Faux Pas Mac – 强大的Xcode辅助工具 v1.7.2

摘 要

使用Xcode集成开发工具时,有时会出现一些隐藏的bug,通过小编为大家带来的Faux Pas for Mac 破解版可以帮助您查找这些资源中出现的错误,并为您控制潜在的bug。欢迎广大朋友前来下载!

Faux Pas Mac – 强大的Xcode辅助工具 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v1.7.2</span>
所属分类:编程开发 平台:Mac Os | 系统:OS X 10.9及以上 大小:53.65MB | 语言:英文 | 授权:破解 最后更新:2017年11月15日


FauxPas破解版是知您网搜集到的mac os系统上一款强大的Xcode辅助工具,用以检查Xcode项目,找出常见的错误、隐藏的bug、不良实践以及可维护性问题和风格问题,可以查找资源文件的错误、本地化的错误等,简单易用,非常不错的开发辅助工具!
你能确保你的文件名参数没有问题?你是否在重命名文件后更新了所有相关的代码?Faux Pas for Mac 激活版包含12种不同的规则来检测与资源文件用法相关的错误。
Faux Pas for Mac 破解版包含10种不同的规则来检测本地化错误。
你的项目引用了版本控制根之外的文件吗?或者引用了一个VCS忽略的文件?Faux Pas for Mac 激活版有4种不同的规则来检查版本控制错误。
对于经验成熟的iOS/Mac开发者来说,Faux Pas for Mac激活也是十分有用的,但尤其适用于新入门的开发者。
你想在任何可能的时候使用点语法吗?或者使用 @property 进行属性声明?Faux Pas for Mac 破解版自带12种不同的规则来帮你执行风格上的约束。
你审查或者接管现有的代码库吗?针对你可能想关注的问题,Faux Pas将会给你一个很好内容概览。
Faux Pas for Mac 激活带有92种规则,使用Resources、Style或者Config这类tag进行分类。你可以选择你想使用的规则,并根据自己的偏好进行配置。
Faux Pas有一个图形用户界面和一个命令行界面。
Faux Pas Mac版可以以JSON、XML或者Property List 形式输出诊断。使用自定义脚本以你喜欢的方式进行处理。
通过tag选择规则,并排除个别规则。设定通用和规则特有的选项。保存成JSON 或者Property List形式的配置文件。
Faux Pas Mac版可以在当前几个流行的编辑器中打开文件。


Faux Pas inspects your iOS or Mac app’s Xcode project and warns about possible bugs, as well as about maintainability and style issues.

What the Clang Static Analyzer is to your code, Faux Pas is to your whole Xcode project. Faux Pas doesn’t just look at your code – it inspects all the elements of your Xcode project together. This allows it to find completely new classes of potential issues.

  • Tame latent bugs – Rules like these alert you to issues in your project that might manifest as bugs later down the line:
  • Find resource file errors – Are you sure you didn’t make a typo in the filename argument to [UIImage imageNamed:]? Did you remember to update all relevant code when you renamed that file? Are you shipping any resource files that are probably unused? Faux Pas comes with 12 different rules that check for errors related to resource file usage.
  • Find localization errors – Is NSLocalizedString() referring to a key that does not exist? That exists for one locale but not another? Do all of the format specifiers in all the different translations match? Faux Pas comes with 10 different rules that check for localization errors.
  • Find version control errors – Is your project referencing a file that is outside the version control root? Or a file that is ignored by the VCS? Faux Pas comes with 4 different rules that check for version control errors.
  • Learn and enforce best practices – Overriding +initializein a category? Specifying UIViewController NIB name outside of its implementation? Accessing the address book without specifying an NSContactsUsageDescription? Faux Pas is useful even for experienced iOS/Mac developers, but it’s especially great for newcomers to Apple’s platforms.
  • Enforce code style – Do you want to enforce the usage of dot syntax whenever possible? Or just use it for properties declared with @property? What about NSNumber literals, boxed expressions, container literals, and object subscripting? Faux Pas comes with 12 different rules that help you enforce stylistic constraints.
  • Get a checklist for code audits – Are you auditing or taking over an existing codebase? Faux Pas will give you a nice overview of potential issues you might want to pay attention to.
  • Choose from 93 different rules – Faux Pas comes with 93 rules, categorized using tags like Resources, Style, or Config. You can choose which rules you want to apply, and configure them to match your preferences.
  • Use GUI or CLI – Faux Pas has both a graphical user interface and a command-line interface.
  • Run during Xcode builds – Invoke Faux Pas in a Run Script build phase in Xcode, and see the emitted diagnostics in Xcode’s Issue Navigator (as well as inline with the code, just like regular compiler errors).
  • Connect to external tools – Faux Pas can output diagnostics in JSON or Property List formats. Process them in any way you want with custom scripts. You can also run Faux Pas on continuous integration servers.
  • Configure – Select rules by tags, and exclude individual rules. Set general and rule-specific options. Save into JSON configuration files.
  • Open links in your favorite editor Faux Pas can open files in several popular code editors, as well as API documentation in either Xcode or Dash.


Version 1.7.2:

  • Improved: Preliminary compatibility with Xcode 9. (Utilizing the open source Swift 4 Clang, due to Apple not having yet released the sources for their “Xcode 9” version of Clang.)
  • Fixed: Compilation errors for projects using C++ precompiled headers.
  • Fixed: Erroneous warnings about unsupported Xcode project formats.
  • Fixed: False positives for the “Assigning delegate property” rule in cases where a non-Objective-C-pointer property was named *Delegate. (Thanks to Stephen Ford Horne for reporting this.)
  • Fixed: False positives for the “Dynamic library install name” rule.
  • Fixed: False positives for the “Retain cycle in block API usage” rule in cases where typeof(self) is used. (issue #110)
  • Fixed: False positives for the “XIB User-defined runtime attribute mismatch” rule in cases where the runtime attribute type is image. (issue #115)


Faux Pas Mac – 强大的Xcode辅助工具 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v1.7.2</span>的预览图


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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: