我的上帝(All My Gods) Mac – 模拟经营游戏 v1.0

摘 要

我的上帝(All My Gods)是一款专为Mac用户打造的城市建设模拟游戏,进入我的上帝(All My Gods)会让你有一种似曾相识的感觉,在游戏里,玩家要收集资源,研究科技,建造自己的城市,非常有趣,喜欢的朋友快来下载玩吧!

我的上帝(All My Gods) Mac – 模拟经营游戏 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v1.0</span>
所属分类:单机游戏 平台:Mac Os | 系统:OS X 10.8及以上 大小:117.11MB | 语言:英文 | 授权:破解 最后更新:2018年02月22日


我的上帝(All My Gods)破解版是知您网搜集到的mac os系统上一款经典风格的城市建设模拟游戏,进入游戏你也许会有似曾相识的感觉,随着游戏的发展会有一个持续的目标需要你完成,收集资源,研究科技,或者扩大你的文明等等。
即使上帝变老了。土星也是罗马最伟大的神之一。他决定退休,并希望他的儿子取代他的位置。神尊敬的理事会接受他的意愿,并欢迎继承人在一个条件下占据土星的地位。他必须证明他是值得他将要接受的信任和神圣的力量。对土星的儿子来说,未来似乎光明灿烂。但并非所有伟大的神灵都愿意在Capitoline Hill迎接新人。火星 - 战争之神每次听到有人在谈论这个新手都会发脾气。最重要的是,我们的英雄爱上了火星所钟爱的金星和火星,决不允许这个年轻人成为上帝。带领土星的儿子到万神殿的顶端!帮助他成为一个强大的上帝!用神力改变罗马人的生活!让你的小村庄繁荣起来,成长为一个帝国!胜过邪恶的神!和好朋友交朋友!赢得他们中最美的人的心!


Become a Roman god! Don't be shy!
Epic game that topped the charts on Big Fish Games and GameHouse!
Even gods grow old. So does Saturn, one of the greatest gods of Rome. He decides to retire, and wants his son to take his place. The council of the gods respectfully accepts his will and welcomes an heir to take Saturn’s place on one condition. He has to prove that he is worthy of their trust and divine powers he is about to receive. The future seems bright and glorious for the son of Saturn. But not all the great gods are willing to welcome newcomers at the Capitoline Hill. Mars – the god of war loses his temper every time he hears someone speak about the newbie. On top of that our hero falls in love with Mars’s beloved Venus and Mars swears to never allow the youngling become a god.
Lead Saturn’s son to the top of the Pantheon! Help him become a mighty god! Use divine powers to change the life of Romans! Make your small village prosper and grow into an Empire! Outsmart the evil gods! Make friends with the nice ones! And win the heart of the most beautiful of them all!
• use divine powers and create miracles
• up to 12 hours of playing
• romantic love story
• new original characters
• unlockable achievements
• fun gameplay
Grab it while you can, and TELL YOUR FRIENDS!


我的上帝(All My Gods) Mac – 模拟经营游戏 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v1.0</span>的预览图我的上帝(All My Gods) Mac – 模拟经营游戏 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v1.0</span>的预览图我的上帝(All My Gods) Mac – 模拟经营游戏 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v1.0</span>的预览图我的上帝(All My Gods) Mac – 模拟经营游戏 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v1.0</span>的预览图我的上帝(All My Gods) Mac – 模拟经营游戏 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v1.0</span>的预览图我的上帝(All My Gods) Mac – 模拟经营游戏 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v1.0</span>的预览图


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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: