iTerm2 mac版是知您网搜集到的Mac os系统上一款终端软件工具。iTerm2免费版可以设置主题,支持画面分隔、各种快捷键。Mac默认使用的shell是bash,我们可以换成zsh,搭配iTerm2使用,用起来十分顺手,是非常好用的Mac终端仿真软件。
iTerm2 for Mac版功能介绍
知您网官网分享的iTerm2免费版可以作为终端的替代品,也是iTerm的继承者。iTerm2 for Mac是一款适用于Mac的多功能全功能终端应用程序,专为高级用户,开发人员以及最近迁移到Mac并且更喜欢终端窗口的用户而设计,并支持拆分选项卡和多个终端实例。可以推荐作为系统自带Terminal终端的替代品日常使用。iTerm2拥有多标签、中键复制粘贴、命令记忆、高亮指针、迅捷重复、全屏切换等功能,可以提升操作效率。
iTerm2 for Mac版功能特色
更重要的是,知您网官网分享的iTerm2免费版使您可以快速将选项卡拆分为多个面板,并同时使用不同的终端会话。您可以通过Shell菜单或使用预定义的热键垂直或水平分割窗口。正如所料,您可以使用键盘快捷键浏览所有打开的窗格,并通过隐藏所有其他窗格一次关注面板。热键用户将很高兴知道iTerm2 Mac版提供了一个特殊的“热键窗口”,可以立即召唤,并负责各种管理任务。可以从“首选项”窗口轻松启用该功能,并使您可以从屏幕顶部向下放置终端窗口并运行所需的命令。
iTerm2 for Mac版功能特征
只需键入窗口中出现的任何单词的开头,然后键入Cmd-; 将弹出一个带有建议的窗口。您正在寻找的单词通常位于列表的顶部!
将任何键映射到任何函数。为每个选项键分配单独的功能 - 甚至重新映射所有修改键。您可以自定义iTerm2的外观以满足您的需求:启用透明度,背景模糊,背景图像等等。
iTerm2 is a fork of the older iTerm project. iTerm is a Terminal replacement and the successor of iTerm. It focuses on speed, internationalization, and building new features to improve your life.
Version 3.4:
New Features
- Add support for new keyboard reporting mode control sequences: – CSI > u Push key reporting mode – CSI < u Pop key reporting mode – CSI ? u Query key reporting mode
- When you select hex characters and open the context menu their base-10 equivalent is shown.
- Add Undo Close to menu so that you can bind a keystroke to it. It undoes closing the last session/tab/window.
- You can now enable and disable triggers both on a per-profile basis and per-session. You can do this through the usual prefs UIs and also through the Session > Triggers menu.
- Add “Clear to Last Mark” and “Clear to Start of Selection” menu items.
- Add an option to disable triggers in interactive applications.
- You can now importa nd export snippets.
- Add a profile preference to open the password manager automatically when a password prompt is detected.
- Dynamic profiles may now name a “Dynamic Profile Parent GUID” rather than “Dynamic Profile Parent Name” to avoid breaking things when you rename a profile with children.
- Timestamps can now be configured to show when the mouse hovers over the right edge of the window.
Other Improvements
- In tmux integration the tmux server will now remember user-set tab titles.
- Preserve existing percent encoding when cmd-clicking a URL.
- Avoid setting TTY’s size when switching away from a tab.
- Verbiage improvements to tmux dashboard.
- Improvements to escaping when sending text via key binding action or snippets. Backaslashes can now reliably be sent by escaping them as \. Existing key bindings and snippets will not change behavior until edited.
- Sliders in prefs now include a text field showing the actual value.
- The window menu now indicates windows’ shortcuts.
- Don’t select tabs on mouse-down when option is pressed so that you can option-drag a non-selected tab.
- Set COPYFILE_DISABLE before creating an archive to send with it2ul to not include extended attributes files.
- Add Edit Triggers to Session menu.
- If the current directory is a symlink remember it more reliably when creating a new session that reuses the previous session’s directory.
- Upload and download colors in the network usage status bar component configurable.
- Prevent triggers that run commands from eating infinite CPU if there are too many of them by limiting the number that can run concurrently.
- Detect when triggers create a performance problem and offer to disable them in interactive apps.
- Page up, page down, home, and end now scroll when you are not in an interactive app. There is a new preference in Profiles > Keys to control this.
- In tmux integration (for tmux 3.2 and later) tab icons now reflect the current app in the tmux pane.
- Add showingAlternateScreen as a session-scoped variable.
- Add tmuxWindowPaneIndex as a session-scoped variable (requires tmux 3.2+ and tmux integration).
- Add logFilename variable to session scope.
- When a status bar is present without a composer component and you open the composer, open the big one instead of creating a temporary one in the status bar.
- Include default environment variables when launching a Python API script (e.g. so TMPDIR is set).
- Tmux integration now uses #{pane_title} for the tab title in most cases.
- Remove selection when pasting.
- Change the full screen mode shortcut to the mac standard cmd-ctrl-F unless you have a profile whose shortcut is set to this. Continue to acccept cmd-enter as well.
- Minor performance improvements to legacy renderer.
- Aesthetic improvements to the tabbar on big sur to look more like system tabs.
- Make “movement keys scroll outside interactive apps” into a profile preference.
- When dragging a window by the tabbar make it key and front on mousedown.
- Order a window front when dragging begins.
- Add support for encrypted OpenSSH private keys to upload/download with secure copy.
- Disable GPU renderer when macOS Monterey is in low-power mode.
Bug Fixes
- Fix a bug where some input was dropped in tmux integration.
- macOS Monterey support.
- Make “broadcast to panes in current tab” saner. It is now a per-tab rather than per-window setting. Toggling it will enable/disable the setting only for the current tab.
- Don’t highlight the area next to the search field in the preferences pane on mouse-over.
- Fix a bug where windows could be created a bit narrower than they should have been.
- When the standard “tmux” profile is created, ensure it doesn’t have a hotkey.
- Fix improper truncation in git status bar component.
- Fix cmd-clicking on URLs with ipv6 addresses.
- Fix URL changing in various cases when cmd-clicking on it.
- Fix discrepancy between legacy and GPU renderer’s drawing of tiled background images.
- Fix a bug where toolbelt tables could be truncated on the bottom.
- Move cursor to first column after adding ‘session contents restored’ banner.
- Fix bug where inline images were scaled incorrectly.
- Fix insets of inline images to be mroe sensible.
- Fix a bug where a shadow could appear under the tabbar in full screen mode on Big Sur and also in the minimal theme.
- Disable paste bracketing when sending ‘cd directory’ due to a drag being dropped.
- Fix the expand arrow button in the status bar composer component.
- Allow focus to stay on search field when a terminal window becomes key.
- Don’t let a control sequence take you out of CSI u mode.
- Fix overly long underlines in GPU renderer.
- Prevent excessive CPU usage when the git status bar component is enabled and the repo in the current directory is enormous.
- Fix incorrect network throughput in network status bar component when the set of NICs changes.
- Update full-environment Python scripts’ setup.cfg after editing dependencies.
- Fixes a bug where the window shrinks when splitting a tab in a 1-tab window.
- Fix various crashes.
- Fix a bug where prompt marks could survive the screen being cleared (this happened a lot in tmux integration).
- Respect zero-width joiners and allow them to prevent ligatures.
- Fix a bug where restoring windows from an arrangement via the dock menu could put them on the wrong screen.
- Avoid sending focus reports when the password manager is open.
- Fix a bug where tabs opened from the tmux dashboard would open in the current window instead of in a new window.
- Fix a bug where content would jump around when scrolled up into history and new input is being received.
- Fix a bug where it was impossible to make a selection while scrolled into history and new input is being received.
- Fix a bug where content was duplicated when restoring a window on app launch.
- Fix a bug where buried sessions remained hidden when the password manager was opened by a trigger.
- Fix opening emacs in an existing window when cmd-clicking on a text file.
- Unset SHLVL when launching a session to avoid it being greater than 1.
- Control-J in CSI u mode now sends a control sequence.
"iTerm2" Mac软件下载历史版本
iTerm2 for Mac版 Build 3.4.9 免费版
iTerm2 for Mac版 Build 3.4.8 中文免费版
iTerm2 for Mac版 Build 3.4.8 英文免费版
iTerm2 for Mac版 Build 3.4.7 免费版
iTerm2 for Mac版 Build 3.4.7bate2 免费版
iTerm2 for Mac版 Build 3.4.7bate1 免费版
iTerm2 for Mac版 Build 3.4.6 CR2 免费版[支持“M1芯片”] iTerm2 for Mac版 Build 3.4.6 免费版
iTerm2 for Mac版 Build 3.4.5 免费版
iTerm2 for Mac版 Build 3.4.5beta2 免费版
iTerm2 for Mac版 Build 3.4.5beta1 免费版
iTerm2 for Mac版 Build 3.4.4beta2 免费版
iTerm2 for Mac版 Build 3.4.4beta1 免费版
iTerm2 for Mac版 Build 3.4.1 免费版
iTerm2 for Mac版 Build 3.4.0beta12 免费版
iTerm2 for Mac版 Build 3.4.0beta11 免费版
iTerm2 for Mac版 Build 3.4.0beta9 免费版
iTerm2 for Mac版 Build 3.4.0beta8 免费版
iTerm2 for Mac版 Build 3.4.0beta7 免费版
iTerm2 for Mac版 Build 3.4.0beta6 免费版
iTerm2 for Mac版 Build 3.4.0beta5 免费版
iTerm2 for Mac版 Build 3.4.0beta4 免费版
iTerm2 for Mac版 Build 3.4.0beta3 免费版
iTerm2 for Mac版 3.4.0beta2 免费版
[以下版本兼容macOS 10.12 或更高版本]
iTerm2 for Mac版 3.3.12 免费版
iTerm2 for Mac版 3.3.11 免费版
iTerm2 for Mac版 3.3.11 beta1 免费版
iTerm2 for Mac版 3.2.8 免费版
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