鳄鱼侦探布罗格BROK the InvestiGator Mac 冒险游戏 v1.4.5.1

摘 要

鳄鱼侦探布罗格(BROK the InvestiGator) Mac中文版破解游戏是由COWCAT制作并发行的一款侦探题材冒险解谜游戏,在游戏中玩家将扮演侦探布罗格,为了找到自己妻子悲惨过去的始作俑者,你决定利用你侦探的头脑和格斗家的技术在这个颓废的社会中挑战自己的命运。

鳄鱼侦探布罗格BROK the InvestiGator Mac 冒险游戏
所属分类:大小1G-3G  动作冒险 适配:(需64位CPU) macOS 10.14或更高 大小:1.89GB | 语言: 多国语言[中文] | 授权:破解 最后更新:2024年01月14日
鳄鱼侦探布罗格BROK the InvestiGator Mac破解版下载免费尽在知您网鳄鱼侦探布罗格BROK the InvestiGator Mac破解版下载免费尽在知您网鳄鱼侦探布罗格BROK the InvestiGator Mac破解版下载免费尽在知您网鳄鱼侦探布罗格BROK the InvestiGator Mac破解版下载免费尽在知您网鳄鱼侦探布罗格BROK the InvestiGator Mac破解版下载免费尽在知您网鳄鱼侦探布罗格BROK the InvestiGator Mac破解版下载免费尽在知您网鳄鱼侦探布罗格BROK the InvestiGator Mac破解版下载免费尽在知您网鳄鱼侦探布罗格BROK the InvestiGator Mac破解版下载免费尽在知您网


鳄鱼侦探布罗格BROK the InvestiGator mac破解游戏是知您网搜集到的Mac os系统上一款剧情丰富的冒险游戏。美地混合了动作格斗和案件推理元素。你会选择通过智力去破案亦或是蛮力呢?快来下载游戏,一名私家侦探(兼职拳击手),开启你的冒险吧!

鳄鱼侦探布罗格BROK the InvestiGator for Mac破解游戏设定

鳄鱼侦探布罗格(BROK the InvestiGator) Mac破解版是一款COWCAT制作并发行的史诗般的冒险题材游戏,在这个“赛博庞克”背景的未来世界中,动物取代了人类延续了文明的发展。社会顶层的公民都居住在安全的圆顶市区中,而其他的底层人士则居住在环境污染严重的郊区。




鳄鱼侦探布罗格BROK the InvestiGator for Mac破解游戏特色

此游戏首开先河混合了经典的“冒险游戏”元素和“砍杀游戏”的 RPG 元素!
- 完美支持简体中文文本!
- 可以通过智力……或者蛮力去解谜!
- 你的每个选择都会影响剧情走向!
- 提供简单模式:适合只注重剧情的玩家!(可省略战斗)
- 升级角色以对抗更强大的敌人和 BOSS!
- 合成所搜集到的各个线索以揭开真相!
- 游戏内提供各种提示
- 支持所有操作模式(鼠标、键盘及游戏手柄)
- 两个可游玩角色,可以在游戏中随时切换
- 游戏时长高达15到20个小时
- 可以游玩多个周目以解锁多个不同的结局
- 全剧本配音(23000行文本)


A story-driven adventure game that combines action and investigation like never before! Do you use your sharp mind... or your fists?
In a futuristic world where animals have taken the place of humans, privileged citizens live under a dome that protects them from the polluted environment, while the rest struggle to survive.
Brock, a private detective, former boxer, lives with Graff, the son of his wife, who died under mysterious circumstances. Although he was never able to find an explanation for what happened to her, recent events could bring an even sadder outcome... Their existence could be in jeopardy!
Will they be able to face the dangers of this decaying world and face their destiny head on?
A deep and emotional story with characters reminiscent of cartoon characters from the 80s/90s.
The first game to combine elements of "Classic Adventure" with "Beat 'em up" and RPG!
- Solve riddles using your wits... or your fists!
- Make decisions that affect gameplay and story development
- There is a simplified game mode "Point and Click" (battles can be skipped)
- Level up to defeat enemies and bosses
- Match clues to uncover the truth!
- In-game hints
- Supports all kinds of controls (mouse, keyboard, controller)
- Two playable characters that you can switch between at any time
- 15-20 hours of passing the game
- Several different endings

BROK the InvestiGator Mac游戏下载历史版本

版本 下载 备用 密码
1.1.1(59108) 立即下载 其它下载地址 ssay
1.1.0 立即下载 其它下载地址 ssay
文件下载 芯片:✅ 支持Intel/M1/M2/M3 适配:(需64位CPU) macOS 10.14或更高 大小:1.89GB | 语言: 多国语言[中文] | 授权:破解 兼容:✅ Big Sur/Monterey/Ventura/Sonoma运行
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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: