Balsamiq Mockups mac破解版是知您网搜索到Mac os系统上一款强大和优秀的产品原型「草图」设计软件,和Axure相比,这款软件的定位在于产品设计的草图设计阶段,并非Axure的高精确的产品原型定位,所以,二者是可以配合使用的,笔者非常喜欢Balsamiq Mockups这款软件的草图组件,让人感觉非常的漂亮,除了Web设计,还支持iPhone移动应用的设计,强烈推荐!
Balsamiq Mockups for Mac软件下载功能介绍
Balsamiq Mockups中文破解版是一款优秀的网站产品原型设计工具,软件由加利福尼亚州的Balsamiq工作室创作,Balsamiq Mockup真正抓住了原型设计的核心与平衡点,既能快速设计草图,又能比较好地进入到平时团队工作的流程和工具中。它基于Adobe Air,能够流畅的在不同浏览器,不同操作系统平台下完美运行,可以在线使用,亦可以离线使用,能够很顺利地将其安装在Windows 7、FreeBSD、Ubuntu等OS上面,高效率地完成一个Case。
Balsamiq Mockups的用途和价值在Web产品设计中,Balsamiq Mockups是产品设计师绘制线框图或产品原型界面的利器。
在产品设计的需求阶段,低保真的线框图或者草图设计介于产品流程设计与高保真DEMO设计之间,在Balsamiq Mockups出现之前,流程图可以使用Visio,高保真DEMO可以使用Axure,但我们并没有好用的草图设计工具;在产品设计管理中,我们通常在产品的业务流程和数据流转已经相当明确时才开始进一步考虑产品的结构层和框架层,虽然此时纸、笔、白板都是非常简单方便的交流工具,但是他们的最大劣势就是——很难将有价值的原型保存下来。
Using Mockups feels like drawing, but because it’s digital, you can tweak and rearrange easily. Teams can come up with a design and iterate over it in real-time in the course of a meeting. Product managers, designers, developers, and even clients can now work together in the same tool to quickly iterate over wireframes, before writing code.
Focus on Content and Functionality
- Low-Fi Sketch Wireframes. Sketchy, low-fidelity wireframes let you focus design conversations on functionality.
- UI Components and Icons. 75 built-in user interface components and 187 icons, plus a whole lot of community-generated components.
- Click-Through Prototypes. Linking lets you generate click-through prototypes for demos and usability testing.
- Export to PNG or pdf. Share or present mockups with embedded links using PDF export, or use a 3rd party tool to export to code.
Never Waste a Minute
- Quick Add for Speed. Lets you build wireframes using your keyboard.
- Drag-and-Drop for Simplicity. Interfaces with drag and drop components–anyone can use it.
- Re-usable Symbol Libraries. Create templates, masters, and re-usable component libraries.
- Keyboard Shortcuts. Use keyboard shortcuts to keep moving quickly.
- Import and Export. Seamless integration with all versions of Mockups, for when you’re back online.
- Works Offline. Work on the plane or in a coffeeshop without an Internet connection.
- Mac, Windows, and Linux. Fully cross-platform.
Version 3.5.18:
- Release notes were unavailable when this listing was updated.
“Balsamiq Mockups” Mac历史版本
Balsamiq Mockups for Mac版 3.5.15 破解版
Balsamiq Mockups for Mac版 3.5.13 破解版
Balsamiq Mockups for Mac版 3.5.8 破解版
Balsamiq Mockups for Mac版 3.5.7 破解版
Balsamiq Mockups for Mac版 3.5.4 破解版
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