果冻塔防(Jelly Defense) Mac – 战略游戏 v2.0

摘 要

现在塔防类游戏是很多,但是经典的塔防游戏为数不多,Jelly Defense Mac 版这款果冻塔防要算其中一款,它设定可爱剧情合理玩法动人,喜欢的朋友千万不要错过!

果冻塔防(Jelly Defense) Mac – 战略游戏 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v2.0</span>
所属分类:单机游戏 平台:Mac Os | 系统:OS X 10.6及以上 大小:75.63MB | 语言:英文 | 授权:破解 最后更新:2018年01月14日


果冻塔防(Jelly Defense)破解版是知您网搜集到的mac os系统上一款战略游戏。这款游戏和以往的的塔防游戏不太一样,这款游戏不再以铠甲小兵、怪兽和冰冷的机器为主,这次主角是非常可爱的果冻,喜欢的朋友快来看看吧!
Jelly Defense是一款Mac OS平台上的塔防游戏适合一家人一起玩,果冻塔防也是一款可爱的塔防游戏。游戏风格相当有趣,你要在果冻星球上,操纵果冻大炮,击败所有入侵的坏果冻们!游戏有着清新多彩的游戏画面,节奏轻快、幽默的背景音乐和音效。
当然这样的带视觉冲击感的色调表现形式也并不是鲜有出现,不过《Jelly Defense》在塔防类游戏上采用了这样的表现形式,还是很令人感觉耳目一新的。


Join the Jelly forces now and lead them to glory in this uneven and fierce fight against the invaders! Use your tactical skills and wisdom to tip the scales of victory in your favor in order to save the Diploglobe and the Jelly nation from the agressors! That's right, you are their only hope - the one they call the liberator, the true leader, the Jelly savior! You are the hero they deserve! Just look at these poor little creatures. They trust you, they believe in you, they rely on you. Can you refuse those big faithfull eyes (or eye)? You're really their only hope!
Download Jelly Defense now and lose yourself in a unique and beautiful world. Lead your army into battle against fantastic and demanding enemies. A magic, addicting, and surreal adventure awaits you. Jump in and become the ultimate Jelly legend!


果冻塔防(Jelly Defense) Mac – 战略游戏 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v2.0</span>的预览图果冻塔防(Jelly Defense) Mac – 战略游戏 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v2.0</span>的预览图果冻塔防(Jelly Defense) Mac – 战略游戏 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v2.0</span>的预览图果冻塔防(Jelly Defense) Mac – 战略游戏 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v2.0</span>的预览图果冻塔防(Jelly Defense) Mac – 战略游戏 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v2.0</span>的预览图


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