星界战士Astral Ascent Mac 动作冒险游戏 v1.5.0(848)

摘 要

星界战士 Astral Ascent for Mac破解游戏(原名:星座上升)是一款以现代幻想世界为背景的2D平台rogue-lite游戏。作为4个性格迥异的英雄之一,你必须设法从花园逃离,这个大花园是一座由12个强大且邪恶的boss守护的星界监狱,另称“十二星宫”。

星界战士Astral Ascent Mac 动作冒险游戏
所属分类:大小1G-3G  动作冒险 适配:macOS 10.12或更高 大小:1.29GB | 语言:多国语言[中文] | 授权:破解 最后更新:2024年05月28日
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星界战士 Astral Ascent Mac游戏下载是知您网搜集到的Mac os系统上一款动作冒险游戏,由Cold Symmetry开发和发行。游戏以奇幻的世界为背景,玩家将扮演一名行动敏捷的战士,探索危险的地下城和恶魔的领域,解开一个古老的谜题。
在知您网游戏提供的星界战士 Astral Ascent破解版游戏中,玩家将面临各种各样的敌人和怪物,需要运用快速的反应和熟练的战斗技巧来战胜它们。玩家可以使用各种武器和能力来对抗敌人,同时也需要利用环境中的障碍和陷阱来获得优势。
星界战士 Astral Ascent破解版注重探索和解谜元素,玩家需要在迷宫般的地下城中寻找线索和宝藏,解开古老的谜题,揭开游戏世界的秘密。同时,玩家还可以通过升级角色的能力和装备来增强战斗力。
游戏的画面精美,场景设计独特,配合精彩的音效和音乐,营造出一种令人沉浸的游戏体验。知您网分享的星界战士 Astral Ascent for Mac破解游戏提供了一个充满挑战和惊喜的冒险世界,让玩家尽情探索和战斗。

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Astral Ascent Mac游戏下载特色

命运的重担想找人一起扛?这个可以有,欢迎邀请好友一起体验我们的双人合作模式。通过本地合作或使用 Steam在线远程同乐功能,和朋友联手把敌人按在地上摩擦吧!
• Ayla: 作为其所属刺客公会唯一的幸存者,她能挥舞双刀在敌人做出反应之前就消灭他们。其速度和精巧是无与伦比的。
• Kiran: 这名孤儿在逆境中体验生活。他可利用自己的力量发动足以产生冲击波的攻击。足够残忍。
• Calie: 这位才华横溢的雕刻家想要重获自由。她将使用她的魔法宝石刺穿敌人的防御并粉碎他们。冷酷无情。
• Octave: 在一位强大女巫的训练下,这位年轻的战士能召唤空灵的武器来攻击他的敌人。在需要的时候,他也可以召唤更强大的武器。招招致命。
• The Merchant: 这个神秘的人物有能力通过回忆遗忘技能展示你真正的潜能。小心点,这是要付出代价的。
• Zim-Zim: 她的温室里藏着可以增加你能力的神奇植物。当然,前提是你能忍受她异想天开和不那么成熟的行为。
• Oloon: 全世界最好的造型师就在这里,随时待命。想改变衣服的颜色吗? 想给头发染个新的颜色? 她能满足你一切需求!
• Papa Yalee: 这只老家伙——快20岁了! - 它能持续分享关于你将遇到的敌人和你跑关的故事。 好消息是……大部分内容都是真实的。
• Sova: Sova曾经是一个强大的女巫,后来由于遭受了诅咒,现在她必须服务于这个大花园。她的过去一直是在默默承受耻辱。
• Ordan:作为花园实际的领导者,这位勇猛的战士帮助英雄们完成任务。她拥有传奇的力量。
• Ikki: 他是Ordan的前夫,也是一名强大的战士,负责英雄们的训练。拥有无尽的兵法知识。


Astral Ascent Crack is a 2D platformer and roguelike-lite game set in a fantasy reality in modern times. Four heroes with unique personalities try to escape from the Garden, an astral prison guarded by 12 godlike and treacherous Zodiacs.
Unlock dozens of abilities for four characters. Improve your proven build and experiment with new spell combinations to defeat 12 powerful bosses. Become stronger with each new attempt, so that one day you can fight the enemy on equal terms. Each race will test your reaction speed and skills.
The Zodiacs are 12 battle-hardened guardians who roam 4 worlds. When fighting them, remember their unique attacks, spells, and patterns, and try to learn their backstory to understand the reason why they are fighting you.
Unique characters. Unique weapon. Unique play style.
- Ayla. The only survivor of the assassin's guild. With her blades, she can finish off an enemy faster than he can blink. Has incomparable speed and professionalism.
- Kieran. An orphan who has had a difficult fate. So strong that he can scatter a crowd of enemies with his bare hands. Beast.
- Callie. A talented sculptor wants to return to freedom. With the help of magic stones, it pierces the defenses of enemies and tears them into pieces. Ruthless.
- Octave. Pupil of a powerful witch. Shoots enemies with ethereal pistols, and, if necessary, can create more formidable weapons.
Astral Ascent is a roguelike with a rich narrative. Replayability is a part of the story that will be revealed gradually with each new playthrough. As you become stronger, you will learn more about the characters, their motivations and the secrets of the world where they are trapped.
Is the weight of fate too great to bear alone? Invite a friend to play with you in two-player co-op mode. Destroy your enemies in local and online co-op using the Steam Remote Play Together feature.
Walk through the vast expanses of an incredible world, drawn entirely by hand. This fantastic land was created by our artists with great attention to detail and was animated frame by frame.

Astral Ascent Mac游戏下载历史版本

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文件下载 芯片:✅ 支持Intel/M1/M2/M3 适配:macOS 10.12或更高 大小:1.29GB | 语言:多国语言[中文] | 授权:破解 兼容:✅ Big Sur/Monterey/Ventura/Sonoma运行
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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: