同时处理电子表格
• 公开或与特定用户共享电子表格,查看当前与您一起处理电子表格的用户,以及查看其他用户的光标来跟踪他们所做的编辑
• 适用于储存在 iCloud 或 Box 中的电子表格
• 30 多种 Apple 设计的模板可让您轻松开始创建电子表格
• 在格式自由的画布上任意放置表格、图表、文本和图像
• 在单个工作表上添加多个表格并调整大小
• 使用媒体浏览器插入照片、音乐和视频
• 使用形状库中 700 多个可编辑的形状来优化电子表格
• 导入并编辑 Microsoft Excel 电子表格、逗号分隔值 (CSV) 和制表符分隔的文本
• 250 多种功能强大的函数可供选择,包括 XLOOKUP 和 RegEx
• 开始键入公式时即可获取函数建议
• 搜索集成的函数浏览器以获取内建帮助和公式示例
• 使用全新智能单元格视图获取实时公式结果、错误检查、精确数值和单元格格式
• 轻松将股票信息添加到电子表格
• 将喜欢的函数添加到“快速计算”以获取即时结果
• 使用数据透视表和智能类别来以全新方式查看数据
• 快速整理和汇总表格以获取新的见解
• 插入精美的二维和三维图表,包括条形图、柱形图、折线图、面积图、饼图、圆环图和雷达图
• 使用交互式柱形图、条形图、散点图和气泡图生动显示数据
• 根据数值、文本、日期和持续时间的规则自动高亮显示单元格
• 轻松过滤大型表格以获取特定值、文本或重复条目
• 使用滑块、步进器、复选框、弹出式菜单和星级评分更改单元格中的数值
• 打开 iCloud,您便可以在 Mac、iPad、iPhone、iPod touch 上以及 Mac 或 PC 浏览器中的 上访问和编辑电子表格
• Numbers 表格会在您修改后自动存储电子表格
• 将电子表格导出为 CSV、pdf 和 Microsoft Excel
• 使用“隔空投送”将电子表格发送给附近的任何人
• 通过“邮件”或“信息”以链接方式快速轻松共享作品

Version 12.2:
在“信息”中共享电子表格以立即开始团队协作,以及直接在“信息”对话中查看更新(需要 macOS 13)
直接在协作电子表格中发送信息或者开始 FaceTime 通话(需要 macOS 13)
新选项可让你自动移除图像的背景来分离其中的主体(需要 macOS 13)


Create gorgeous spreadsheets with Numbers for Mac. Get started with one of many Apple-designed templates for your home budget, checklist, invoice, mortgage calculator, and more. Add tables, charts, text, and images anywhere on the free-form canvas. As soon as you start typing a formula, you'll get instant suggestions and built-in help for the over 250 powerful functions. Animate your data with new interactive column, bar, scatter, and bubble charts. Easily filter through large tables. Automatically format cells based on numbers, text, dates, and durations with new conditional highlighting. And with an all-new calculation engine, Numbers is faster than ever before.
With iCloud built in, your spreadsheets are kept up to date across all your devices. And with real-time collaboration, your team will be able to work together at the same time on a Mac, iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch — even on a PC using iWork for iCloud.
Collaborate with others at the same time
• With real-time collaboration, your whole team can work together on a spreadsheet at the same time on Mac, iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch—even on a PC
• Share your spreadsheet publicly or with specific people, see who’s currently in the spreadsheet with you, and view other people’s cursors to follow their edits
• Available on spreadsheets stored in iCloud or in Box
Beautiful spreadsheets
• Over 30 Apple-designed templates give your spreadsheets a beautiful start
• Place tables, charts, text, and images anywhere on the free-form canvas
• Add and resize multiple tables on a single sheet
• Insert photos, music, and video with the Media Browser
• Enhance your spreadsheets with a library of over 700 editable shapes
• Import and edit Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, Comma Separated Values (CSV), and tab-delimited text
Formulas for everyone
• Choose from over 250 powerful functions, including XLOOKUP and RegEx
• Get function suggestions as soon as you start typing a formula
• Search the integrated function browser for built-in help and sample formulas
• Get live formula results, error checking, exact value, and cell format with the new smart cell view
• Easily add stock information to spreadsheets
• Add your favorite functions to Quick Calculations for instant results
Everything adds up. Beautifully
• Use Pivot Tables and Smart Categories to see your data in a whole new way
• Quickly organize and summarize tables to gain new insights
• Insert gorgeous 2D and 3D charts, including bar, column, line, area, pie, donut, and radar charts
• Animate data with interactive column, bar, scatter, and bubble charts
• Automatically highlight cells based on rules for numbers, text, dates, and durations
• Easily filter through large tables for specific values, text, or duplicate entries
• Change values in cells using sliders, steppers, checkboxes, pop-ups, and star ratings
• Turn on iCloud so you can access and edit your spreadsheets from your Mac, iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, and from a Mac or PC browser at
• Numbers automatically saves your spreadsheet as you make changes
Share a copy of your work
• Export your spreadsheet to CSV, PDF, and Microsoft Excel
• Use AirDrop to send your spreadsheet to anyone nearby
• Quickly and easily share a link to your work via Mail or Messages
Some features may require Internet access; additional fees and terms may apply.

Version 12.2:
An all-new activity view shows recent changes in collaborative spreadsheets, including when people join, comment, and make edits
Get notifications when others join or make changes in your shared spreadsheets
Share a spreadsheet in Messages to instantly start collaborating with your team and see updates right in the Messages conversation (Requires macOS 13)
Send a message or start a FaceTime call right from a collaborative spreadsheet (Requires macOS 13)
Now use the File menu to manage your shared spreadsheet or send a copy
Compare values and combine text with new functions, including BITAND, BITOR, BITXOR, BITLSHIFT, BITRSHIFT, ISOWEEKNUM, CONCAT, TEXTJOIN, and SWITCH.
A new option lets you automatically remove an image’s background to isolate its subject (Requires macOS 13)


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"Apple Numbers" Mac软件下载历史版本


文件下载 系统:macOS 12.0或更高版本 大小:227.15MB | 语言:多国语言[中文] 经确认:支持Intel/M1/2芯片、Big Sur/Monterey/Ventura运行
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