断线broken lines Mac 策略游戏 v1.

摘 要

断线broken lines for Mac以第二次世界大战野史为背景并由故事情节推动的战术RPG游戏。游戏的主角为在敌方防线后紧急降落的八名士兵。您要领他们回家,同时抵御敌人的围追堵截,并帮助他们应对战争所带来的恐惧,游戏体验还是蛮不错的!

断线broken lines Mac 策略游戏
所属分类:大小1G-3G  策略游戏 适配:(需64位CPU) macOS 10.13.6或更高 大小:2.80GB | 语言: 多国语言[中文] | 授权:破解 最后更新:2023年09月09日
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断线broken lines mac游戏下载是知您网搜集到的Mac os系统上一款好玩的策略游戏,游戏故事发生在二战时期,玩家将帮助8名迫降在东欧腹地的士兵生存下去,并完成任务;他们每个人都有自己的想法,你需要领导他们,解决他们的争端,生存下来,应对未知的挑战。

broken lines Mac游戏下载设定

知您网官网带来的broken lines破解版是由PortaPlay制作的一款战争策略类游戏,3DM专区为大家来了最新的游戏资讯,同时还是一款以第二次世界大战野史为背景并由故事情节推动的战术 RPG 游戏。游戏的主角为在敌方防线后紧急降落的八名士兵。您要领他们回家,同时抵御敌人的围追堵截,并帮助他们应对战争所带来的恐惧。

broken lines Mac游戏下载特色

1、知您网软件分享的broken for Mac破解游戏战术RPG与故事情节推动的游戏合为一体。您的士兵正承受着战争所带来的巨大精神压力,您需要指挥他们参加战斗 —— 他们会避开与敌人交火,还是会与敌人正面交锋?
2、战斗类似于基于回合的战术 RPG,但是士兵仅在行动阶段开始时才能移动。然而,当出现新的敌人和危险时,游戏会暂停,以允许您深思熟虑,对突如其来的变化做出响应。您会继续向敌军发起冲锋,还是退缩以寻求掩护?


The dead are rising from their graves! Crash landing behind enemy lines was a real challenge for our troop of rogues. And they certainly didn't sign up for a mad struggle for survival against both the living and the undead.
Now they must find the source of this occult magic in a war-torn country and eliminate it before the zombie horde spreads throughout the world.
But how to maintain your sanity in a battle with enemies who have risen from the grave?
Drinking is the best solution! A local merchant is happy to share his hooch stock—for a reasonable price, of course. Despite its dubious composition, alcohol has a great effect on soldiers, making them forget about fear and rush into battle.
So make sure your squad is drunk enough and fully armed as they have to kill hordes of enemies and unravel the occult mystery!

Tactical action
The fan-favorite gameplay is back - now with zombies! It's up to you to decide what to do. You can explore the battlefield and lure a horde of undead into the enemy camp, and then finish off the survivors. Or you can take out the biggest guns from your arsenal and fill everything that moves with fire! But be on your guard, because the living dead are surrounding you on all sides.
Occult secrets
The biggest secret here is the amount of booze that our merchant prepared. The soldiers drink without stopping, but the barrel never gets empty! Of course, all those animated corpses, pagan altars, and the constant fog that shrouds the area are also worth exploring. But not until everyone is drunk enough!
Mutant bosses
There are a thousand different ways to die on the battlefield. The resurrected add a thousand more to them through their mutations, so get ready to face unique zombies a hundred times stronger than their normal counterparts! Your squad will need all the combat experience and “fuel” to survive in the fight!
Booze and weapons
Alcoholism has its benefits! In the game, of course. The more your soldiers drink, the more perks and abilities they have. Add to this a huge arsenal, cowardly abandoned by deserters after an encounter with zombies, and you have a combination of equipment and skills ideal for fighting a horde of zombies!

文件下载 芯片:✅ 支持Intel/M1/M2 适配:(需64位CPU) macOS 10.13.6或更高 大小:2.80GB | 语言: 多国语言[中文] | 授权:破解 兼容:✅ Big Sur/Monterey/Ventura运行
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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: