TechTool Pro Mac 磁盘检查修复工具 v13.0.4(7072-974d4e4c8)

摘 要

TechTool Pro是一款Mac平台的磁盘检查修复工具,可以通过检测系统文件中的数据来判断你的系统是否崩溃,可以检测整个PRAM芯片,这对于常规Macintosh维护非常重要。而且还拥有网络连接,区域网络等功能,随时监控和保护您的电脑,并可预设定期检查电脑状况,一旦任何问题马上能自动发出电子邮件通知。

TechTool Pro Mac 磁盘检查修复工具
所属分类:大小100M-500M  系统增强 系统:(需64位CPU) macOS 10.11或更高版本 大小:244.36MB | 语言:多国语言[中文] | 授权:破解 最后更新:2021年06月13日


TechTool Pro mac软件破解版是知您网搜集到的Mac os系统上一款强大的硬件监测和系统维护优化工具,不但保留旧版原有的硬件侦测功能,还可检查系统上其他重要功能,如:网络连接,区域网络等。随时监控和保护您的电脑,并可预设定期检查电脑状况,如发现任何问题时,能自动发出电子邮件通知用户。完全在Cocoa下发展,来确保强大功能和Mac OSX的完全兼容。同时也具有全新、易学易用的aqua操作接口与便于导览的流畅窗口等优点。
TechTool Pro具备整套S.M.A.R.T(Self Monitoring Analysis And Reporting Technology)测试程序,通过对软硬件作预先诊断和分析,用户可在硬盘损坏前预先知道,同时能自动监察这些重要数据资料,如发现有可能损坏数据资料的情况,会向用户作出警告,让你在灾难发生前备份重要数据资料。用户甚至于可以将一个整体的Mac OSX启动硬盘安装在iPod上。这个工具不仅可以解除硬盘问题,也可以用于修复资料、重新分区硬盘、使用不同的Mac OS版本开机等。
TechTool Pro for Mac软件下载功能介绍
即使是固态硬盘,Mac的硬盘驱动器也比Mac上的其他任何组件都更容易遇到问题。由于数据如此频繁地变化,它有时可能会被扰乱。因此,能够测试驱动器以解决问题并进行修复非常重要。可悲的是,如果驱动器出现物理故障,则需要备份和更换,但检测到此类损坏的时间越早,丢失的文件就越少,如珍爱的记忆和重要的个人文档。但是,大多数驱动器问题是由于数据存在错误的地方而引起的,可以使用TechTool Pro的卷重建工具进行修复。
如果您的启动磁盘停止工作,并且您需要另一个启动磁盘,则TechT ool Pro的eDrive将提供帮助。eDrive是您用来测试,重建或整理主要硬盘的碎片的功能,但是如果您的主启动磁盘丢失,它将非常有用。eDrive可以让您快速访问TechTool Pro以及几个方便的Apple实用程序,而不必为安装DVD而烦恼,或者依赖Recovery HD的有限功能。如果你喜欢,你甚至可以添加其他程序。
准备好防止数据丢失的最佳方法。除了备份之外,TechTool Pro还包含TechTool Protection,它可以关注垃圾,允许您取消删除不想删除的文件。您也可以备份您的目录结构,数据所在的'地图',这样,如果您需要从损坏的驱动器恢复数据,TechTool Pro的数据恢复工具将确切知道在哪里寻找。更好的是,使用TechTool Pro的卷克隆工具来创建额外的备份。
TechTool Pro的每个副本都包含TechTool Protogo的可移植性。TechTool Protogo允许您创建一个可启动的诊断设备,其中包含TechTool Pro及其所有最强大的工具以及您可能希望安装的任何自己的实用程序。然后,您可以使用此设备根据需要启动,检查,维护和修复Macintosh计算机。只需启动Protogo,从Mode菜单中选择Protogo,然后使用它来设置诊断磁盘。
TechTool Pro包含业界最全面的硬件测试。在某些机器上,TechTool Pro会检查超过100个电气和温度传感器。如果任何这些传感器报告的值超出其可接受的工作范围,新的传感器测试将通知您。TechTool Pro还会测试您的Mac的散热系统,并且可以测试笔记本电脑电池,这样您就可以在小问题发生之前就抓住它们。此外,使用网络和蓝牙测试测试网络端口,WiFi等。
TechTool Pro 7在测试内存方面迈出了革命性的一步,使TechTool Pro的内存测试套件成为Mac上最全面的测试。在TechTool Pro 9中,我们采用了ATOMIC(我们专用的内存测试器)所使用的一些额外优势  ,并将它们集成到TechTool Pro中。现在,内存在测试之前被“清理”,从macOS回收,最大化可测试的RAM数量。
从检查计算机开始,对Mac和硬盘执行完整的诊断检查。只需单击鼠标即可运行SMART检查硬盘驱动器,以检测即将发生的驱动器故障,RAM测试,磁盘目录分析等。如果发现问题,就如何着手修复问题提供建议。定期使用Check Computer作为您的预防性维护计划的一部分。使用内置首选项自定义测试。
TechTool Pro将测试,重建和修复受损硬盘驱动器上已损坏的目录,并在修复数据目录时对其进行优化。Volume Rebuild将在替换目录数据之前显示比较图。使用Volume Rebuild可以让您的硬盘保持最佳性能。
硬盘包括称为SMART(自我监测,分析和报告技术)的技术,可以告知计算机硬盘的健康状况。在大多数公用事业中,只有整体结果 - 通过或失败 - 才会报告给用户。在发生故障的状态下,驱动器完全失效之前,通常很少或根本没有时间备份数据。以前的TechTool Pro版本报告了每个属性的总体状态,但某些属性不会导致驱动器故障。现在,SMART Check变得更加智能。TechTool Pro现在知道哪些属性会导致驱动器故障,并且会在驱动器完全失效之前报告失败的结果。给你时间来拯救你的数据。
TechTool Pro将测试和修复硬盘分区映射。分区映射测试将验证分区映射的健康状况,分区修复工具将修复分区映射中发现的任何错误。
使用TechTool Pro,您可以轻松创建eDrive,这是一个基于活动系统卷的额外启动分区,可用作紧急启动分区或在Mac上执行定期维护。eDrive基于您特定的Mac系统,并包含TechTool Pro用于Mac修复的工具。使用eDrive,无需重新格式化或从DVD或辅助硬盘启动。
TechTool Pro可执行文件和卷优化。文件优化对硬盘驱动器上的单个文件进行碎片整理。卷优化可整合硬盘上的可用空间。要进行完全优化,请在文件优化后执行音量优化。由此产生的优化简化了文件存储布局,并可能提高驱动器的整体性能。
TechTool Pro可帮助您从损坏的驱动器或未安装在桌面上的卷中恢复数据,以将数据保存到其他位置。†使用“回收站历史记录”功能可以跟踪已删除文件的位置并增加恢复的可能性意外删除的情况。
TechTool Pro将通过显示LAN上每台选定机器或Bonjour支持的设备上的活动服务和端口来监视局域网(LAN)的配置。此信息对于加强特定计算机,Bonjour支持的设备或整个局域网上的安全性非常重要,并且有助于跟踪自上次执行监视后不再可用的过去使用的设备。
TechTool Pro包括安装TechTool Protection系统首选项的选项,您可以在其中配置在后台运行的自动功能。特别是,您可以将Protection配置为跟踪已删除的文件,监视硬盘驱动器上的可用空间,保存关键目录数据的备份以帮助在发生硬盘损坏时进行恢复,并监视硬盘驱动器的SMART例程。在TechTool Pro 9中,检查包括扫描I / O错误,开启自检警报,电池问题和RAID错误。如果发现问题,Protection会提供屏幕和电子邮件警报。
TechTool Pro for Mac软件下载功能特色


TechTool Pro has long been one of the foremost utilities for keeping your Mac running smoothly and efficiently. With the release of version 11, it has become more proficient than ever.
Main features:

  • TechTool Protection – TechTool Pro 11 includes the option of installing a system preference pane to keep watch over your Mac. New features include check for I/O errors, Power On Self-Test errors, Mac notebook internal battery condition, and RAID status (if applicable). It also includes the same improvements to the SMART check in TechTool Pro. All of that, wrapped in an entirely new interface.
  • Check Computer – Check Computer is a handy way to tell TechTool Pro to run the entire suite of tests to give you the best possible snapshot of your Mac’s health. Sometimes, though, it’s nice to be able to leave tests out, or to skip certain drives. Using the new configuration panel, you have total control of the Check Computer suite. Power to the people.
  • Partition Map – TechTool Pro has long been known for testing your Mac’s file system. It is important also to test the data structures that contain the Mac’s file system: the Partition Map. The new Partition Map test checks the partition map of a given drive for errors. Partition map errors can cause entire volumes to go missing, or prevent a Mac from booting. If errors are found, they can be repaired usin the Partition Repair tool.
  • Partition Repair – Along with Volume Rebuild, which repairs Mac file systems, the Partition Repair tool repairs the remaining portions of the drive which keeps track of the volumes on your hard drive. This includes hidden partitions which keep track of your Mac’s startup process. The Partition Repair tool does just what it says, repairing the partition maps or drives where needed.
  • SMART Check – Hard drives include a technology called SMART (Self Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology) which can inform a computer about the health of its hard drives. In most utilities, just the overall results – passed or failed – are reported to the user. In the failed state, often there is little or no time to back up data before the drive fails entirely. Previous versions of TechTool Pro reported the overall status of each attribute, but some attributes don’t contribute to the failure of a drive. Now, the SMART Check has gotten smarter. TechTool Pro now knows which attributes contribute to drive failure, and will report a failing result before the drive fails completely. Giving you time to rescue your data.
  • Memory Test – TechTool Pro 7 took a revolutionary step in testing memory, making TechTool Pro’s memory testing suite the most comprehensive test available for the Mac. In TechTool Pro 10, we’ve taken some of the additional advancements used by ATOMIC, our dedicated Memory Tester, and integrated them into TechTool Pro. Now, memory is ‘cleaned’ before testing, reclaimed from macOS, maximizing the amount of RAM that can be tested.
  • Processor Benchmark – Get an objective measurement of your Mac’s processor performance. The Processor Benchmark too uses industry-standard measurement algorithms to test processor performance. Using this tool, you can get metrics that can be used to compare processor speeds apples-to-apples. Avoids the confusion of comparison using Megahertz.
  • Bluetooth – Most Macs depend on Bluetooth to connect to the tools we use to interact with our computers: the keyboard and mouse. Bluetooth problems can result in dropped connections with those devices, which can be very frustrating. Verify the proper operation of your Mac’s Bluetooth hardware. Make sure that not only your input devices, but also your audio and fitness devices can connect to your Mac by checking the Bluetooth hardware on your Mac.
  • Network Interfaces – Most Macs spend the majority of their lives connected to the internet. If the ethernet or wifi adapters in your Mac aren’t working, the valuable connection to the internet can fail. The new Network Interfaces test can test any connected network interface for errors. It not only tests ethernet and wifi, but also any other supported internet connection, ethernet over USB, VPN connections, even a FireWire network conneciton. Ensure the reilability of your internet and intranet connections by testing your Mac’s network interfaces.


Version 13.0.4:

  • Added support for macOS 11 ‘Big Sur’.
  • Fixed a reported crash of the Battery Check test when updating and searching for Wi-Fi enabled devices.
  • Fixed an issue detecting Boot Camp partitions which reside on an APFS volume.
  • Fixed the Check Computer configuration window to correctly support the Data partition for the File Structures test.
  • Fixed Check Computer configuration suites menu when booted from a TechTool Protogo Basic profile device or eDrive.
  • Fixed issues with multiple users in the login window for a Mac OS X Basic device.
  • Fixed a Battery Check crasher reported by users of Mac OS X 10.11 ‘El Capitan’.
  • Fixed battery manufacturer date for new iOS devices which were introduced this year.
  • Fixed Snapshot Usage feature in the TechTool Protection to correctly create snapshots according to user settings.
  • Added a warning dialog for Macs equipped with the Apple T2 chip for TechTool Protogo and eDrive.
  • Added support for user Home directories stored on external volumes for Mac OS X Basic profile devices.
  • Updated Snapshot Recovery APFS snapshot deletion routine for improved performance.
  • Updated Battery Check toolTips to dynamically update the iOS version when a devices operating system is updated.
  • Updated Disk Speed tool icon.
  • Updated the Battery Check status in the Battery Check feature of the TechTool Protection system preference for parity with the application.
  • Updated Sparkle to version 1.24.0 for the Check for Update feature.
  • Updated English, French, German, Italian, Japanese and Chinese (Simplified) localization.
  • Updated model identification strings for the Check Computer configuration panel.
  • Other minor updates and enhancements.


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“TechTool Pro” Mac历史版本


文件下载 系统:(需64位CPU) macOS 10.11或更高版本 大小:244.36MB | 语言:多国语言[中文] | 授权:破解 经确认:支持Big Sur
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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:

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    • 热心网友 热心网友 0


        • 知您 知您 9

          @热心网友 您好!!软件下载完了后,打开会看到有个 “激活方法”文本,打开就可以看到序列号。

        • starckgates starckgates 2

          老大,macOS更新到10.15.2 了,CORE Keygen运行不了怎么办?Catalina系统了

            • 知您 知您 9

              @starckgates 您好!请问有什么提示么??我的系统侥幸也升级至10.15.2了,打开注册机毫无问题!