Movist Mac破解版 高清播放器 v2.7.1(126)

摘 要

Movist for Mac破解版是一款易于使用和功能强大的电影播放器。您可以选择QuickTime或FFmpeg作为解码器为每个视频编解码器和其他解码器重新打开瞬间。Movist for Mac支持许多有用的功能来欣赏电影,包括H.264视频解码加速,数字音频输出( S / PDIF ) ,高品质的字幕,全屏幕浏览,方便和美观的用户界面等。

Movist Mac破解版 高清播放器
所属分类:小于50M  视频播放器 系统:(需64位CPU) macOS 10.14或更高版本 大小:61.63MB | 语言:多国语言[中文] | 授权:破解 最后更新:2022年07月07日


Movist mac破解软件是知您网搜集到的Mac os系统上一款易于使用和功能强大的高清播放器。您可以选择QuickTime或FFmpeg作为解码器为每个视频编解码器和其他解码器重新打开瞬间。Movist for Mac支持许多有用的功能来欣赏电影,包括H.264视频解码加速,数字音频输出( S / PDIF ) ,高品质的字幕,全屏幕浏览,方便和美观的用户界面等。
Movist for Mac破解软件功能介绍
•数字音频输出(S / PDIF)(仅FFmpeg的)。
•A / V同步调整。
•Apple Remote遥控器的支持。
Movist for Mac破解软件功能特色
1、精美的UI:Movist的UI设计充分考虑了播放控制条对画面的影响,所以将控制条设计为全透明状,而不像QuickTime Player X的全黑,MPlayerX的半黑,Movist只有按钮设计为暗白色,方便操作,易于观察,又不会对画面的整体造成影响。
4、上下方向键调整音量,这点与QuickTime Player X保持一致,同时配合左右方向键快进,上下方向键调节音量,非常方便


Movist is a movie player based on QuickTime and FFmpeg.
Beautiful and Convenient User Interface
The controllers are practical and convenient, as well as appearing only when the mouse pointer is approaching. Transparent title-bar and controllers allow you to focus more on your watching experience.
The main menu displays various states in real time, and the control panel gives you quick access to all the functions you need. Move the mouse over the seek-slider to see the thumbnails.
In addition to all these conveniences, we have added beauty. It supports modern style of macOS including light and dark themes.
When you open a media
There are many default preferences to apply when you open a media.
You can specify the default track language. For example, video and audio in Korean, subtitles in English, or you can set not to display subtitles if there’s an English audio track.
You can specify your preferred video quality, filters, equalizer, etc. You can also restore the last time you played it to watch from there.
Multiple tracks simultaneously
You can view subtitles in multiple languages at the same time. You can also set the different location and style for each languages.
You can also select multiple tracks simultaneously for video and audio. For example, if the front and rear videos of the car black box are contained in one file, you can see the front and back videos at the same time.

  • Supports QuickTime and FFmpeg
  • Customizable high quality caption
  • Supports smi, srt format captions
  • Playlist support
  • Media playback control
  • Full screen control panel
  • Simple user interface
  • Universal binary


Version 2.7.1:

  • Resolved crash issues when the output device changes during playing audio files
  • Resolved issues that ignore video orientation


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"Movist" Mac软件历史版本


文件下载 系统:(需64位CPU) macOS 10.14或更高版本 大小:61.63MB | 语言:多国语言[中文] | 授权:破解 经确认:支持Big Sur、M1芯片、Monterey运行
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