iTools Pro Mac iOS设备管理工具 v1.8.0.4

摘 要

iTools Pro是一款Mac上优秀的iPhone/iPad设备管理工具,支持最新的iOS 11以及iPhone 8等新设备,具有应用、照片、音乐、电影、铃声、图书、通讯录、文件管理、实时桌面等基础功能,还有音乐、电影、铃声格式转换、录屏大师、铃声制作、备份还原等功能,非常不错!

iTools Pro Mac iOS设备管理工具 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v1.8.0.4</span>
所属分类:文件管理 平台:Mac Os | 系统:OS X 10.6.8及以上 大小:53.7MB | 语言:多国语言[中文] | 授权:破解 最后更新:2019年03月06日


iTools Pro mac破解版是知您网搜集到的Mac os系统上一款非常好用的iOS设备管理工具,具有应用、照片、音乐、电影、铃声、图书、通讯录、文件管理、实时桌面等基础功能,还有音乐、电影、铃声格式转换、录屏大师、铃声制作、备份还原等功能,支持最新的iOS 9 和 OS X 10.11系统!
iTools Pro for Mac功能介绍
itools pro for mac版是itools mac版的升级版,Itools pro for mac这款软件需要用户支付费用才能开启更多的功能, 提供了正版App,图铃影音,CNTV四个资源市场供用户使用,苹果Cocoa技术,全新界面设计,更符合Mac操作习惯,独有的智能相册管理功能新增快捷浏览、导入时排序、按时间进行分类管理等功能,新增多选框,支持照片多选操作,大幅提高了图片加载速度,让管理图片变得更加简单。
iTools 大大的简化了苹果用户对设备的使用,与业内同类软件相比在软件大小、资源占用、运行速度、功能完备、产品体验上都有显著的优势,并通过提供更多更深的功能让苹果用户获得更多的乐趣。
iTools Pro for Mac功能特色


Managing the content of your iOS device using iTunes, the default OS X music player, is not always very intuitive. iTools is a simple Mac app that offers an alternative when you need to visualize, organize, or transfer data to and from your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. Effortlessly browse the content of your iOS device via a well organized interface
Right off the bat, you must make sure your iOS device is connected to your Mac: iTools automatically detects the available gadgets and then displays all the available information, organized into multiple tabs. As a result, you should be able to find what you are looking for in no time.
You can use the iTools app to view all installed applications, your photo / music / movies / ringtones / books / contacts library, all the available files, but also general details about the device, such as type, iOS version, or if it has been jailbroken or not.
Manage your iPhone’s or iPad’s data via user friendly tools
iTools offers you the possibility to import or export items without having to deal with complex tools. At the same time, you also have the option to delete certain elements. As far as applications are concerned, iTools enables you to delete, archive, or browse the content of the user installed utilities.
Within the iTools application, you should be able to visualize the activity of the iOS device in real time: the app installs an additional plug-in to handle this task, but during our test the screen loading procedure failed. Note that iTools downloads and installs this plug-in automatically without asking for confirmation.
Streamlined iOS device management solution featuring an user friendly workflow
iTools proposes simple solutions for transferring data from your iOS device to your Mac, and vice versa, in no time, without having to deal with complex tools. iTools can archive or browse the content of any installed app, enables you to browse and preview your media library, and so on. However, the developers do not provide any kind of documentation, so you will have to learn ho to use the app on your own.


  • Release notes were unavailable when this listing was updated.


iTools Pro Mac iOS设备管理工具 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v1.8.0.4</span>的预览图iTools Pro Mac iOS设备管理工具 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v1.8.0.4</span>的预览图iTools Pro Mac iOS设备管理工具 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v1.8.0.4</span>的预览图iTools Pro Mac iOS设备管理工具 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v1.8.0.4</span>的预览图iTools Pro Mac iOS设备管理工具 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v1.8.0.4</span>的预览图iTools Pro Mac iOS设备管理工具 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v1.8.0.4</span>的预览图


"iTools Pro" Mac历史版本


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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:

目前评论:5   其中:访客  0   博主  0

    • 网纹瓜 网纹瓜 1


        • 知您 知您 9

          @网纹瓜 您好!看到消息后,我立即下载试了,下载和打开是没问题的,您下载和安装其它软件是否正常呢???是不是包下载的不完整。

            • 网纹瓜 网纹瓜 1

              @知您 是不是因为安全性?

          • 小凯 小凯 0


              • zero zero 9

                @小凯 您好!下载后打开“文件已损坏”,是由于下载过程中,网络不稳定造成下载后的包不完整。您可以尝试多次下载,或换其他几个下载点“城通”、“百度网盘”、“微云”,换着来下载,请相信我上传的包是完整,我刚才下载也试了,打开没问题。