直面它:心魔之战(Face It-A game to fight inner demons) Mac – 探险解谜游戏 v1.0

摘 要

直面它:心魔之战(Face It-A game to fight inner demons) Mac破解版所采用的是经典的点击式玩法,再加上游戏阴暗的画面和令人心惊胆战的声音,非常的令人身临其境,玩家需要克服重重难关,克服心魔完成冒险,喜欢的友友千万不要错过哦,快来下载吧!

直面它:心魔之战(Face It-A game to fight inner demons) Mac – 探险解谜游戏 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v1.0</span>
所属分类:单机游戏 平台:Mac Os | 系统:OS X 10.9及以上 大小:523.53MB | 语言:英文 | 授权:破解 最后更新:2018年02月24日


直面它:心魔之战(Face It-A game to fight inner demons)破解版是知您网搜集到的mac os系统上作为一款3D平台动作解谜游戏,超现实主义场景是以内心情感所构筑的迷宫为蓝本,暗色调的地方代表怪兽和陷阱,亮色调的地方代表正能量,你需要克服种种机关来战胜心魔完成冒险。
我们用来制作印记的技术之一是由Austin Osman Spare创建的Sigilization方法,他是一位魔术师,同时也是一位画家和图形艺术家。该技术包括用意图书写拼写,并粘合字母以减少抽象符号中的书面陈述。有意识的头脑可能不记得这些符号的含义,但是潜意识却保留了关于符号的记忆。这样,符号和他们的意图相互充电,以指数方式增加他们对头脑的影响力。


Carefuly crafted puzzles in a challenging 3D platformer experience take the player on a surrealistc journey through a maze of feelings. In Face It, abstract concepts are shaped into gameplay. Darker emotions like fear and depression are monsters and traps, while brighter concepts like HOPE, VISION and LOVE are the powers you need to beat the levels.
Go on a metaphorical journey of self-discovery. 
Defeat Ghosts with the power of your inner light.
Avoid dangerous traps.
Find your way through mazes and puzzles. 
Discover Some of the many true meanings of magic.
The levels represents dark aspects of human consciousness, like Fear or Attachment. By beating a level, you shall find brighter states of mind, like Love or Truth.
As you might pass through the levels, you may unlock the magical sigils and symbols that represent those new brighter states of mind. 
The sigils are symbolic representations of the magician's desired outcome. They are symbols created to cut through the walls of the conscious thought and affect directly the unconscious mind. It's at some extent, similar to subliminal messages.
One of the techniques we use to create sigils is a Sigilization method created by Austin Osman Spare, who was a magician, as well as a painter and graphical artist. The technique consists in writing spells with your intents, and agglutinate the letters to reduce the written statements in abstract symbols. The conscious mind may not remember the meaning of the symbols, but the subconscious keeps the memories about the symbol being made. This way, the symbols and their intents charge each other, exponentially increasing their influence on the mind.


直面它:心魔之战(Face It-A game to fight inner demons) Mac – 探险解谜游戏 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v1.0</span>的预览图直面它:心魔之战(Face It-A game to fight inner demons) Mac – 探险解谜游戏 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v1.0</span>的预览图直面它:心魔之战(Face It-A game to fight inner demons) Mac – 探险解谜游戏 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v1.0</span>的预览图直面它:心魔之战(Face It-A game to fight inner demons) Mac – 探险解谜游戏 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v1.0</span>的预览图直面它:心魔之战(Face It-A game to fight inner demons) Mac – 探险解谜游戏 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v1.0</span>的预览图直面它:心魔之战(Face It-A game to fight inner demons) Mac – 探险解谜游戏 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v1.0</span>的预览图直面它:心魔之战(Face It-A game to fight inner demons) Mac – 探险解谜游戏 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v1.0</span>的预览图直面它:心魔之战(Face It-A game to fight inner demons) Mac – 探险解谜游戏 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v1.0</span>的预览图直面它:心魔之战(Face It-A game to fight inner demons) Mac – 探险解谜游戏 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v1.0</span>的预览图直面它:心魔之战(Face It-A game to fight inner demons) Mac – 探险解谜游戏 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v1.0</span>的预览图


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