密教模拟器Cultist Simulator Mac版 卡牌策略模拟游戏 v2023.12.s.6破解版

摘 要

密教模拟器(Cultist Simulator)这款游戏以经典的桌面游戏为基础,打造出丰富好玩的游戏体系,精美的游戏画面场景设计,一场异教徒的逆袭之旅,欢迎喜欢的知友们前来下载试玩!

密教模拟器Cultist Simulator Mac版 卡牌策略模拟游戏
所属分类:大小100M-500M  策略游戏 适配:macOS 10.13或更高 大小:301.22MB | 语言:多国语言[中文] | 授权:破解 最后更新:2024年07月06日
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密教模拟器Cultist Simulator Mac破解版下载是知您网搜集到的Mac os系统上一款非常有趣的卡牌策略模拟游戏。本作将枯燥的桌面游戏和宗教题材相结合,配上诡异的音乐,赋予游戏新的生命。玩家在游戏中是一个密教教徒,通过卡牌来传播你的信仰,招募更多的狂热信徒,最终通过献祭召唤出伟大的古神。
密教模拟器Cultist Simulator for Mac破解游戏剧情
《密教模拟器 (Cultist Simulator)》是一款有关天启与渴慕的游戏,来自《堕落伦敦 (Fallen London)》与《无光之海 (Sunless Sea)》的制作人 Alexis Kennedy。玩家将扮演一名探索邪恶奥秘之人,而背景则设立在一个拥有隐世诸神与多重秘史的世界的1920年代。或许,你是想追求知识、力量、美貌或者复仇,又或许,你不过是想了解隐藏在世界表皮之下的色彩。
在这部 roguelike 式的叙事卡牌游戏中,你所找到的事物将会永久地改变你。你每时每刻所做的选择,不仅仅只是在推动剧情发展,而是在塑造剧情本身。
密教模拟器Cultist Simulator for Mac破解游戏特色

  1. 在这个充满野心,食欲与厌恶的洛夫克拉夫特式的复杂世界之中,通过组合卡牌来讲述属于你的故事。腐蚀你的朋友。进食你的敌人。历史并非只有一重。
  2. 成立密教,追奉赤杯、双生巫女,或者白日铸炉。招募信徒,然后将他们提升为门徒,令其成为你麾下的窃贼,研究者与爪牙。利用你的门徒,靠他们供养自己——或者沦为他们的给养。
  3. 揭晓奥秘,解开那些不为人知的秘密。翻译魔法书,收集其中的秘密传承。寻找并劫掠被星辰击碎的神殿。刺探司辰的领域,在祂们麾下赢得一席之地。或许,如果你足够狡黠,甚至能够一瞥漫宿的真容。
  4. 用智力战胜敌手,调查人员以及越来越起疑的当局。你自己被改变的胃口很可能会迫使你做出令人憎恶的行为,但你的大业绝对不能停下。
  5. 剧情驱动的继承系统能使您超越死亡。或许,你的后继者能够完成魂之埚仪式。或许,他们会在愉快的日常工作中获得安宁。又或许,他们能够带来拂晓。



Cultist Simulator is a game of apocalypse and yearning from Alexis Kennedy, creator of Fallen London and Sunless Sea. Play as a seeker after unholy mysteries, in a 1920s-themed setting of hidden gods and secret histories. Perhaps you’re looking for knowledge, or power, or beauty, or revenge. Perhaps you just want the colours beneath the skin of the world.
In this roguelike narrative card game, what you find may transform you forever. Every choice you make, from moment to moment, doesn’t just advance the narrative – it also shapes it.
Become a scholar of the unseen arts. Search your dreams for sanity-twisting rituals. Craft tools and summon spirits. Indoctrinate innocents. Seize your place as the herald of a new age.
In this 20-40 hour game, you’ll:

  • Combine cards to tell your own story in a rich, Lovecraftian world of ambition, appetite and abomination. Corrupt your friends. Consume your enemies. There is never only one history.
  • Found a cult, dedicated to the Red Grail, or the Witch-and-Sister, or the Forge of Days. Recruit Believers and promote them to Disciples to serve as burglars, researchers, cat’s-paws. Use your disciples to keep you fed – or feed on your disciples.
  • Unravel arcane, unacknowledged mysteries. Translate grimoires and glean their lore. Locate and pillage the Star Shattered Fane. Penetrate the realm of the Hours, and win a place in their service. Perhaps – if you are very cunning – you may even glimpse the Mansus.
  • Outwit rivals, investigators and the increasingly suspicious Authorities. Your own altered Appetites may force you to act abominably, but your Cause must not be stopped.
  • Transcend death with a story-driven legacy system. Perhaps your inheritors will complete the Rite of the Crucible Soul. Perhaps they’ll find peace in a pleasing career. Perhaps they’ll bring the Dawn.


Cultist Simulator Mac游戏下载历史版本

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2020.10.e.2(42257) 立即下载 ssay
文件下载 芯片:✅ 支持Intel/M1/M2/M3 适配:macOS 10.13或更高 大小:301.22MB | 语言:多国语言[中文] | 授权:破解 兼容:✅ Big Sur/Monterey/Ventura/Sonoma/Sequoia运行
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