QSpace Pro Mac破解版是知您网搜集到的Mac os系统上一款简洁高效的多视图文件管理器。她有着和系统访达相一致的操作习惯和界面呈现,同时还支持更多灵活而实用的特色功能。有了它,让你轻松摆脱多窗口来回切换的繁琐,和拖拽时找不准目标的尴尬!
QSpace Pro Mac软件下载功能介绍
知您网官网提供的QSpace Pro破解版有着强大的多视图状态自动保存和恢复功能,这使得她不仅是个文件管理器,更是你的工作小秘书。让你工作的更轻松,工作效率更上一层楼。
另外,QSpace Pro for Mac破解软件还支持丰富的个性化设置:自定义右键菜单、自定义工具栏、自定义触控栏、自定义快捷键、自定义快捷启动。在这里,你完全可以按照自己的方式来~ 界面更简洁,操作更高效!
QSpace Pro Mac软件下载功能特色
- 多视图工作区
• 支持12种视图布局,一键灵活切换。
• 支持创建多个工作区,并可快速切换(快捷键:Option+Command+G)。
• 所有工作区状态自动保存,再次打开即可恢复!
• 支持列表视图2级缩放,按「 Command + 加号/减号」调整图标大小。
• 支持图标视图7级缩放,按「 Command + 加号/减号」调整图标大小。
- 文件管理增强
• 分段式可交互地址栏:快速访问各段目录及其子目录,支持前进后退等操作。
• 可编辑地址栏:支持拷贝、编辑或直接输入路径等操作。
• 快速访问:系统常用目录一键触达,并支持目录书签功能。
• 快速搜索:Command + F 开启快速搜索,并支持对搜索结果进行右键操作。
• 终端快捷键:一键在指定终端打开已选择目录(支持 Terminal、iTerm)
• 编辑器快捷键:一键在指定编辑器打开已选择的文件或目录(支持 VSCode、Atom、Sublime)
• 支持在任意位置创建新文件、文件夹。
• 支持自定义新文件模板,可自定义文件名和文件内容。
• 支持工作区视图之间剪切、拷贝、粘贴、拖拽等操作。
• 支持工作区视图与其他应用之间拷贝、粘贴、拖拽等操作。
- 扩展功能
- 常用设置入口
——– 常见问题 ——–
Q: 为什么打开文件夹时会弹出“允许访问”窗口?
A: 由于苹果系统沙盒限制,正常应用在首次访问某个路径时,需要用户手动确认。在 10.15 系统上,用户个人目录下的“下载”、“桌面”、“文稿”文件夹需要单独在系统偏好设置 > 安全性与隐私 > 隐私 > 文件和文件夹,进行手动开启。
Q: 如何从命令行启动 QSpace?
A: 使用 open 命令携带 -a QSpace 参数即可,为了方便输入可为 open -a QSpace 设置别名。例如,alias qs=’open -a QSpace’。当输入 qs 时即代表 open -a QSpace ,其他参数同 open。如果希望每次启动终端别名都有效,把 alias qs=’open -a QSpace’ 追加到 ~/.bash_profile 里即可(如果 ~/.bash_profile 文件不存在,可以新建一个)。
Version 4.3:
[多语言] 支持俄语,感谢 Юрий Куклин 贡献翻译。
[多语言] 支持韩语,感谢 황정만 贡献翻译。
[新增] 偏好设置 > 常规 > 字体:文件夹、替身字体。
[新增] 偏好设置 > 快捷键:前往书签。
[新增] 偏好设置 > 快捷键:制作符号链接。
[新增] 偏好设置 > 右键菜单:制作符号链接。
[新增] 偏好设置 > 地址栏 > 显示元素:书签按钮开关。
[新增] 偏好设置 > 搜索 > 「排除」前缀字符:!。
[新增] 偏好设置 > 搜索:恢复默认按钮。
[新增] 列表视图,图标预览尺寸最大支持 64×64。
[新增] 分栏视图,图标预览尺寸最大支持 64×64。
[新增] [批量重命名(高级模式)] 支持调整预览图标大小。
[新增] 标签页栏:可接收拖拽文件。
[新增] 侧边栏:“快速重命名”分组。
[新增] 侧边栏:“智能文件夹”分组。
[新增] 搜索窗口:底部状态栏显示项目数量。
[修复] 按键选择时,无法匹配文件名中的空格。
[修复] 按键选择时,无法匹配名称中包含连续重复字符的文件。
[修复] 键盘选择模式下,无法同时展开列表多选文件夹。
[修复] 移动文件夹同名冲突合并完成后,原文件夹未被移除。
[修复] 右键菜单:添加书签,标题显示错误。
[修复] 部分外接磁盘可能无法识别的情况。
[修复] macOS 14 系统:iCloud 文件状态判断错误。
[修复] macOS 14 系统:特定情况下拷贝同名文件时,替换操作失败。
[修复] macOS 14 系统:部分磁盘上文件替换可能导致文件隐藏。
[修复] 分栏视图:重命名冲突时重复提示。
[修复] 拖拽移动已锁定文件时崩溃。
[修复] 分栏视图:从地址栏进入文件夹时,无法刷新文件变动。
[修复] 分栏视图:打开位置无效时,界面显示异常。
[完善] macOS 10.13 界面显示兼容性。
[完善] 脚本接口:副显示器中的窗口区域。
[完善] 脚本接口:支持访问 QSpace 桌面选择项目。
[完善] 列表和分栏视图下的分组显示。
[完善] 任务状态窗口显示。
[完善] 按键选择模式,按 option + 上、下方向键可将焦点移到列表首项和末项。
[完善] [服务器连接] 支持挂载 SMB 服务器共享子文件夹。
[完善] [服务器连接] 避免从阿里云盘下载大文件时的缓存残留。
[完善] 前往书签面板,支持按 Tab 键切换分组。
[完善] 支持从其他应用拖拽文本到 QSpace 窗口时,存储为文本文件。
[完善] 侧边栏:自动刷新智能文件夹分组。
[优化] 部分内存占用过大的情况。
[优化] 键盘选择操作体验。
[优化] 工作区选择面板:使用工作区名称首字母作为选择快捷键。
QSpace Pro Crack is a clean and efficient multi-panel file manager, also can connect to FTP, SFTP, WebDAV, Dropbox, OneDrive, GoogleDrive, Amazon S3 (and S3 compatibles), Aliyun OSS. It has the same operating principles and interface presentation as Finder, but also supports more flexible and practical features. With QSpace, you can easily get rid of the cumbersome task of switching between multiple windows and find what you need by dragging and dropping!
QSpace Pro has powerful multi-panel auto save and restore capabilities, making it not only a file manager but also a secretary for managing your work status. Make your work easier and more efficient.
In addition, QSpace also supports many personalized settings: context menu customization, toolbar customization, custom touchpad, hotkey customization, quick launch customization. Here you can follow your own path ~ The interface has become more concise and the controls more efficient!
Multi-Panel Workspace
* Supports 12 window layouts with flexible one-click switching.
* Supports creating multiple workspaces, and you can set an independent hotkey for each workspace.
* Workspace status supports automatic saving and can be restored by reopening!
* Supports window tabs, you can put multiple workspaces in one window.
Improved file management
* Segmented interactive address bar: quick access to directories of any level, support for forward and reverse operations.
* Editable address bar: Supports copying, editing or directly entering the path.
* Quick access: one-click access to common system directories and support for creating bookmarks in directories.
* Customizable sidebar: Create a custom bookmark group, support drag and drop sorting of items, set different accent colors.
* Customizable context menu: You can customize the display switch of any menu item and its position.
* Customizable Quick Launcher: You can place frequently used apps or services on the toolbar with just one click to open them.
* Quick Search: Supports global search or search within a given workspace, as well as context menu actions on results.
* Terminal Shortcut: Open selected directories in a specified terminal with one click (support Terminal, iTerm).
* Editor Shortcut: Open selected files or directories in a specified editor with one click (supports VSCode, Atom, Sublime).
* File hash calculation supports MD5/SHA256/SHA128/SHA224/SHA384/SHA512/CRC32.
* Supports creating new files and folders anywhere.
* Support for setting up new file templates, custom file names and contents, and file name support date variables.
* Support cut, copy, paste, drag and drop, etc. between panels.
【Improved archiver】
Browse the contents of an archive just like you would browse a folder! You can compress files into zip or 7z format. Supports encryption and multiple volumes. Supports unzipping of more than 20 popular archive formats such as rar, zip, 7z, tar, gz, bz2, xz, lzma, lz4, etc.
【Stash shelf】
You can drag and drop local items and web images onto the storage shelf and then perform unified processing: copy or move elsewhere, share via AirDrop, batch rename, calculate hashes, launch services, and more. Support for the “$stash_items” quick launch variable.
【Advanced Batch Renaming】
Supports real-time preview of modified results. Supports multiple additions, replacements and deletions of text, as well as regular expression options. Supports saving and loading preset rules. Each batch operation automatically writes logs to view previous names.
【Server connections】
Connect to servers and currently support FTP, SFTP, WebDAV, Dropbox, OneDrive, GoogleDrive, SMB, NFS, AFP, Amazon S3 (and S3 compatibles), Aliyun OSS. Similar to working with local files.
Version 4.3:
[New] Support Russian, thanks to Юрий Куклин for the translation.
[New] Support Korean, thanks to 황정만 for the translation.
[New] Preferences > General > Fonts of Folders and Aliases.
[New] Preferences > Hotkeys: Go to Bookmark.
[New] Preferences > Hotkeys: Make Symbolic Link.
[New] Preferences > Contextual menu: Make Symbolic Link.
[New] Preferences > Address Bar > Visible Elements: Bookmark.
[New] Preferences > Search > "Exclude" after: !.
[New] Preferences > Search: Restore Defaults button.
[New] List view: Icon preview size supports up to 64×64.
[New] Columns view: Icon preview size supports up to 64×64.
[New] [Advanced Batch Rename] Supports changing the size of preview icons.
[New] Tab Bar: Accept drag and drop to move or copy files.
[New] Sidebar: Quick Rename group.
[New] Sidebar: Smart Folder group.
[New] Search window: The bottom status bar displays the number of items.
[Fixed] Unable to match spaces in file names when selecting by typing.
[Fixed] Keyboard selection: Cannot expand multiple selected folders.
[Fixed] After moving folder conflicts and merging, the original folder has not been removed.
[Fixed] Contextual menu: Add Bookmark, title error.
[Fixed] Some external disks cannot be recognized.
[Fixed] Press key to select cannot match files whose names contain consecutive repeating characters.
[Fixed] macOS 14: File replacement on some disks may cause files to be hidden.
[Fixed] macOS 14: iCloud file status is incorrect.
[Fixed] macOS 14: When copying a file with the same name conflict, it occasionally cannot be replaced.
[Fixed] Columns view: Repeated prompts when renaming conflicts.
[Fixed] Crash when dragging and moving locked files.
[Fixed] Columns view: File changes cannot be refreshed when entering a folder from the address bar.
[Fixed] Columns view: When the opening location is invalid, the interface displays abnormally.
[Improved] Script API: Window bounds on the secondary screen.
[Improved] Script API: Access selected items on QSpace Desktop.
[Improved] macOS 10.13 interface compatibility.
[Improved] Group display in List view and Columns view.
[Improved] Task Status window display.
[Improved] Keyboard selection: Press option + up and down arrow keys to move the focus to the first and last item in the list.
[Improved] [Server Connections] Supports mounting SMB server shared subfolders.
[Improved] [Server Connections] Avoid cache residue when downloading large files from Aliyun Drive.
[Improved] Go to Bookmark: Supports pressing the Tab key to switch groups.
[Improved] Support dragging text from other apps to the QSpace window and saving it as a text file.
[Improved] Sidebar: Automatically refresh smart folder groups.
[Improved] Some cases where the memory usage is too large.
[Improved] Keyboard selection operation experience.
[Improved] Workspace selection panel: use the first letter of the workspace name as the selection key.
QSpace Pro Mac软件下载历史版本
版本 | 下载 | 备用 | 密码 |
4.2.4(260) | 立即下载 | 其它下载地址 | ssay |
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