诱拐(Kidnapped) Mac 恐怖冒险解谜游戏 v1.4.1

摘 要

诱拐(Kidnapped) Mac破解版中玩家将要在这座有着两百年历史的古老庄园内进行探索,在这样一个散发着浓郁恐怖气息地方的您还能够镇定下来成功解开各种谜题吗?喜欢的友友千万不要错过哦,快来下载吧!

诱拐(Kidnapped) Mac 恐怖冒险解谜游戏 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v1.4.1</span>
所属分类:单机游戏 平台:Mac Os | 系统:OS X 10.7及以上 大小:733.73MB | 语言:英文 | 授权:破解 最后更新:2018年03月29日


诱拐(Kidnapped)破解版是知您网搜集到的mac os系统上一款十分恐怖的第一人称动作解谜游戏,游戏充满着阴暗和诡异的内容,重点更在于该游戏有严重的心理暗示倾向,玩家们将探索一座有两百年历史的古老庄园,揭开里面恐怖而残酷的真相。
诱拐(Kidnapped) Mac版是由Deceptive Games制作发行的一款以「心理作用」为元素的恐怖游戏,游戏以第一人称视角展开,你扮演一名被绑架到古老庄园的人,你需要探索这座古老的庄园,找到逃离的方法。
诱拐(Kidnapped)for Mac是一款以“心理作用”为元素的恐怖游戏,游戏玩法上将强调解谜与第一人称射击战斗。本作故事描述一位叫Sebastian Lee的人,他于1992年凭空消失,而诱拐(Kidnapped) Mac破解版游戏中玩家将探索有两百年历史的古老庄园、阴暗潮湿的洞穴、令人毛骨悚然的森林等场景,而游戏世界的架构也会不断变化,主要目的是要使玩家丧失勇气。


Waking up cold and alone, you've been 'Kidnapped'. Traverse through a terrifying two hundred year old manor, dark damp caves, an eerie forest full of wildlife and more. Kidnapped is a psychological story-driven adventure horror game, with a great emphasis on exploration, puzzle solving and combat. A large number of objects in the game world can be interacted with, whether examined, used, or picked up. Kidnapped dynamically changes the game world as the player progresses, and aims to unnerve the player constantly. Can you find the mystery behind your captivity and most importantly, can you escape this ordeal?
Kidnapped tells the tale of Sebastian Lee from the city of Stirling, Scotland. Sebastian vanished mysteriously without a trace and was never seen again. You take on the role of Sebastian and discover what happened in the winter of 1992.
Primary Features

  • A Dynamic Changing World - The game changes the landscape and direction as you play.
  • Atmospheric Environments - An eerie immersive world is waiting for you to explore.
  • Psychological Experience - Kidnapped has been designed to provide a psychological horror experience.
  • Interactive Environments - A large number of items can be interactive with.
  • Enemies - Multiple enemies including wildlife, such as bears, foxes, stags etc, as well as strange monsters and creatures. You are the hunted, not the hunter.
  • Puzzle Elements - Collect and harness items to aid your survival and progression
  • Weaponry - Take aim and arm yourself, if you can find one.
  • Resolution and Graphics - Designed to run at 1080p at 60fps (dependant on computer specifications game is run on).
  • Audio - Features an intense and immersive sound design.
  • Random Encounters - Enemies spawn dynamically and can be located anywhere. Nowhere is safe.
  • Story - Kidnapped's setting and story is based from actual real life stories of a popular myth lore/legend.


诱拐(Kidnapped) Mac 恐怖冒险解谜游戏 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v1.4.1</span>的预览图诱拐(Kidnapped) Mac 恐怖冒险解谜游戏 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v1.4.1</span>的预览图诱拐(Kidnapped) Mac 恐怖冒险解谜游戏 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v1.4.1</span>的预览图诱拐(Kidnapped) Mac 恐怖冒险解谜游戏 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v1.4.1</span>的预览图诱拐(Kidnapped) Mac 恐怖冒险解谜游戏 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v1.4.1</span>的预览图诱拐(Kidnapped) Mac 恐怖冒险解谜游戏 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v1.4.1</span>的预览图


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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: