神之亵渎Blasphemous Mac版 砍杀战斗的暴力动作游戏 v4.0.67

摘 要

神之亵渎游戏风格和《恶魔城》相似,主角是一位战士,名为“忏悔者(The Penitent One)”。为了洗刷罪恶,他将手舞长剑和各式各样的敌人作战。

神之亵渎Blasphemous Mac版 砍杀战斗的暴力动作游戏
所属分类:大小500M-1G  动作冒险 适配:macOS 10.12.6或更高 大小:755.05MB | 语言:多国语言[中文] | 授权:破解 最后更新:2024年06月12日
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神之亵渎Blasphemous Mac破解版知您网详细描述的截图



神之亵渎Blasphemous Mac破解版知您网搜集到的Mac os系统上一款黑暗幻想冒险游戏。黑暗世界的生物入侵一个和平的土地,你要发挥你的魔法,战胜这些怪兽,中世纪般的幻想环境,创意性的武器和敌人。末日时代钥匙卡让你通往游戏的下一个关卡,这款游戏给您一个清新的感觉。

Blasphemous Mac游戏下载剧情

一条邪恶的诅咒降临在Cvstodia的土地和其居民身上 - 人们只知道它叫“奇迹”。

Blasphemous for Mac游戏下载特色

  • 探索非直线的世界:穿越各种不同的地形探险,在Cvstodia的黑暗哥特式世界中寻找救赎,战胜可怕的敌人,躲过致命的陷阱。
  • 残酷的战斗:释放诞生于罪恶本身的Mea Culpa剑的力量,屠杀敌人。杀出一条血路,同时获得威力强大的新技能组合和必杀技。
  • 杀戮:释放你的愤怒,享受血腥肢解对手的快感 - 一切都在精美渲染、像素完美的杀戮动画中实现。
  • 定制你的形象:找到并装备遗物、念珠、祷文和剑心,它们会带来新技能和升级,这些都是生存所必需的。使用不同的组合试验,以适应自己的打法。 
  • 史诗般的首领大战:在你和目标之间,有大批巨大奇异生物拦路。了解它们的进攻方式,从他们的致命攻击中活下来并取得胜利。
  • 解锁Cvstodia的谜团:世界上到处是备受折磨的灵魂。有些会给你提供帮助,有些可能会向你索取回报。揭开他们的故事和命运,即可获得奖励并对你所在的黑暗世界有一个更加深入的了解。



A foul curse has fallen upon the land of Cvstodia and all its inhabitants – it is simply known as The Miracle.
Play as The Penitent One – a sole survivor of the massacre of the ‘Silent Sorrow’. Trapped in an endless cycle of death and rebirth, it’s down to you to free the world from this terrible fate and reach the origin of your anguish.
Explore this nightmarish world of twisted religion and discover its many secrets hidden deep inside. Use devastating combos and brutal executions to smite the hordes of grotesque monsters and titanic bosses, all ready to rip you limb from limb. Locate and equip relics, rosary beads and prayers that call on the powers of the heavens to aid you in your quest to break your eternal damnation.

  • Explore a Non-Linear World: Overcome fearsome enemies and deadly traps as you venture through a variety of different landscapes, and search for redemption in the dark gothic world of Cvstodia.
  • Brutal Combat: Release the power of Mea Culpa, a sword born from guilt itself, to slaughter your foes. Acquire devastating new combos and special moves as you purge all in your path.
  • Executions: Unleash your wrath and relish in the gory dismemberment of your adversaries – all in beautifully rendered, pixel-perfect execution animations.
  • Customise Your Build: Discover and equip Relics, Rosary Beads, Prayers and Sword Hearts to give you the new abilities and stat boosts you need to survive. Experiment with different combinations to suit your playstyle.
  • Intense Boss Battles: Hordes of gigantic, twisted creatures stand between you and your goal. Learn how they move, survive their devastating attacks and emerge victorious.
  • Unlock the Mysteries of Cvstodia: The world is full of tormented souls. Some offer you aid, some may ask for something in return. Uncover the stories and fates of these tortured characters to gain rewards and a deeper understanding of the dark world you inhabit.


Blasphemous Mac游戏下载历史版本

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文件下载 芯片:✅ 支持Intel/M1/M2/M3 适配:macOS 10.12.6或更高 大小:755.05MB | 语言:多国语言[中文] | 授权:破解 兼容:✅ Big Sur/Monterey/Ventura/Sonoma运行
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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: