Nitro PDF Pro Mac 全能PDF编辑软件 v13.3.0

摘 要

Nitro PDF Pro破解版可以对文本和图像进行更改、编辑,还可以OCR 扫描文档,填写并创建表格,导出到 Microsoft® Word、Excel、PowerPoint。

Nitro PDF Pro Mac 全能PDF编辑软件
所属分类:大小100M-500M  办公软件 系统:macOS 10.14或更高版本 大小:256.84MB | 语言:英文 | 授权:破解 最后更新:2022年08月04日


Nitro pdf Pro mac破解软件知您网搜集到的Mac Os系统上一款强大的PDF编辑软件 - 添加签名、文本和图像。进行更改并更正拼写错误。OCR 扫描文档。填写并创建表格。导出到 Microsoft® Word、Excel、PowerPoint。可以完全取代高价的Adobe Acrobat,让文档编辑更加智能易用!
Nitro PDF Pro for Mac破解软件功能介绍
使用Nitro PDF Pro,您可以添加文本和签名、进行更正、OCR扫描文档等,就像Nitro PDF Pro Essentials一样。但是Nitro PDF Pro超越了它,具有更强大的功能。
使用Nitro PDF Pro使扫描的表单变得生动!使用文本字段、复选框、单选按钮、交互式签名字段和提交按钮构建交互式表单!
导出PDF不仅为您生活中的 Microsoft® Word用户导出为.docx格式,还为Excel导出为.xlsx,为PowerPoint导出为.pptx,为存档PDF导出PDF/A。
现在,您可以随时随地编辑您的PDF。使用iCloud 或Dropbox与iOS版PDF Pro进行无缝编辑。
Nitro PDF Pro for Mac破解软件功能特色
• 使用突出显示、下划线和删除线标记文档
• 向PDF添加文本、图像和签名
• 使用可编辑的文本块更正原始PDF中的文本
• 移动、调整大小、复制和删除原始PDF中的图像
• 复制和粘贴富文本;从 PDF 复制时保留字体和格式,包括列
• 添加、编辑、预览和提取文件附件和注释
• 录制和播放音频注释
• 添加注释、评论和云注释
• 使用指南将对象捕捉到位
• 添加页码,书签、页眉和页脚、行号和水印
扫描和OCR — 预览文本
• 单独或批量对扫描的文档执行OCR(光学字符识别)OCR
• 从扫描页面编辑OCR文本
• 直接从Image Capture或任何与Mac兼容的扫描仪扫描
• 调整分辨率、颜色深度和对比度图像或扫描文档的大小、倾斜和大小
• 上下文相关的弹出菜单可实现快速编辑
• 使用AppleScript和javascript自动化PDF操作
• 压缩PDF文档以获得更小的文件大小
• 编辑或删除文本,包括OCR文本
• 使用高达256位AES加密的密码保护文档
• 编辑文档权限以限制保存、打印、复制等
• 全屏模式以及缩放到文档宽度和缩放到实际文档大小
• 打印带有或不带有原始文本的注释和注释 
• 添加(和打印)注释和注释
• 验证数字签名的真实性和数字签名文档的可信度
• 使用AATL
• 填写交互式PDF表格并签名
• 通过图书馆申请与业务相关的邮票并在此处签名
• 将常用图像、签名、对象和文本保存在库中
• 通过iCloud将库项目与iOS版PDF Pro同步
• 使用iCloud或Dropbox与iOS版PDF Pro进行无缝编辑
• 将网站转换为多页PDF,包含超链接
• 创建和编辑跨平台的可填写 PDF 表单
• 离线时将PDF导出到 Microsoft® Word (.docx) 和 Microsoft® Excel (.xlsx )、Microsoft® PowerPoint(.pptx)和具有Internet连接的PDF存档(PDF/A)格式
• 以非交互式表单自动创建表单域
• 创建和编辑文档目录
• 创建组合文档,组合相关文件一起


Edit PDFs easily with Nitro PDF Pro! Add text, images, signatures, highlights, and comments. Make changes, fix typos, fill out forms, and redact sensitive information. Use OCR (Optical Character Recognition) to turn a scan into editable text. Export from PDF to Microsoft® Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and PDF Archive (PDF/A) formats.
Nitro PDF Pro enables PDF power users to: create interactive forms, including click to sign signature fields; edit OCR text; add and edit tables of contents; convert websites into PDFs; set document permissions.
• Paperless Workflow
Reduce the amount of paper in your office. Scan into Nitro PDF Pro and then use Nitro PDF Pro’s OCR (Optical Character Recognition). Preview and edit OCR results. Search, edit, and copy the resulting text.

Remove private information permanently with redaction. Remove a word, phrase or social security number throughout a document with search-and-redact or search-and-replace.
• Simply sign
Sign PDF contracts and email them back. Password-protect documents, set permission levels for those viewing your documents.
• Go mobile
Get Nitro PDF Pro for iPad & iPhone on the iTunes App Store, and seamlessly edit on Mac, iPad and iPhone.
• Easy to Use
Drag-and-drop thumbnails to rearrange or combine pages from different PDFs.
What’s New in Version 13:
- Modernized icons
- Intuitive UI Design
- Enhanced Highlighting experience
- MRC compression customization
- Table of Contents improvements
Features Specific to Nitro PDF Pro:
- Create cross-platform fillable PDF forms including interactive signature fields and email or web submission buttons
- Create and edit Table of Contents
- Convert websites into PDFs
- Correct typos in OCR text layer
- Add and edit document permissions
- Automatic form creation makes existing PDF forms fillable
- Gather submitted form data via backend integration
- Export in Microsoft® Excel (.xlsx) offline
- Export to Microsoft® PowerPoint (.pptx) and PDF Archive (PDF/A) formats (requires Internet connection)
- Create Portfolio documents, combining related files together
- Add text, images, audio and signatures to PDFs
- Correct typos in original PDF
- Fill out and sign PDF forms
- Redact or erase text, including OCR text
- Search-and-redact and search-and-replace text
- Export in Microsoft® Word (.docx) and Excel (.xlsx) formats while offline
- Scan directly from Image Capture or any Mac-compatible scanner
- Perform OCR (Optical Character Recognition)
- View and edit OCR layer for proofing and correcting OCR text
- Adjust resolution, color depth and contrast, skew, and size of an image or document
- Sign PDF forms via interactive signature fields or digital signatures
- Add and remove pages; re-order pages via drag & drop; combine PDFs
- Move, resize, copy and delete images in original PDF
- Copy/paste rich text; retain fonts and formatting when copying from PDFs, including columns
- Add (and print) notes, comments
- Mark up documents with highlighting, underscoring and strikethrough
- Save frequently-used images, signatures, objects and text in the Library
- Apply business-related and sign here stamps via the Library
- Print annotations
- Password protect a document with up to 256-bit AES encryption
- Compatible with iCloud Drive
- Automate PDF manipulations with AppleScript
- Available in English, Japanese, German, French, Italian, and Spanish

Version 13.3.0:
– Adds highlighting improvements
– Enhances visibility of OCR commands
– Supports macOS Monterey Shortcuts
– Other fixes and improvements


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文件下载 系统:macOS 10.14或更高版本 大小:256.84MB | 语言:英文 | 授权:破解 经确认:支持Big Sur、M1|2芯片、Monterey运行
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