EndNote X8 Mac – 强大的论文参考和文献管理工具 v8.0.1 Build 12636

摘 要

EndNote是一款Mac上专业的参考文献管理和写作软件之一,支持 Mac Word、Pages, 用来创建个人参考文献库,并且可以加入文本、图像、表格和方程式等内容及链接等信息,能够与 Microsoft Word、Apple Pages完美无缝链接,方便地插入所引用文献并按照格式进行编排,是论文写作的好助手,非常的优秀和专业!

EndNote X8 Mac – 强大的论文参考和文献管理工具 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v8.0.1 Build 12636</span>
所属分类:办公软件 平台:Mac Os | 系统:OS X 10.10及以上 大小:92.05MB | 语言:英文 | 授权:破解 最后更新:2017年07月01日


EndNote X8是知您网搜集到的mac os x系统上一款专业的参考文献管理和写作软件,EndNote X8 Mac版用来创建个人参考文献库,并且可以加入文本、图像、表格和方程式等内容及链接等信息,能够与Microsoft Word完美无缝链接,方便地插入所引用文献并按照格式进行编排。
EndNote有着易用的界面和强大的文献搜索功能,对中文也支持良好,是科研工作者不可多得的好助手,无论是文献的检索、管理、文献全文的自动获取,还是论文写作过程中的文献引用插入、SCI 期刊模板等方面,均可为用户提供强大帮助。


EndNote is a fully-featured and user-oriented reference management app specially made to help you find, use and share research.
Makes it easy for you to find references or create your own
EndNote comes with a simple and intuitive interface that allows you to find and create references, store and share them with just a couple of mouse clicks.
Thanks to EndNote you can quickly search online databases, grab full-text articles and auto-complete your references with ease. You can expand your EndNote library even more by manually or automatically importing pdfs with the help of the watch folder feature.
Automatically searches for new data and keeps your data synchronized

EndNote is capable to search and automatically download and attach PDFs to your references. Moreover, you can annotate your references using sticky notes and synchronize your references across devices and desktops.
With the help of the advanced built-in search engine, EndNote allows you to search through your entire library, PDFs and annotations in a couple of seconds. Thus, you can locate and use certain references and groups of references with ease.
The featured bibliography maker enables you to create and format citations in over 5000 styles. You have the option to create multiple bibliographies in Word documents for different chapters of a book or multiple bibliographies based on the requirements of your assignment.
Organize your references using custom groups and share your data with your collaborators

As mentioned above, you can organize, search, rename, annotate and add comments to your PDFs directly from within EndNote. All performed changes are synchronized across your desktops, mobile devices and online accounts.
Furthermore, you can organize your references in groups and share them with colleagues and collaborate with your team. In addition, you can grant your colleagues read and write access to your references and groups. You are also allowed to attach up to 45 different files to a single reference and store all your data in one place.
In conclusion, if you are looking for a comprehensive and user-friendly reference management application capable to handle large reference collections, then EndNote might be the app for you.

EndNote X8 8.0.1 Build 12636:

  • Restore Unfiled Group reference count display upon library launch
  • Improved metadata retrieval for reference creation upon PDF import
  • Restored links to Online User Guide under Help menu


EndNote X8 Mac – 强大的论文参考和文献管理工具 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v8.0.1 Build 12636</span>的预览图


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