Gunhouse(站房) Mac 拼图类塔防游戏 v1.10.0

摘 要

战房(Gunhouse)是由Necrosoft Games游戏公司所研发。游戏采用独特的手绘卡通元素作为游戏背景,以经典的策略塔防作为游戏的核心玩法。感兴趣的知友们不要错过哦,快来和我一起下载体验吧!

Gunhouse(站房) Mac 拼图类塔防游戏
所属分类:大小50M-100M  单机游戏 平台:Mac Os | 系统:OS X 10.10及以上 大小:86.49MB | 语言:英文 | 授权:破解 最后更新:2020年07月10日


战房(Gunhouse) mac破解版是知您网搜集到的Mac os系统上一款集合了拼图类的塔防策略游戏。在游戏中你可以通过组合不同的卡组来发射不同的子弹,并对外星入侵者进行特殊的攻击,因为他们最喜欢的就是吃掉你那些美味的孤儿朋友。
战房(Gunhouse) for Mac破解版游戏背景

具有无限的关卡(您可以永远玩这个游戏),可升级的武器,硬核模式,艺术家胡安·拉米雷斯(Juan Ramirez)独特的视觉风格,布兰登·谢菲尔德(Street Fighter 30th)的“怪异小说”故事,吉姆·克劳福德(Jim Crawford)的代码(青蛙分数) ,以及来自Disasterpeace(hyper Light Drifter)的音乐,也许来自Necrosoft Games的Gunhouse会让您大吃一惊。
战房(Gunhouse) for Mac破解版游戏特色
- 塔防
- 武器升级
- 无限水平
- 奇怪的故事
- 奇怪的boss


Puzzle meets Tower Defense!
Load your guns! Rain death from above! Protect your valuable orphans! Defeat giant, improbable bosses! Gunhouse is part puzzle, part active tower defense, as you make big combos to launch a hail of bullets and special attacks at the alien invaders who would like nothing better than to consume your delicious orphan friends.
With infinite levels (you can play this for ever), upgradeable weapons, hardcore mode, a unique visual style from artist Juan Ramirez, a "weird fiction" story by Brandon Sheffield (Street Fighter 30th), code by Jim Crawford (Frog Fractions), and music by Disasterpeace (Hyper Light Drifter), Gunhouse from Necrosoft Games will entertain the heck right out of you, maybe!

  • Tower Defense!
  • Weapon upgrades!
  • Infinite levels!
  • Strange narrative!
  • Weird bosses!


战房(Gunhouse) Mac游戏破解版知您网免费下载战房(Gunhouse) Mac游戏破解版知您网免费下载战房(Gunhouse) Mac游戏破解版知您网免费下载战房(Gunhouse) Mac游戏破解版知您网免费下载战房(Gunhouse) Mac游戏破解版知您网免费下载战房(Gunhouse) Mac游戏破解版知您网免费下载
文件下载 平台:Mac Os | 系统:OS X 10.10及以上 大小:86.49MB | 语言:英文 | 授权:破解
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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: