割绳子重制版Cut the Rope Remastered Mac版 经典割绳子游戏 v2.7.0

摘 要

全球知名游戏Cut the Rope系列最新篇章,即将带您进入朝气蓬勃、身历其境的世界。不断让小不点回到奥姆身边,就能继续享受这段无尽的旅程,但是该怎么做呢?关卡物品能助你一臂之力,只要想办法好好利用就行了。努力加油!马上展开令人振奋的冒险!

割绳子重制版Cut the Rope Remastered Mac版 经典割绳子游戏
所属分类:大小500M-1G  益智游戏 适配:macOS 11.0或更高 大小:595.92MB | 语言:中文 | 授权:破解 最后更新:2024年01月30日
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“苹果M片”若出现无法打开“Cut the Rope Remastered mac版 ”,请尝试右键勾选“Rosetta”,具体操作,请按:Apple Silicon M1|2|M3 应用安装后运行闪退、打不开,点我直达!来设置。
按以上操作打开游戏“Cut the Rope Remastered”,若还是弹出“Cut the Rope Remastered”无法打开。”
解决办法:在Mac应用程序中找到游戏“Cut the Rope Remastered”,然后鼠标右键选择“打开”,就能正常进入游戏;



割绳子Cut the Rope Remastered Mac游戏下载是知您网搜集到的Mac os系统上一款益智游戏,游戏中,玩家需要通过切割绳子来帮助小怪物奥米尼吃到悬挂的糖果。每个关卡都有不同的难题,需要玩家巧妙地利用物理规律和道具来解决。割绳子的玩家可以通过切割绳子、弹射、爆炸、吸附和移动物体等方式来操控糖果的移动路径,以最终将糖果送到小怪物的嘴里。游戏中还有星星的收集目标,玩家可以尽量收集更多星星来解锁新的关卡和奖励。《割绳子》在玩法上简单易懂,但随着关卡的增加,难度也会逐渐增加。游戏拥有可爱的图形风格和欢快的音乐,深受玩家喜爱。

Cut the Rope Remastered Mac游戏下载设定

割断绳子、躲开障碍物,并使用辅助道具将糖果喂给喜爱吃甜食的绿色小怪物Om Nom。基于物理学原理的趣味游戏方式、可爱的主角,加上刺激的冒险等你来挑战。与超过畅玩原作的十亿名玩家共襄盛举。如果你是老玩家,准备好尝尝新的甜头吧!

Cut the Rope Remastered Mac游戏下载特色



Cut ropes, avoid obstacles and use boosters so that the green sweet tooth Om Nom will not be left without candies. Exciting gameplay based on the laws of physics, a cute main character and exciting adventures await you. Join the ranks of fans of the original games. There are more than a billion of them! And if you're one of the old guard, we'll surprise you with some new goodies.
A CABINET OF TROPHIES: Cut the Rope Remastered Crack has won Apple Design, BAFTA and GDC awards.
AMAZING LEVEL DESIGN: The game is full of obstacles and interesting boosters - from magic hats to air pillows.
CHARMING MAIN CHARACTER: Om Nom, who has a sweet tooth, will definitely make his way to your heart through his stomach!
COMPLETELY RECYCLED GRAPHICS: wonderful main menu, vibrant 3D levels and new cute animations for Om Nom.
MEET BITE YUM: the cute bully and offspring of Om Nom is gluttonous beyond his years.

文件下载 芯片:✅ 支持Intel/M1/M2/M3 适配:macOS 11.0或更高 大小:595.92MB | 语言:中文 | 授权:破解 兼容:✅ Big Sur/Monterey/Ventura/Sonoma运行
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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: