爆炸竞速(Detonation Racing) Mac 3D竞速赛车游戏 v1.0.3

摘 要

知您网分享的Detonation Racing Mac游戏爆破赛车是一款融合了多元素的赛车竞速手游,漂移、跳跃、氮气冲刺,真人刺激竞速对决,更有丰富的赛车可供选择,喜欢的玩家千万别错过了,快来下载体验吧!

爆炸竞速(Detonation Racing) Mac 3D竞速赛车游戏
所属分类:大小1G-3G  体育竞技 系统:macOS 11.0或更高版本 大小:1.28GB | 语言:多国语言[中文] | 授权:破解 最后更新:2022年04月10日


爆炸竞速(Detonation Racing) mac破解版是知您网搜集到的Mac os系统上一款画面极为逼真的3d竞速赛车游戏,游戏拥有超级爽快的高速竞速乐趣,您可以加强性能强劲的现代赛车,完成漂亮的漂移过弯和极速冲刺,让您赛车率先到达终点。
爆炸竞速(Detonation Racing) for Mac游戏下载剧情
欢迎来到 Detonation Racing,这是有史以来最危险、最不明智的赛车系列!我是 Boom 博士,这都是我的错……













“具有 iOS、tvOS 和 Mac 之间的交叉播放功能。”


爆炸竞速(Detonation Racing) for Mac游戏下载特色
爆炸竞速(Detonation Racing) for Mac游戏下载特征


Welcome to Detonation Racing, the most dangerous, least sensible racing series ever devised! I’m Dr Boom and it’s all my fault…

Why are we here? So you can drive far too quickly and, ooh, I dunno, how about drop a nuclear powered submarine onto the track to destroy the other racers? Just to claim victory for your own selfish ends? What kind of person are you?

Anyway, someone seems to have written some kind of brochure for this thing, so I’m just going to read from that now. Ahem.

“Experience edge-of-your-seat arcade racing in a world rigged to explode. A racing experience like no other!”

Who writes this stuff? It’s still quite like other racing games to be honest, you drive a car, you go fast. There are really a lot of explosions though, so that bit is true. What else do they say here?

“Tactically collapse and disintegrate the track to open new routes, and risk hazardous shortcuts to gain competitive advantage.”

Ok yes, you can definitely do that. Let’s be real, the whole thing is extremely hazardous. Driving a racing car round an exploding race track is a pretty hazardous thing to do.

“Gameplay designed to be enjoyed in solo play, online, and locally with friends and family.”

Yep, you can definitely play online against other monsters, there’s a great big career mode full of cool challenges that I personally designed, and you can play against your family and friends. As if you have any friends.

“A pick-up-and-play, action-packed experience. Instantly accessible but with plenty of depth to master.”

To be frank, they’re just repeating themselves here. It was never going to be “impossible to learn and incredibly shallow” was it?

“Six incredible tracks, nine astonishing cars and mountains of paint jobs to unlock!”

Is that a lot? They seem to think it’s a lot. I guess it is quite a lot. How many is a ‘mountain’ though? I reckon they’re trying to hide something.

“Features crossplay between iOS, tvOS and Mac.”

I don’t really know what that means, but it sounds pretty impressive, you have to admit.

And that’s it. I reckon it sounds pretty good, but I would say that, I’m in it! In conclusion, you should definitely play my game.

Version 1.0.3:

  • Welcome to Detonation Racing, the most dangerous, least sensible racing series ever devised!


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文件下载 系统:macOS 11.0或更高版本 大小:1.28GB | 语言:多国语言[中文] | 授权:破解 经确认:支持Big Sur、M1芯片、Monterey运行
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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:

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    • 生与死的博弈 生与死的博弈 4

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