黑暗森林Black Forest Mac 生存恐怖游戏 v2.9(2.1.46)

摘 要

危险、死亡和绝望是Black Forest for Mac破解游戏的特征。作为一个不幸村庄的首领,你的目标是求生。收集资源,维持村庄运转,然后熬过可怕的夜晚。也许你能坚持到救援来临,也许不能。你愿意迎接挑战吗?

黑暗森林Black Forest Mac 生存恐怖游戏
所属分类:大小1G-3G  策略游戏 适配:macOS 10.13.0或更高 大小:2.75GB | 语言:英文 | 授权:破解 最后更新:2024年03月26日
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黑暗森林Black Forest mac游戏下载是知您网搜集到的Mac os系统上一款生存恐怖游戏,欢迎来到黑森林的黑暗中心。你的村庄本应获得丰收,但却引起了黑暗的森林中无情黑暗力量的注意。当危险降临,作为村长,你的任务就是帮助农民抵御怪物,度过黑暗的夜晚。因为森林中最不该惊扰的邪恶力量已经苏醒,并注意到了你。
知您网游戏提供的Black Forest for Mac破解游戏是与众不同的建设游戏。其他游戏的重点是扩张和发展,而Black Forest破解版游戏的重点则是保卫你拥有的东西。战略性地分配村民、采集资源、加强防御。最重要的是,在国王的骑士到来之前,小心维持这些之间的平衡。

Black Forest Mac游戏下载亮点

• 别出心裁的建造游戏 你能利用的资源有效,要在防卫和求生中取得平衡。做出艰难的选择:虽然房屋可以重建,但人死却不会复生。但也许你需要牺牲少数来拯救多数?
• 挣扎求生,而不是打通科技树: 比敌人活得久,而不是征服敌人。你无法与森林对抗,也无法靠武力取胜。你要智取敌对势力,做出艰难的决定,尽量把损失减到最小:你能失去什么?什么必须活下来?无法失去技术树中的哪部分?
• 精密的人工智能:每只怪物都根据一套复杂的规则应对环境,观察并调整自己的行为。你可以为村民分配任务,而怪物则会设法找出弱点和机会,趁你不注意时毫不留情地突袭村民。
• 强大的模拟功能:天气会极大地改变游戏进程。雨、雪或干旱并不只是表面现象。村民需要食物,但干旱意味着村民要去灌溉,但这会占用他们建造防御工事的时间。你的决定很可能会改变游戏的进程。
• 村庄之外还有更广阔的世界:Black Forest的故事背景设定在宏大的Dragon Eye世界中,这是一个面向所有人的奇幻类角色扮演游戏。游戏的战斗将融入复杂的传说和整体故事线,包括边缘世界的决策和斗争。


Welcome to the dark heart of the Black Forest Crack. The inhabitants of your settlement were engaged in harvesting, but attracted the attention of dark forces, the inhabitants of the forest. Darkness is gathering over the village, and your task is to help the villagers repel the monsters and survive the night. But this is not an easy task, because an ancient evil has already awakened and intends to destroy you.
Black Forest is a city building game like you've never seen before. Other similar games are about expansion and development, but in Black Forest your main goal is to hold on to what you have. Strategically assign residents to tasks, collect resources, strengthen defenses, and most importantly, try to maintain balance until the king’s knights arrive to your aid.
Every decision is significant, every loss is final. And when night falls, the merciless hordes of forest inhabitants will give you a cruel test. Remember: until the knights arrive, you and the people of your village can only rely on yourself.
- A unique construction simulator: defend yourself and try to survive with a limited supply of resources. You face a difficult choice: houses can be rebuilt, but lost residents cannot be returned. But perhaps by sacrificing one, you can save many?
- Instead of complex branches of development, there is a harsh struggle. Your task is not to conquer, but to survive. The forces are too unequal for you to defeat the forest in direct confrontation. Your goal is to minimize losses and gain the upper hand through cunning and ingenuity while making difficult decisions. What can you sacrifice? Who should survive? What development opportunities can you do without?
- Cunning AI. Each monster follows a complex set of rules, reacting to its environment, observing and adapting. You decide where to focus the strength of your inhabitants, and monsters look for weak points and are just waiting for an opportunity to strike if you let your guard down.
- Believable simulation. Weather can seriously affect the course of the game. Snow, rain, drought - all this is not just decoration. People need to eat, and if there is a drought, they need an irrigation system. But then we will have to take a break from building defenses. Every decision you make can determine the further course of the game.
- Adventure in a huge world. Black Forest takes place in the world of Dragon Eye, a high fantasy role-playing setting open to everyone. The game's campaign is woven into a complex plot and history, and every difficult decision and battle will have an impact on a world teetering on the brink of disaster.

文件下载 芯片:✅ 支持Intel/M1/M2/M3 适配:macOS 10.13.0或更高 大小:2.75GB | 语言:英文 | 授权:破解 兼容:✅ Big Sur/Monterey/Ventura/Sonoma运行
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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: