Integrity Plus Mac 网站链接检测器 v12.8.3(12.8.30)

摘 要

知您网分享的Integrity Plus for Mac破解版是一款网站链接检测软件,它用起来非常的简单,您只需要输入网址就会快速的查询,并且之后查出的坏链还会以不同的颜色显示。

Integrity Plus Mac 网站链接检测器
所属分类:编程开发  小于50M 适配:macOS 10.14或更高 大小:9.73MB | 语言:英文 | 授权:破解 最后更新:2024年01月25日
Integrity Plus Mac软件下载免费尽在知您网Integrity Plus Mac软件下载免费尽在知您网Integrity Plus Mac软件下载免费尽在知您网Integrity Plus Mac软件下载免费尽在知您网Integrity Plus Mac软件下载免费尽在知您网Integrity Plus Mac软件下载免费尽在知您网


注意:此次破解需要用到“注册机”,而打开注册机,会被”CleanMyMac X“提示“检测到恶意软件”,所以,是否继续下载 【版本2.6.1(39)】,请您斟酌!
Integrity Plus mac破解版软件镜像包下载完后,首先将软件 Integrity Plus 拖至 Mac应用程序中完成安装;
从Mac应用程序中找到软件 Integrity Plus ,打开,弹出如下窗口,选择【Continue Trial】,再关闭软件!
Integrity Plus Mac破解版知您网详细描述的截图
然后返回Integrity Plus Mac破解版软件镜像包,打开【注册机】选择【OPEN】- 找到应用程序中的Integrity Plus,点击【OPEN】
Integrity Plus Mac破解版知您网详细描述的截图
点击【Paddle Me】即可激活成功!
Integrity Plus Mac破解版知您网详细描述的截图


Integrity Plus Mac破解版知您网搜集到的Mac os系统上一款由TNT破解网站链接检测器,Integrity Plus for Mac破解软件可以帮助用户检查每个链接,同时报告每个链接的服务代码。Integrity Plus Mac破解版给大家提供了不少功能,包括管理站点、创建站点图等,可以让您不再为死链接感到烦恼。
Integrity Plus Mac软件下载功能介绍
知您网软件分享的Integrity Plus破解版填补了Integrity和Scrutiny之间的空白。如果您管理多个站点,则Integrity Plus破解版允许您存储每个站点的设置并在它们之间切换。它以xml和各种其他格式生成站点地图。它还添加了一个搜索框和过滤器按钮,以帮助您搜索数据。
Integrity Plus Mac软件下载功能特色
Integrity plus【破解版的所有功能。同样快速,高效,准确的发动机。
Integrity plus Mac版有搜索框和过滤按钮。搜索您的数据,过滤它,导出。
归档功能得到增强 - 可以创建可浏览的本地Web归档。
导出xml网站地图以提交给搜索引擎(以及其他格式 - 包括.dot进行可视化)。包括图像pdf文件的选项。设置您的优先级/更改频率的规则或手动编辑这些规则。


Integrity Plus Crack fills the gap between Integrity, the free no-frills link checker, and Scrutiny, the webmaster tools suite. If you manage more than one site then Integrity Plus allows you to store settings for each site and switch between them. It generates a sitemap in xml and a variety of other formats. it also adds a search box and filter button to help you search your data.
This version is leaner. It displays more information and is more efficient. It’s a free upgrade for existing licence holders.

  • Scans your site for broken links – as fast and accurate as Integrity
  • All the features of the free Integrity
  • Manage multiple sites
  • Generate a sitemap in XML, DOT, and CSV
  • Good XML sitemap options, optionally include images and PDFs, add rules for setting update frequency and priority, or edit these manually
  • Search your data
  • Archive the pages while scanning with the option to convert them to a browsable archive
  • OS X-native, Retina-screen compatible, and macOS 10.12 Sierra tested and supported
  • Improved archiving, incorporates the work done in WebArch and Website Watchman
  • Interface brought up-to-date, better searching of website configurations and organisation in folders

Version 12.8.3:

  • Fixes a problem with the link inspector not displaying all instances of the link url if it appears multiple times on a particular page
  • Now generates a warning if a link that appears to be internal (from its domain) but is marked rel=external. This may be deliberate and is legal but there are serious SEO implications if it happens unintentionally.
  • Despite collecting the data and possibly generating a warning, Integrity does not *observe* the rel=external at this point. ie if it is internal according to its domain, integrity does not mark it as an external link or treat it as external, ie not following it. This does raise some questions and the matter is left open at this point.
  • Now observes rel=nofollow in a link, if at the point the engine comes to follow that link, *all instances discovered so far* are marked 'rel=nofollow'. In other words if an instance has been discovered at that point which doesn't have the nofollow keyword in its rel, then the link will be followed.


Integrity Plus Mac软件下载历史版本

版本 下载 密码
12.7.8(12.7.81) 立即下载 ssay
12.7.6(12.7.61) 立即下载 ssay
12.7.1(12.7.11) 立即下载 ssay
12.5.3(12.5.30) 立即下载 ssay
12.4.5(124.51) 立即下载 ssay
12.3.16(12.3.161) 立即下载 ssay
12.3.16(12.3.161) 立即下载 ssay
12.3.10(12.3.100) 立即下载 ssay


文件下载 芯片:✅ 支持Intel/M1/M2/M3 适配:macOS 10.14或更高 大小:9.73MB | 语言:英文 | 授权:破解 兼容:✅ Big Sur/Monterey/Ventura/Sonoma运行
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